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Nandini's pov

Its been 2 months me and Manik are Together and yes that was the best decision of my life I was a fool to run away from him but now I have got to know that no one can love me more than him

I always thought that I am only a nurse I am not rich enough and Manik, he is richest he is handsome I always thought he will leave me one day because I am not his type but living with him made me realized that in love nothing matters if your heart is connected with each other then money, colour, cast, religion, age doesn't matter
we all have to understand this it was my ego or maybe my fear but now everything is good we should never judge a person everyone in this world is beautiful on his own place and everyone deserves to be love and what they want

I was busy in my own thoughts while making breakfast for him when I was wrapped up by two hands

"Good morning beautiful" he said in a sleeping tone while I smiled

"Good morning handsome" I replied

He asked me the reason why I always left him having feelings and I have told him the truth, yes the truth because I think we should never hide anything whatever the consequences will be we should always tell the truth to our partner

"SO where is my morning kiss? He asked and I turned around

"oh so Manik is back again can't you stay like this normal person huh?" I asked

"Uhmm..Noo" he replied and chuckled

"You are-" he interrupted

"I know princess I am stupid I know But now I want my kiss" he said while I smiled and peck on his lips

"Now please let me Work Manik" I said and turned Back to worm

"Fine" he said and left

Manik's pov

I sat on couch smiling like an idiot, she is beautiful she is my princess I love her so much I can't even imagine my life without her.

I remembers when She told me that she left me because she was scared to be jugged but I will never do that and I will also never allow anyone to judge her,  she is mine and it's my choice and according to me she is a lifesaver being a nurse is not an easy job no work in this world is big or small no matter what she is what she do she is my princess and I love her

Now coming to my friends Thankfully Abhi and Mukti have got married, Navya and Cabir are back in a relationship, Shaurya, yes they also joined our group, he and Misha are out of city to spend some alone time while Pooja is happy with her partner

"Mr. Manik breakfast is ready" I looked at her while she was all messed up

"You are looking so cute" I said and she slapped her forehead

"What I am going to do with you Manik like seriously am I looking cute like this I mean just look at me I am all messed up" she

"No matter what you still look beautiful" I said and she smiled "listen" I said when she was going back to kitchen

"I ove you'" I said and she left smiling

Nandini's pov

"Manik I want to ask you something"

"And what it is?" I asked

"I want to give our relationship a name" I said

"What is the meaning of this?" he asked and I closed my eyes, is he trying to play games with me

"Alex I want to marry you' As soon As I said this he slipped out coffee from his mouth and start coughing "Manik are you ok? What happened" I said patting her back

"I am ok" he said taking a deep breath

"Vanessa do you know what you have said?" He asked and I nodded

"Off Course I know what I have said "Marriage?"

"Like from where the hell this word came?" He asked little angrily

"What is the issue with Marriage Don't you wanna marry me?" I asked

"I am not saying this nandini but its to early like we are together from just 2 months like fucking two months and you are saying to get married are you serious" he said

"But Manik I Just want to name this relat-"

"Really is this a way to name the relationship and why, why you want to give name to this relationship don't you trust me or it's something else you think I will leave you? He asked Getting up

"I haven't said this Manik"

"Your meaning was almost same Nandini, look I don't want to marry so soon have you listened I am not ready for this" he said with anger

"Because?" I asked

"What because?"

"Because I am not your type don't say anything let me complete. I think I was right Manik I am not your type  You deserve better I mean just look at you, You are...
you are billionaire and me I am a fucking nurse with nothing" l said with tears

"Have you lost it are you even in your mind I just want to slap you for this precious words you used..look at me" he said and pull my chin up "No matter From where you came what you do what you have or not you will remain my princess and Whatever you do I am proud of it don't say that again" he said looking in my eyes

"Than what's the problem" I asked

"I am not ready to handle the responsibilities please understand I know you want to marry me but its not the
right time Nandini Let's just give some time to our relationship" he said while I nodded without arguing further

Manik's pov

It's been 2 days and she is upset she is not talking much she is not showing but I know her she is sad

"Hello Cabir, I need your help" I said


"Where we are going Manik?" she asked as her eyes were blindfolded

"Listen I have told you thousand times that it's a surprise now can you please sit quietly" I said and she nodded.

We Reached the destination and I took her inside

"Manik I Will fall please open my eyes" she said

"I will not let you fall" I took off her shoes bending down and put them aside

"Its grassy where we are Manik?" She asked and I opened her eyes as soon as she looked up there was a shower of flowers on her "Manik this is so beautiful' she said and smiled While I bend down own my knees

"Miss Nandini'" I said and she looked at me in a shock'"I know you must be surprised but nothing is more important than you to me As I said and also I have promised you I will Fulfill your all wishes so here I am I just
don't know where it will take me or I will be able to handle the responsibilities after marriage but I just want to give our relationship A name Will you marry me princess?" I asked while she was in tears

I instantly stood up "what happened I am sorry if my words have hurt you my intentions weren't to hurt you'" I
said while she was nodding in a no

"I am not crying I am so happy that I Can't handle it Manik I am very lucky to have you in my life I love you So so much" she said and hugged me while I smiled

I put the ring on her finger and kissed her forehead while suddenly all my friends came and hooted, yes they were
here only

"Congratulations" they shouted while Nandini ran to hug them

I don't know If I have took a right decision but she is my first priority and I can do anything for her I can't see her sad I hope for a good future of us And also I Will try my best to keep her happy and save with me.

Soon she will become my wife, my life, my love and my everything and I will always keep her happy

Alina ❤

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