11: His Heart Touching State

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Manik's Pov

I went to her room and surprisingly it Was open. I entered inside Without even knocking the door. I looked around to see her while she was standing in front ot the mirror doing nothing but starring herself.

She was looking sad, is she is okay? What she is doing? I lost Myself in her for a few
seconds but suddenly shook my head coming back on the earth

"You don't have to see yourself like this, you look beautifil in every look" I said while she turned around with a jerk

"Manik What are you doing here" she asked, while I moved a Step closer towards her

"I don't know why I came here" I said to which she looked at me with a confusion

She starts talking a step back as I was moving forward, she Collided with the nearby wall while I locked her in between the wall and me putting my hands on either sides

"Manik-" she said but her voice Left inside her mouth only as like my closeness was effecting her

"What" I asked but she didn't said a word

I moved closer removing the distance between us while she closes her eyes. I held her cheek rubbing her lower Lip. I so want to kiss her but I don't want to ruin everything again.

She opens her eyes looking straight into mine, her hands went on my chest slowly and it was end. I slammed her lips with mine, sucking her lips. She held my collar pulling me close while I held her waist.

I picked her up in the same position and she instantiy locked her legs around my waist. I made her lay down without breaking the kiss.

Hovering over her completely I starts sucking her neck giving wet kisses all over. I so missed this.

"Sss...Stop" her volce made me look at her

"What happened?" I asked

"Leave me" she said while her eyes were wet somewhere


"I said leave me and get out" she said shouting on my face,

"But Na-" she again interrupts me

"Manik party is Over so now get out of my house" she said straight without even thinking twice and it hurts

But at least-" she again didn't let me complete

"I said out" she said showing her finger and I without thinking twice went out

It hurts, hurts a-lot. I went out towards the car while picking the bottles from backseat. I starts drinking one by One

"Aaaaaaa" I screamed as loud as I could

Nandini's pov

I listened his voice and run out I stood near the door. I saw him drinking alcohol which shocked me because I never saw him in this state. One bottle was already broken there

"Why you took me here, If she can't even talk to me properly? Why she again came back, I was living, living with her memories than why, why she again came back, why I again have to bear this pain, she just threw me out, she not tor once thought that it will hurt or not, she had no feelings for me then why she always respond to my touches why, my hopes always build up Whenever I see her but now I got to know that she has no Feelings for me, but the fucking question is why? Am I that bad to be loved?" He was shouting while talking to himself

You did wrong Nandini, you really just threw him out without thinking about his Feelings I said so rude words to him, I was so lost in my thoughts when Suddenly he threw another bottle, the second thing what he did made me shock to the core, he was going to cut his nerve with the broken piece of bottle. Without thinking twice I just ran to him

"Manik...Manik leave it what are you doing" I panicked

I don't Know why but I was crying. I somehow snatched the piece from his hand and threw it away

"What are you doing Manik have you lost it" I sked but he just jerked his hand away from mine

"Yes I have lost my mind, you made me lost myself" he said with serious tone while trying to hold his tears

"Manik it's not the right way, why you are giving yourself pain?" I asked and he just laughed while his eyes were full of pain

"Wow, Sudden concern? You know I love to give myself pain" he said with a huskily tone "and moreover when I do this for you" he said.

My heart beat increased suddenly but I was guilty his state is so heart touching, I don't know why I was crying

"Nandini" he said in a huskily tone and I looked at him "Am I that bad to be loved, why you hate me so much?" He asked and I just nodded my head in no "If no than why can't you just give me one... one chance" he said, this time his eyes were fully drenched.

He was crying while I don't know what to do so I just hugged Him while me to reciprocated

"Please give me a chance I Can't live without you, please for once I promise
I will always keep you happy please" he said in between the hug and I broken the hug to see him.

He was looking down closing his eyes waiting for me to reply him

"Manik I... I Can't" I said And he looked at me

"Its okay" he Said making a distance "I am sorry for wasting your time" he said but he was not Looking at me

"Manik" I said but he didn't looked back "Manik look at me" I said and he turned but his eyes were down "look at me, say something. I know you want to say, so just say it" I said and this time he looked at me

"Did I hurt you that night? He Asked making me confuse

"Which night?" I asked

"That night, when I held you from you arms, when you tried to help me with the doctor and I instead of listening Just shouted on you" he said holding me from my arms but I was still confused why I am not able to remember anything "that night when we shared our first kiss" he completed and this made me remember, I look at him straight "Did I hurt you?" He asked and I nodded in a no "Say in words" he said

"No Manik, but ya little bit" I said and he smiled but it was fake, his face turn in guilt

"I am sorry for all the pains I have given you, please forgive me" he said while looking down and I holding his cheeks made him look at me

"Manik, I have forgiven you already, just am still little angry" I said and this time he pout unknowingly, he was looking like a baby while I pulled his both cheeks to which he was shock

I should try to lighten up his mood

"You know you look so cute doing this type of things" I said and he immediately made a normal face to which I laughed, I saw him smiling back

"You know you look more beautiful when you laugh" He said and I smiled. He was looking normal now

"Manik, Can't we just be friends?" I suddenly asked and he was shocked looking at me like if I am a ghost or an

"Can't you say these words before?" He asked and now I was shock "I mean I am sorry but I was just..." he stopped not able to know what to say while I wanted to laugh that time but l Controlled he was looking Scared making weird faces while I not able to control anymore I just laughed

"Very funny" he snapped

"I am sorry" I said but again starts laughing

Controlling myself with a great Difficulty I looked at him while he was smiling, he came close to me

"So will you be my friend' he asked and I nodded while a bright smile Appears on his face and he hugged me which I also reciprocates, soon he broken it

"Uhm-" he tried to say

"t's ok'" I said "Come I will show you the room" I said and he nodded as the couples are sleeping in the living room so I gave him a guest room "I know Its little dirty" I said entering inside the room

"Its ok" he said while after Little chit chats I went to my room to sleep

Alina ❤

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