chapter 19

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        Soo you're trying to tell me my daughter slipped and fell? He asked rage dripping off every single pore in his body

         Yes she did, Kabir replied nonchalantly as if speaking about the weather

          What do you have to say about the palm marks found on her face then? He asked again feeling like burying the guy six feet under

          I don't know about it, maybe her boyfriend did it, Kabir said

        Boyfriend?? Are you accusing my daughter of adultery right now? He asked again, this time shocked

            It's not accusing if it is true, he was the one that dropped her off the day she fell, Kabir added

       Soo what you're are trying to say is that her boyfriend dropped her off that evening and coincidentally he slapped her that day and she slipped and fell the same day, I'm sure you too do not believe that story, Ya Moha said surprisingly calmer than his father but not the cool kind of calm but the kind of calm before a storm

       That's how it is and if you feel there's anything wrong with the story, that's your problem, he said starting to stand up and leave.

       Would you sit back down, are you mad? Kabir's father thundered. You just caused a major havoc to your wife and caused her parents Soo much pain and you think you can speak that way and up and leave?? What has gotten over you, you're not the son I raised. His father said, his eyes becoming glassy with unshed tears

         Please, I'm Soo sorry for the beast my son turned into and for what he has done to your daughter and family. If I were to say I wasn't aware of what he was doing to her, it would as an excuse to you but I'm unaware of all that was going on and if not when you called, I had no idea of any of it. I want to plead with you to please find it in your heart to forgive him and my whole family, we are ready to pay all the bills for her treatment, don't take it as a bribe but as a way of of atoning for a small part of our sins, Kabir's father begged with his hands clasped together

        I appreciate the act that you feel sorry for your son's inactions but I won't hold on pressing charges, even if that's the last thing I do. Your son would rot in jail  and wish he hadn't touched a strand on my daughter's head, Afsh dad said with Soo much venom and hatred in his eyes

         No please, do not do that. I can't lose my child to jail please, I'm begging you. Kabir's mother said wailing on the floor with mucus running down her nose which she blew on her wrapper

          Ohh mum... They would try it because only I know where their granddaughter is and if I am jailed, they would never find her and sole custody would belong to me, Kabir said with a devilish smirk

       You wouldn't dare, Afsh father thundered immediately rising from his feet. I won't let a monster like you keep custody of my granddaughter, I will fight teeth and nail for her

        Ohh you wouldn't because if you try anything, you'll have to say goodbye to your granddaughter FOREVER, Kabir said making sure they got his underlying meaning  by stressing on " forever"

            You... Afsh father was about to reply when Ya Moha held his shoulder. Dad, let's just take the girl and go, he said hurt evident in his eyes

           Are you saying we should let this man go, the man who caused for your sister to be lying in coma? He dad mirroring his hurt

           Dad what other option do we have? It's either we safe Noor or imprison him and with the devilish glint in his eyes, I read he would go ahead with his threat, Moha said, trying to get his dad to reason with him

           But still, how can we let him go free? Her father said, his eyes turning glassy as he already knows which decision he would make and he sure would regret it.

           If she were awake, she would have wanted us to safe her daughter and take her as far away from him as possible, Ya Moha said

         Okay then, her dad said wiping his tears. Turning to Kabir he said, you'll go and bring her today and would sign an agreement that you'll never come for her or even go close to her. You'll also divorce my daughter thrice and then we'll have no reason to meet , ever again.

          That sounds fair enough, Kabir said with a smile as he headed for the exit.

------ End of Flashback ------

         Staring at Afsh now, he was sure he made the right decision as that is what she would have wanted too. Noor fouund it hard to adjust without her mum at first but she's warming up to her grandmum now although he would have preferred to hire a nanny for her because he didn't want to trust his little girl with his wife but what to do, she's doing a great job with the girl.



       Baeby, won't you come massage me, Kabir's new wife said to him from where she was lying on their bed, Afsheen's former matrimonial bed.

        Give me a minute babe, he said as he quickly rounded off the paperwork and joined her on the bed and taking her legs on his lap and carefully massaged it.

                Do you know it's our one month anniversary tommorow? She asked him with a smile

      Of course I do, how could I forget? The say I got married to this beauty damsel

           Ohh but you didn't think I was a beauty damsel when you were with her. She said with a pout

              I don't know what was wrong with me then, maybe she tied me down but immediately I became free of her, I knew you were the one I want to spend forever with, he said kissing he feet. Besides that chapter is over and we should be thinking of  better tommorow and not bitter past.

      We sure can do that. She said as she hugged him.

_________THE END.

I know, I know, I know. You guys are upset, this shouldn't be how it ends but I want to plead that we focus on what the novel is teaching instead. This is no random romance fairytale bla bla bla. It is meant to teach something. Follow me to the next chapter and discover what I wished to pass by writing this book. THANK YOU.


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