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You stood there stunned by her beauty, Charlie was amazed that a stranger is now standing in front of her but happy that she see a new face at the hotel. "Do I know you? Oh! Or did you come here to rehabilitate yourself?!" You were surprised at her speed of speech, but you still managed to nod. "Come! Tell me everything you want to tell me,
I will answer them with satisfaction!" She gesture for you to follow her inside and you obey, you sit on a red sofa and you are faced with a big smile from Charlie. "Now, tell me what you have to say, I will listen carefully." She said with a pen in hand about to write everything important information, and you started talking.


And your speech has come to an end, Charlie was in awe while looking at you, but She came back to reality when you coughed and she was withdrawn from her space and she smiled awkwardly at you. "But, how did you end up in hell if you were a clean person? Possibly you just forgot something in your memory or perhaps you had an accident and it caused your memory to fade?"

You thought what she said, lost memory? but you don't remember an accident in your life, sure, you've been hit by a bullet in the arm, but nothing severe. Noticing your deep thought, Charlie coughed to get your attention. "Don't shower your mind with a question, it's just a theory, we're not sure if you lost your memory, or you did something wrong, like killing a fly!" You raise a brow, killing a fly isn't even a sin, she stands up and went to the door, and you follow her "We better resume this conversation later, or! If not, you can just chill at the lounge with the hotel staff!" She opens the door and she gestures for you to step outside. "I will be here if you ever want to ask anything, and I will gladly help! I'm sorry if I didn't properly introduce myself, I'm the-" you cut her off. "Princess Charlie, I, also didn't introduce myself, my name is Y/N Vasquez, querida princess." You take her hands and kiss them, she was startled, but immediately relaxed but immediately full her hand away. "Sorry, I just don't want my fiance to see someone kissing my hand." "Oh, I understand, if you don't mind, I will be on my way to my room." "Oh! Go on, I have better things to do, see you later then! Have a great stay at the hotel!" You wave goodbye as you went straight to your room and will take a long sleepy nap.


You woke up to someone banging at your door, you groan and stretch your arms and sleepily walk up to the door, and you slowly open it to see the little woman again with one eye. "Hi, handsome! Breakfast is ready!" "Huh? Is it morning already? I just slept for a while." You scratch your neck. "Yes! there is no morning and night in hell, the time is advanced here so you can sleep whatever you want! Oh and also, you better be there, Angel might devour all of the food!" She speedily walks away and goes in the other direction, you yawn and change into some clean clothes and go to the kitchen to eat breakfast or... lunch...aand so! You went there, You see the Hotel stuff already sitting on the table but there is one missing. Ah! Y/N! You are still alive! Come, sit down! " Alastor called out to you and everyone sitting at the table looked at you and you smiled at them as they approached the table and finally sat down. You sat down next to Alastor and Vaggie was in front of you, you noticed that there was no food yet, so, you tried to have a conversation , but everyone seems to be busy with what they are doing and you patiently wait for the food to arrive, but you catch Vaggie's eye looking at you and you turn to her and she immediately turns in the other direction. Before you startle Vaggie, the kitchen door opens and the one who shows up is none other than Angel Dust while he has a plate of food in his hand and he has an apron tied around his waist and it says "Kiss the cook" and he winked at you and blew a kiss to Alastor and Alastor rolled his eyes and resume to read his news paper. "The food is ready babys~ I hope you like my cooking~" Says Angel as he sat down next to Vaggie and winks at you again and Vaggie groans on annoyance. 

"Is this...eatable?" Husk say as he look at the food with disgust in his face. "Apparently not, Husk, but we haven't yet confirmed whether it's edible or not," Alastor said as he poke the suspicious food with a fork. "I'm with Alastor, just these ones," Vaggie says as she looks at Angel sideway. "Hey, I just cooked for you all and you're going to complain ?! Will you guys learn to appreciate at least?!" Angel said offended, you look at the food, They're right, they don't seem to eat it, but what they always say, don't judge the book by its cover, so, you serve yourself and you taste the food, while you're chewing, Vaggie looks at you, she's wondering why you tasted, and angel, he was happy to see someone eating his cook even tho its looks disgusting. "It's not that kind of bad, you can only eat it when you are in a difficult situation so it is okay." You said as you took a bite again. "Well hey, at least the big fella taste my cook even though that feedback is not that I expected." 

"B-Big fella?" You stutter while chewing. "What? Don't know what big fella is? Heh, just consider it a compliment babe, even though I still didn't even see how sizes down there~" Angel said, making Vaggie blush hard and Alastor click his tongue, tired of Angel's sex jokes, while Husk didn't even care to listen to the conversation and focusing to drink his cheap booze. 

As time passes, dinner is over, Husk and Alastor left the table, and only Y/N, Vaggie, and Angel remain, Vaggie puts away the dirty plates one by one and puts them in the sink, Y/N approaches Vaggie and offers to help her. "Need a hand?" Vaggie looked at you and smiled. "All right, as long as you don't blame your decision." You two chuckled softly and started washing side by side quietly, Vaggie handed you the clean plates and put them in the right place, as she handed them over, your hand accidentally touched and Vaggie suddenly let go of the plate and fell to the floor and shattered to pieces. "Shit, another plate shattered, don't worry, this always happened to me." She bends down and picks up the shattered plates one by one. "Let me help." You bend down and pick some pieces. "No, it's okay, I can do it my- Ow!" Suddenly, her finger started to bleed, and some droplets on the floor. "You cut yourself, do you have any kit?" You ask, she pointed to the cabinet and you immediately rush and took it and your back with to clean her cut. "This will only be quick." And you started to clean her cut, she whines when you applied some alcohol but you smile at her so that she will not be scared, as a second pass, her finger is finally wrapped with a clean bandage, as you look at her again, you notice she's starting again, and it makes you uncomfortable and blush, your so focus on wrapping her cut and didn't notice she's staring, Realizing she's staring again, she looks away and gulp. "Thank you..." She said quietly. "You're welcome..." Your back with your feet and you reach out your hand to her, she hesitates but gladly accepts, the two of you lock eyes, but that moment is ruined when you herd a click sound, you look at the door to see Angel with his cellphone in hand and laughing quietly. You can feel Vaggie's hand heating in anger. "Damn, it looks like I'm just in the cinema, why did you stop? Just keep going and when I post this on hell tube we might get rich!" he said as he post some pictures and started recording. "DON'T YOU DARE!" VAggie warned. "Oops, too late toots."

Ready yourself Angel XD

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