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「sep 2014」

New York wasn't where Ash had expected to live. Truth be told she was a small-town girl who  hated change. Looking down at the photo resting in her hands, a small version of herself snuggled between her parents, puppy in hand staring back, it finally hit that she was no longer that wide eyed naïve girl. No more lazy Sundays with dad or girl's trips into town with mum. Sure, her parents told Ash they would love her no matter what, but that was before coming out as a lesbian. Since telling them she hadn't even got so much as a text. After trying to reach out what seemed like the hundredth of time, Ash had finally taken their silence to mean they wanted nothing to do with her. No breakup in the world could've prepared her for a pain and heartache like this.

Folding up the photo and placing it carefully into her pocket Ash knew she couldn't look back. It stung looking down at her phone to no new messages, but with nothing holding her back it pushed her straight into a fresh start. Even if she weren't sure if she was ready for one.


Ash's phone alarm blaring almost shook the plaster off her bedroom walls if you could even call it that. She was broke and it was the only apartment even remotely affordable. The paint was peeling and something, which Ash hoped was just mould, had made its home in the kitchen.

» Ash's pov «

I rolled out of bed, trudging over to what my landlord claimed was a 'luxury bathroom' but was closer to a porta-potty and a hose. A very brief, very cold shower was all time allowed for before shoving on my best clothes, putting on the last of my make-up, grabbing a slice of toast, and running out of the house and onto the subway. Forced to sit next to a guy who smelt like a mixture of hotdogs and BO, my morning was not off to a good start. All my strength used up trying not to vomit, so by the time I got to the modelling agency, I looked more like a zombie than a human. God, I just needed to get the rejection over so I can move on with my life and get a job in a coffee shop or something.

Elite Model Management

My hands were clammy from all the nerves, I could barely hold the door handle. After finally getting a grip (both mentally and physically) and stepping through the door I was immediately surrounded by some of the most attractive people I had ever seen in my life. It took everything I had to not walk out the door when my name was called.

"Laurier, Ash Laurier"

As I heard my name spoken, my stomach found a way to drop down towards my legs. I sheepishly stepped forward to the receptionist, whose eyes had completely glazed over as she pointed towards an elevator.

"Floor Four"

Her voice was monotone and did not help the anxiety at all.

Light elevator music seemed to taunt my nerves even more as I glided through the floors, stopping with a hum at floor four. I saw one large office, completely exposed with glass walls. My eyes fixated on a beautiful woman who sat as far away from the door as possible. She held her hand up, gesturing for me to come in.

Her face was stoic and expertly framed by a perfectly styled silver bob. If I didn't know better, I would've thought she was one of the models too. Her gaze landed on me, her eyes glancing up and down before letting out a small smile.

"Please take a seat"

I sat, as gracefully as possible, opposite the woman who now had full control over my future.

"So Ms Laurier, are you sure you want to be a model?"

I shifted in my seat, trying to appear as calm as possible.

"I'm positive. This is the only career I truly want"

With everything I could muster, I attempted to sound even remotely confident. The woman looked satisfied with my answer, writing something down on her computer. Her face softened slightly, looking up from her computer in a less intimidating manner.

"You haven't got an emergency contact, is that a mistake?"

My face dropped knowing full well why there was no number in that box.

"No there's no mistake. I have no one to put under that box. You may think that makes me vulnerable, but it means I will throw everything at modelling, no distractions."

Whilst saying this I kept complete eye contact with the woman sitting opposite, completely serious the entire time. It was probably the first time I had spoken about having no one where I didn't burst into tears. Maybe it was the nerves or maybe it was just because I was sick of them holding me back.

The small smile returned to the woman's face. She stood up, hand outstretched. I got up out of my chair shaking her hand firmly but politely.

"Thank you for your time, Ash Laurier"

"No, thank you for seeing me..."

My voice trailed off trying to find her name plaque but having no luck.

"Oh yes, I forgot to ever introduce myself, Alexandria Morelli. Remember the name, you will be hearing from me soon"

She winked before gesturing towards her door. I smiled at her one last time before walking out of the building as quickly as possible.

The sun hit as soon as I left, causing me to bump into yet another beautiful human trying to get into the building I had just come from. After making sure I was a good distance away from the modelling agency, I let out a sigh of relief I hadn't realised I had been holding.

This was the beginning of my new life.

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