Chapter 2

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George woke up again, today he went to Florida, Oh shit... Why am I so nervous?? Dream's been my best friend for years. George brushed it off and got off to get ready to leave, he had packed his stuff the night before. He grabbed his bags and went to the airport. When he boarded the plane he got another strike of anxiety. He sat down in his seat and put his earbuds in. A familiar song played. Road shimmer wigglin' the vision, heat heat waves i've been swimming in a mirror, "Hello!" A boy with dark brown hair said. George took his earbuds out and looked at them. "I'm Toby but everyone calls me Tubbo!" The boy said, holding out a hand, "Oh, uhm. I'm George." He said, grabbing the boy's hand. "So where are you going?" Tubbo said. "Oh, I'm visiting a friend." George said, there's that word again. Friend "Aww Cool! I'm visiting Florida with my friends, Tom and Ranboo!" Tubbo said with a smile, looking behind him. George looked and saw a guy with a black and white split mask and a suit, and sitting beside him was a blonde boy wearing a red and white tee shirt. I wonder which is Ranboo, George thought. George was about to put his earbuds back in when Tubbo said something again. "So what are your friends' names?" George put his earbuds on his lap. "Oh, uhm. I'm visiting my friends Karl, Alex, everyone calls him Quackity though, Nick, Everyone calls him Sapnap, and Clay who we all call Dream." A lot of George's anxiety went away talking to Tubbo. George said. Tubbo gasped, "Wait are you Georgenotfound??" Tubbo said, getting all excited. George was surprised. "Uhm, yes, I am." George said nervously. "Aww!" Tubbo turned around to face his friends, "Ran! Tom! I'm sitting next to Georgenotfound!!" He yelled. A bunch of people looked at them and stared at him. That anxious feeling was back again. He looked forward and shoved his earbuds back in his ears. Next thing he knew he was in Florida. He said goodbye to Tubbo and got off the plane. He took out his phone and began texting Dream


Heeeyyy I'm here.


Okk I'm driving there now, Karl and Alex are already here lol :p


K sys

George waited for a bit, then he saw a tall dirty blonde dude with a green sweater. George smiled, It was Dream."Oh Dreammm!" George yelled running towards him, "George!" Dream yelled back running at him as well, and they hugged each other for what felt like forever. George didn't want to let go of him. He was warm. He was comfortable. "Someones excited to see me," Dream said. George's heartbeat went up as he said that and he backed out of the hug. "You're so short," Dream said with a laugh. "Oh shut up" George said laughing back. "So how have you been?" George said. "Eh, Normal?" Dream said. He grabbed George's hand and started running "DREAM WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?" George yelled when they were runnin. "Okay, we're here." Dream said. He saw a red sports car in front of him. Damn he has a really nice car George thought to himself. He got in the passenger seat and Dream got in the drivers. Dream started driving and they were both silent nearly the whole time. He's so pretty. George thought as he looked over at Dream. Dream glanced over at Georgeand saw him looking at him. "Like what you see?" Dream said, taking one of his hands off the steering wheel to ruffle George's hair. "Oh my God you're an idiot Dream." George said. "You know you can call me Clay, right?" Dream said. "Oh, uhm, Yeah, but is it okay if I call you Dream instead..?" George said, playing around with his hands. "Oh, Yeah sure," Dream said. "We're here." Dream said as he pulled up to this huge house. Nice car and a nice house. Damnnn. George thought as he got out. He was greeted by Karl running out the front door to hug him "GEORRGGEEE!!" Karl yelled and hugged him. "Uhm, Hi karl." George said laughing. Sapnap was in the doorway with Quackity running out to him as well, "GOGY" Quackity yelled. "God you guys are loud." George said as he backed out of both hugs. George looked up at the door and saw Sapnap. He smiled and walked up to him. "Hey Nick!" George said. "Hey." Sapnap said. "You're oddly quiet, is everything alright?" George said. "Yeah it's just that. No one has really been paying any attention to me. All Dream's been talking about is you, and Karl and Alex are almost constantly with each other. And I know I'll just make an argument if I say anything. And I love them more than anything so I can't lose them." Sapnap said. "Oh no.. Wait, love. Do you mean that platonically or what?" George said. "This time it's not platonic." Sapnap said. Sapnap released what he said and looked George directly in the eyes "You can't tell them I said that!" Sapnap said. "I don't want to lose them..." Sapnap said. George hugged him, "Don't worry, I'll be more busy worrying about my feelings for Dream." They both laughed. "Wait. FEELINGS FOR DREAM??" Sapnap Whisper-yelled "Now you can't tell him i said that" George said laughing. Sapnap laughed. "NICKKKK" Karl yelled, running up to Sapnap and hugging him. George looked at him and smirked. Sapnap lip synced Shut up. To George. 

919 words :D

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