Chapter 5 (The spicy one B])

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Dream got George a cup of coffee and handed it to him. "Soooo. are we gonna talk about last night? Or, like nah." Dream said sipping his coffee. George laughed awkwardly. "W-what are you talking about Clay??" George said. "Ok. first off, You never call me Clay you always call me Dream. Second. I'm talking about you using me as your own personal body pillow.!" Dream said with a laugh. "Uhmmm." George sat there and began tapping his foot. Dream walked towards George and put one hand on George's cheek and looked him in the eyes.  "George.." Dream said in a deep voice. Georges face turned red. What the hell was happening?!  "Aww, George, am I  making you blush?" Dream said, still with his deep voice. "Dream, wha- what are you doi-" George didn't even get to finish his sentence, Dreams lips met his. George was suprised at this but enjoyed it deeply at the same time. He put his hands at the back of Dream's head. Dream did the same to him. pushing each other deeper into the kiss. But a kiss wasn't enough, George wanted more. but he knew he couldn't get more. He tried backing out of the kiss but Dream pulled him back in. they made out for what felt like hours. It was like the entire world had disappeared. He heard a voice that finally broke the kiss. "George? George!? Hello?? Earth to George??" Dream said. George looked up at him. "Oh, Uhm. Sorry I spaced out. What were you saying?" George said. Dream smiled, "You're such a dummy" Dream said laughing. "What I was saying was.. You know what? It doesn't matter! Me and the others are gonna go out, you wanna come?" Dream said. "Going out? But isn't it.." George looked at the clock on his phone. "HOLY SHIT ITS 1 O'CLOCK??" George yelled. Dream laughed. "Oh my god you are a dummy!" George laughed back. "Oh Shut up!" George said. "I'll come with you guys just let me change first." George said, and Dream nodded. George ran up the stairs. Jesus Christ.. What the hell was that!? Why did you think about that. Hes straight Hes straight Hes straight HES STRAIGHT GEORGE JESUS. George thought to himself, tears started to fill his eyes. He wiped them and went to his bags to find his clothes. He put on his strawberry milk shirt and a pair of jeans. He walked downstairs to find everyone  waiting for him. He immediately noticed Sapnap holding Quackity and Karl's hand, George looked into Sapnap's eyes and glanced over at the two. Is it like, official? George mouthed to Sapnap. Sapnap nodded in response. George did a little excited movement and gave Sapnap a thumbs up. "Ok, We've got everyone, let's go!" Dream said. 

466 words! :]]] btw IM AT 116 IN KARLNAPITY STORIES OUT OF OVER 3000 OF THEM?? HAH?!!

Literally TSYMMMMM AAAAAA Ty for reading my fanfic, next chapter should be out in a day or two, TYSMMMMM

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Literally TSYMMMMM AAAAAA Ty for reading my fanfic, next chapter should be out in a day or two, TYSMMMMM

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