Chapter 4

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George couldn't sleep all night. He couldn't stop thinking about Dream. His head was so loud. suddenly something wrapped around his chest. It was Dream.. He started panicking as this happened.  what the.. What's happening??? He rolled over to face Dream. He's so pretty..  he thought again as he looked at Dream. he moved slowly closer to Dream, making sure he didn't wake him up, resting his head in his chest. I, I shouldn't be doing this.. it was probably an accident, Dreams straight, Right?  He literally doesn't like me back. He started to drift to sleep. I, should...  George fell asleep in Dreams warm arms.  

(in the morning) 

George woke up and realised Dream was gone. Crap, CRAP CRAP! Hes gonna tell Sapnap and Karl and.. and Quackity...! Shiittttt  He jumped out of bed as fast as he could. Ugghh I was gonna get out of bed before him so he couldn't tell anyone shit shit SHIT!! He went downstairs to see Dream and Sapnap talking. Sapnap bit his lip to stop his laughter. "I'm gonna let you two have some alone time." Sapnap said then giggled. "Shut up Pandas. And go wake up Karl and Alex well you're at it dumbass." Dream said, laughing. As Sapnap ran out of the room Dream looked directly at George. "Coffee?" Dream said. "Oh uhm.. sure." George said tucking his hair behind his ear. 

A.N: Warning, things get kinda... SpOiCy in the next chapter 

242 words! Btw sorry its another short chapter lol. 

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