chapter 1222222222222222222222

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As the boys heard the voice of the girl, Dream hid his face into George's chest, He knew something was up with him, he was acting like such a child but he didn't care, he was scared of what would happen between him and George, he didn't want to lose George, Sapnap got up and ran off. Dream felt George put his arm around him, "Hey, Dream, it's okay, you're okay, she's not gonna hurt you," George said in a very soft tone. George's voice was very calming, almost made Dream tired in a way, the calming voice of George comforting Dream was then broken by the 7-11 employee yelling, Dream felt himself flinch and tears began running down his face again, he hid his face George's chest again, it was weird, he never reacted to loud noises like that at all. He looked over at the end of the isle to see Sapnap throw something to Karl, George pushed Dream out of his lap lightly and helped him up, "Hey, c'mon Dream we have to go, " George said extremely softly.  Dream mumbled lightly as he got up. He looked over at where the yelling was coming from, and he saw the girl and the employee fighting. Dream got scared at all the yelling, he gripped George's hand really hard, George looked over at Dream, as they got out of the store and walked to Dream's car. George got Dream into the car and closed the door. He got in on the other side and slid himself into the middle seat. As soon as he got his seatbelt on Dream rested his head on Georges shoulder. George put his arm on Dream's shoulder, putting his hand in his hair, lightly stroking it. Doing this made Dream yawn and adjust his head slightly. George could feel Dream's breath on his neck, which made George smile. "Hey uh, George." Sapnap said from the front of the car.  George hummed in response. "Did you.. Did you know about Dream's regression?" Sapnap asked. "Yeah, he told me about it a couple years ago, I kinda just knew what to expect?" He said. Sapnap nodded. "Well, glad I'm not the only one who can take care of him when that shit happens," Sapnap said. George laughed lightly, making sure not to wake Dream up. 

Time skip cuz i'm lazy <3

Dream began waking up, he immediately noticed he was in a car. He shot up, then noticing, Karl was driving. "Hey, Dream, are you alright?" George asked. Dream took a deep breath "Sorry, just.. I need to know my surroundings, you know?" Dream said, George smiled back at him.  "Were here lovebirds." Karl said, giggling after his sentence. George stopped walking at one point and thought for a second. "wait.. NICK? DID WE EVEN PAY??" George said in a panicked voice. "WELL TECHNICALLY NO BUT IM FRIENDS WITH THAT EMPLOYEE AND I EXPLAINED EVERYTHING SO HE LET IT SLIDE"Sapnap yelled back. As everyone got inside Dream and George went back to Dream's bedroom. 

Another time skip cuz im lazy asfff 

They literally layed there together . NOT CUDDLING THO THATS LATER.

As they layed there together in bed, (not touching because they're not gay. ) George decided to move himself closer to Dream, he climed onto Dream and layed on his chest. Dream laughed lightly. "What's this George?" Dream said, smiling.  "Affection."  George said, "Huh, interesting." Dream said with a smirk. George pushed himself  off of Dream and straddling him"What? Unless you don't want it??" George said. Dream grabbed George's waist and tossed him over on the bed, facing up. Dream grabbed George's hands, pinning him down to the bed, "Oh no, I'm so scared.. Like what are you gonna do, Huh??" George said, getting really close to Dream's face. Dream let out a sigh and smiled. And then started laughing. "What??" George said, holding back his laughter. "I'm sorry it's just." Dream started laughing again throughout his sentance, when they heard the door open, "Hey guys Karl said he wanted to watch Rata- AAA JESUS WHY WHENEVER I WALK IN JESUS CHRIST."  Sapnap said immediately shutting the door, and then he opened it again and took a picture of Dream pinning George down. "NICK WHAT THE HELL??" Dream said. He tried to push himself off of George but George grabbed his waist and pulled him back down. Dream was laying beside George as he wrapped his arms around Dream's chest. "No. You're not leaving." George said, Dream rolled over to face George, "Feisty boy," Dream said with a smile, George kissed Dream and rested his head in Dream's chest. "I love you Dream." George said softly, Dream wrapped his arms around George, "I love you to George." Dream said, 

A few minutes later and they fell asleep in eachothers arms, 

A/N: Hi! Sorry the chapter is a little short, but, I didn't know if I wanted to keep writing but, here it it :] 

829 words <3

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