Summary • From Author

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Hey! This page will be a summery of what you will find in the book and some detail of what can be found!

• Honestly most of the imagine Y/n is part of the LGBTQ+ Community. And most likely Female Y/n. (Sorry)

• Any titles with a * at the beginning and end is a smut story, (I know some of ya'll like that.)

Any titles with a ^ at the beginning and end is the smallest bit of smut. Only a small part.

• Some of them will include trigger warning but you will be warned as you press on them at the beginning!

• Any titles with '~ Name' after it means that is a parent or partner.

• Swearing will be in this.

• Please enjoy! This book is ONLY for fun. Do not take offence.

Any parts with a trigger warning are there for awareness.

These are not proof read for mistakes.

• The genders at the top of each story are what y/n is for each one.

• Non-binary y/n for stories means whatever gender you are or non-binary y/n if you are enby!

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