Chapter 1

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3rd POV


Izuku ran up to someone, tackling them to the ground, growling before he looked at the male below him. "God, -----, what happened this time? Don't tell me that your mother tried another female." Izuku said as he got off of the male. The male chuckled, sitting up and bringing Izuku close to him. "Unfortunately, she did. She knows I'm gay yet she's set on me having a female mate. I rather have a male mate. If I got to choose my mate at this age, I would choose you. Unfortunately, we have to wait until we're both 18." The male replied, nuzzling his head in Izuku's shoulder that made the greennette giggle.

"----?" Izuku called as the male hummed. "Do you think, we would remember one another in the future? What if one of us gets so hurt that we don't remember one another?" Izuku asked as the black haired male rubbed circles in Izuku's back. "Then....we would need to make the other slowly remember." He replied. "Izuku! Come on, son!" His papa, Stain called. Izuku whimpered and sighed. "I just hope that one'll forgive me...." Izuku said as they both stood up.

The black haired male looked at Izuku with a confused face. "I'm sorry that I never told you in the time we spent together.....just remember that I love you, -----, I always have and always will. I hope that you'll forgive me for moving and not telling you sooner..." Izuku said and pecked the black haired males cheek, the male already shocked enough already.

When the male was out of shock, his omega....wait? His Omega? The black haired male smiled at the thought of it and had a determined look on his face. "I will find you again, my lovely Izuku. I already forgive you. I will continue to search for you each day and every night until I find you. I will not have another male omega. You are the one for me...." He said.

~End Of Flashback~

Aizawa, the new Alpha King, he had been the one to make the promise to himself to try and find Izuku. He wasn't sure where he was but, he was determined to find out. At the moment, he was just in his office, doing some paperwork when someone barged into it. He already knew it was Hizashi, his best friend, though. "Hey Shota!" The blonde smiled.

"Hizashi, how many times must I tell you not to barge into my workspace?" Aizawa asked. "Yea yea, save the lecture, sleepless beauty." Mic replied. "You know, I would punch you right now, but I have work to do. I rather do that and get back to looking for my omega rather than punch you." Aizawa growled. "Yikes, you still haven't found him?" Zashi asked as Shota shook his head.

"Well, I heard that your crops are producing more lively than ever before in the history of this place." Zashi said. "Yea, guess so. I need to check that out soon. See how they're doing. I guess they just moved here. They help not only this pack out, they help out each and every pack." Aizawa said as Hizashi hummed. "Maybe lover boy is right under your nose then." He said.

"Maybe. If he is, I wonder if he still remembers me." Aizawa sighed. "Who knows. I can help you if you just tell me what the listener looks like." Zashi said. "Ugh fine. He has black hair, red eyes, freckles, a short temper with anyone outside his family or his friend group. Which was only me. Chubby cheeks. You would have to be a real idiot to not want to pinch them and must have a death wise if you were to touch them." Aizawa explained. "And....he's an OMEGA?!" Zashi asked as Shota nodded.

"Right....I'll keep and eye out then."

With Izuku, he sneezed and growled. "I don't know who it is, but I feel sorry for the poor soul. They shouldn't talk about Zuku behind his back. He can be scary...." Izuku snickered, hearing his brother say that about him. "IT WASN'T ME WHO TALKED ABOUT YOU BEHIND YOUR BACK, I SWEAR!" Tomura said, a bit scared of his little brother. "Oh, I know it wasn't you guys! You guys know better than to that behind my back." Izuku said and went out into the field, seeing some guards and whistled for his brothers, since the fathers of the boys were out.

The other brothers came and they all bowed. "Hello, how may I and my brothers assist you gentlemen today, general?" Izuku said as he stood up, his brothers following in suit. "We came to talk with your fathers, are they home by chance?" The general asked. "Afraid not general. They went into town to sell the crops produced here. Would you like some for your travels back? Some tea as well?" Izuku asked politely. So politely, he scared the bothers behind him.

"Some cucumbers, tomato's, carrots, corn, onions, strawberries, lettuce, and wheat would be nice, thank you. As well as some rose herbal tea." The general said, Izuku smiling. "Of course. Please wait a few minutes General." Izuku said and walked off with his brothers. "Damn....I didn't think they'd want that much...." Shinso said. Izuku sighed as they all went onto the field. "Well....they aren't JUST guards from a normal pack and you know it, Shinso." Izuku replied as he got the cucumbers, tomato's, carrots, and strawberries. While his second eldest brother, Tomura, got the lettuce, onions, and wheat. Izuku's third eldest brother, Shinso, getting the corn, and grabbed the rose herbal tea leaves, packing it all up into several bags then heading back out to the army. "Apologies if we made you wait for a while. We space out our vegetables and crops in general to let them sprout more." Izuku said, catching the generals slight smile.

"It's no worries. We apologize for coming on short notice. We originally didn't know about this meeting either until early morning." He smiled, shocking his army. "Oh, it's alright. You would be surprised at how many people come unannounced. It's become accustomed to me and my family at this point. You are in no way intruding either. I thank you and your forces for keeping us safe. I know that my eldest brother would be proud of you. Please, travel safely on the way back." Izuku said, leaving the others.

"I apologize if this is too personal but, who was his eldest brother?" The general asked as Shinso looked down. "His name is.....Izuka."

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