Chapter 3

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3rd POV

"Izuku had decided to lead them away. We still aren't sure if he's alright or not....I really hope he is though. He may act like he couldn't give two shits about us but....he actually does, the actions he's done today prove it. Izuka would be proud." Hisashi said as Aizawa sighed and went over to Hisashi. "About that....he faked it." Hisashi looked at Aizawa with a confused face. "Izuka. He's alive. His mate is General Isen. Izuka thought if he faked his death that you guys would be happier....he didn't realize until today that you guys are still suffering....more so Izuku though." Aizawa said as Hisashi teared up.

"W-Where is he....?" Hisashi asked, Isen coming in just then. "He's with me. Feel free to slap him." Isen said and grabbed his mate and walked in. "D-Dad..." Izuka said. "Izuka! You damn idiot!" Hisashi said as Izuka rushed up to him and hugged him tightly as Hisashi hugged him back. "Dad....what happened?!" Izuka asked. "The family was attacked. They aimed for Shinso, Izuku protected him. I don't know where your papa or brothers are though....." Hisashi said.

"I will find them....especially Zuku. Not that I have the right to call him that after hearing the pain I put him through....heard he's got much worse anger issues than me." Izuka said. "Izuku doesn't let anyone in your room. He'll nearly kill you. Take it from someone who was a victim of it."

With Izuku, the people he was trying to get away from, tried to shoot at another green haired female and growled, alerting the female. "WATCH OUT!" He said, jumping in front of the female as an arrow came and hit him, making him fall to the ground the people running away. The female howled and some others rushed over. "Holy crap! What happened?!" A blue haired male asked. "I'm not sure! He just said 'watch out' and jumped in front of me, taking the arrow that was aimed towards me. We need to bring him back to the pack." The female said and picked Izuku up, heading back to see the medic, bringing him to a bed to let him be checked up.

About a few hours later, the medic came out. "It seems that he was running a while. According to him, he and his family were attacked. He protected his brother, whom he refused to say his name. The fathers also tried to protect them but they were all separated, the omega inside the room deciding to lead the people whom attacked his family, away. He's been running since and got here on our land." The medic said. "Iida, he's now our child." Someone with brown hair and brown eyes said. "I wouldn't do that. He's got some major anger issues." The medic said.

"We can deal with it!" The same girl said as someone with black hair and gray eyes came into the medic wing. "Tsu! Are you okay?!" He asked as the girl looked at him and nodded. "The person with the medic saved me from an arrow directed toward me." She replied. "Oh, speaking of that, he would like to know if he can see for himself that you aren't hurt." The healer said as the girl nodded and walked in. "Are you the female I saw?" Izuku asked bluntly, which surprised the other female. "Uh-- yes, I am." She replied.

"I'm sorry for yelling....I just didn't want someone else to lose a life....I already lost my whole family during that attack...." Izuku said. "I understand. Do you want to stay with my pack? With the okay from our Alpha Hizashi of course." The girl asked. "....sure." Izuku said after a moment of silence. "Well, now that you're staying here for now, let me introduce myself." The girl smiled as some others came in, the omega harshly staring at them except the healer. "Now now, calm down. These guys mean no harm." The healer said, Izuku ignoring them.

"Hey....I know it's difficult for you to trust us. But, we really mean no harm. We all wanted to thank you for saving Tsuyu." The blacked haired male said. "I was only doing what my big brother Izuka would've done!" Izuku snapped, everyone noting the anger issues and how more easily he can snap. "Guys? What happened?" The alpha of the pack asked as he came in and noticed the injured omega, noticing the appearance of what Shota gave him.

The brown haired beta looked at the alpha and bowed before standing up. "This omega warned Tsuyu of an arrow before jumping in front of her, taking the arrow. The healer said that he was running for a while. According to him, he and his family were attacked. He protected his brother, whom he refused to say his name. The fathers also tried to protect them but they were all separated, the omega inside the room deciding to lead the people whom attacked his family, away. He's been running since and got here on our land. He also said that he has anger issues." The female said. "Well, he certainly is fighter than. Especially since those arrows were filled with poison." The alpha said.

"Weak poison." Izuku said, glaring at the male. "Why the fuck is my dads scent on you?" He growled, shocking the others. "Oh, he came to me and my friend all injured. Unfortunately, we cannot release you--" Hizashi started before interrupted by an anger Izuku but Hizashi didn't try to stop him, knowing it would piss him off more. "RELEASE ME! MY BIG BROTHER SHINSO IS THE TARGET! IF I DON'T SEE FOR MYSELF THAT HE'S ALRIGHT, I WILL NOT STOP WORRYING!" The omega said. "I REFUSE TO LOSE ANOTHER BROTHER! I REFUSE TO LOSE SHINSO! I REFUSE TO LOSE TOMURA! I REFUSE TO LOSE MY DAD! I REFUSE TO LOSE MY PAPA! I'VE ALREADY LOST MY BIG BROTHER IZUKA!" The omega added.

'Oh....if only you knew Izuku...' Hizashi thought to himself. "We can't release you but, I assure you that people are looking for your family." The alpha said. Izuku growled but didn't say anything, secretly hoping that the other members of his family are okay.

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