Chapter 4

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3rd POV

Shinso and Tomura were together, calming down after the attack. "Where's Izuku?!" Shinso asked as they looked all over the place, unaware that he had led the people away. Instead of finding Izuku, they found their Papa. "Papa!" Shinso said as Tomura came over. "Papa! Why were we attacked?!" Tomura asked, making sure that he was okay, only finding some bruises and scratches. "I'm okay boys....we need to find your father and brother. Izuku led them away....your dad went to Aizawa...." Stain said and sat up. "Izuku! You idiot!" Shinso said, his ears flat.

"Never doubt your little brother, Shinny." Shinso widened his eyes and turned around, his other family members turning around seeing Izuka. "I-Izuka.?" Stain asked as the Izuka smiled and walked over. "I'm so sorry about my 'death'. was fake....I thought that you all would be better off without me...." Izuka said. "I don't care what your excuse is! I'm just happy that you're alive! If Izuku was here though, he'd yell at you for scaring him! Then hug you! Tell you how much he missed you! How much we all missed you!" Tomura said.

"I'm going to face his wrath. I'm not prepared for it. Now, lets get you guys over to Aizawa. Dad is with him." They all nodded and stood up again, Shinso hugging his eldest brother. Izuka didn't mind it though, knowing that he missed him. When they made it back to the palace, they went to medical wing where they were taken in for examination.

Izuka went to his fathers room, walking inside and seeing Shota still their. "Don't you have paperwork?" He asked. "Don't you have to look for your family?" He shot back. "3 out of 4." Shota looked at him, a brow raised. "I found Shinso, Tomura, and my Papa. Izuku ran off, distracting them. I'm not looking forward to meeting his anger." Izuka said.

"Maybe you shouldn't have faked your death then." His father said. "Fair enough....looking back, I see that he only wanted to protect me from death. I totally didn't listen to him." Izuka said as Shinso came in. "No shit, Izuka." He said, rushing over to Hisashi, whom hugged him tightly when he was in arms reach. "Izuku's an idiot. A smart idiot. But, an idiot nonetheless." Shinso said.

Izuku, being the sweet yet anger filled omega he is, felt someone talk about him and growled. "Fucking idiots." He said, being allowed out of the medic wing. "What's wrong?" Someone called Sero, who was in the medics with him asked. "I know when others talk about me behind my back. They better write their will because when I find them, death will have another one on his doorstep." Izuku replied sweetly, Sero shivering. 'I won't ever get on this omega's bad side...' He thought to himself.

Now, a few years later, more like 2 almost 3 years, later Aizawa was hosting a ball, encouraging all packs to come. Hizashi's pack cheered while Izuku just rolled his eyes. 'Tch. That's a waste of time.' Izuku thought to himself as he left. He gained new friends, yes. But, he rather be alone. Alone with his family. Though, Izuku couldn't get that one memory out of his head. He really wanted to know whom that black haired male was.

Right now, he was getting ready with Tokoyami and Bakugou, another friend of his while Tokoyami was like his brother. They made him wear a suit with tie and a shiny black shoes. 'This is fucking bullshit. Why the fuck am I being forced to go? I don't want to!' Izuku thought to himself as he groaned, Tokoyami snickering while Bakugou was just confused. "Fuck you Tokoyami." Izuku said as he left the room. "He alright?" Bakugou asked.

"He should be alright. I mean, he questions us a lot. Can you blame him? He isn't from this pack. I'm not surprised he's still on edge. Plus, he doesn't want to get close to us. He's still set on finding his family." Tokoyami said. "It's been almost three years, shouldn't he give up?" A growl sounding throughout the room, made both males stiff. "First off, go to hell. Second, yea. Yea, I should give up but you know what? I'm NOT! My family would never stop looking for me and I would never stop looking for them! I told you guys this on the first day I came here, I REFUSE to lose my brothers or my fathers! I'm not some weak ass omega. I'm the anger issues filled one that can destroy you within a second." Izuku said then left, going to Iida, and hugging him. "Izu? What happened?" He asked.

"'iT's BeEn AlMoSt ThReE yEaRs, Shouldn't GiVe Up?' Ugh, I can't with him." Izuku said. Iida sighed and held Izuku close to him. "It's alright. If you think your family is still out their, continue looking for them. You can choose to give up when you want. I and the others will be here either way." Iida said as Izuku nodded. "Alright! Let's go Listeners!" The alpha said as the all howled in agreement, except Izuku. "Ugh, I forgot about that damn event. Why am I being forced to go?" He asked as Iida chuckled, seeing his mate and Mina come up to them. "I don't know. Probably cause Mina always bothered you with it."

"She's lucky I didn't scratch her." Izuku said as they all walked to the palace, where Izuku's family was located. Though, Izuku himself didn't know that. As soon as they were inside the palace, Kaminari playfully pushed him. "Oh? You want to play chase? Bring it." Izuku said, starting to chase Kaminari as Iida and Uraraka smiled. "He's loosening up...." Uraraka said as Mina went to join them.

"Who's team?" Izuku asked. "I'm with you!" Mina replied. "Bet." Izuku said and saw Kaminari slowing down, running up and tapping his shoulder as Mina did the same thing then they both dispersed into the crowed. Izuku saw some familiar people but decided to invest them later and smelt Kaminari. "Oi!" Kaminari said as the people looked over and Izuku jumped and did a backflip, landing on his feet and looked at Kaminari. "Missed me~" Izuku said and rushed off.

"Get back here Izuku!" The people widened their eyes as the male rushed off. "Izuku..." One of them said. "Hm?" The Alpha King asked as he and his friend came up to the people. "Izuku....he's here...." The blonde Alpha nearly choked on his drink. "He wasn't chasing someone with loud blonde hair, right?" He asked. "Opposite actually." Someone else answered.

"Ah, they're playing then. Good. That means he might be less tense all the time." He replied. "You mean to tell me that Izuku has been in your pack?" Aizawa asked. "Has been for about almost three years. Gotta say, his anger issues are something else. Doesn't help that the Izuka topic is sensitive for him." Hizashi said.

The next thing Hizashi knew, he was slapped by Aizawa and a growl made him stop. "What the FUCK do you think you're doing to my pack leader?! I don't give a DAMN if you're the 'AlPhA kInG', you do NOT hurt my pack leader! A real leader would not do that! Don't let me catch you doing that shit again! I have eyes everywhere!" Izuku said and went back to playing chase.

"Did you just let an omega lecture you?" Stain asked. "That 'just an omega' is your son, Chizome. Still has a temper." Hizashi smiled and saw as his and the other family members faces brightened up. "He was also probably letting out more steam. I guess someone, more than likely Bakugou, told him to give up on looking for you guys. He lost it. That, and he was already in a bad mood since Mina forced him to come. Though, whomever talked about him on the day he came to the pack, I feel bad for...." The family all stiffened, forgetting about that.

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