Chapter 6

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3rd POV

Izuka ran back to the palace and to his family, laughing a little. Hizashi looked over and smirked. "You're just giving him more reasons to hurt you." He said as the family looked over. "What did you do?!" Shinso asked. "Well, I followed them, he's good at knowing when others follow him by the way. Let's just say that he didn't believe it was me after I called him little brother and one of the last things I said to him before I left." Izuka said.

"He's in denial then." Hizashi answered. "Izuku? In denial? I don't believe it. They only other time he was in denial was when we received the fake news of Izuka's death." Shinso said. "I know, it's hard for me to believe it as well but, he's for sure in denial. I saw him looking at you guys, getting tears in his eyes when he saw Izuka. That's why he's in denial, he thinks Izuka's haunting him." The family and Aizawa widened their eyes. "Alpha Hizashi!" Uraraka said, coming in and running over to them.

"Ochako? What happened?" He asked, looking at her. "It all happened so fast. Izuku, coming in camp with tears, yelling, punching, more rouge wolves coming into camp, attacking us, aiming for the omega's the best they could, Izuku protecting us despite his anger. They said that they wanted him. They're after Izuku! Everyone in camp is fine thanks to him. He willingly went with them since they held Bakugou hostage! He agreed to go if they let Bakugou go. We aren't sure on his condition but the healer knows that he has a broken arm. No one has seen Izuku since! It was like he was never here!" She explained, shaking a bit.

"And what about you?" Aizawa asked as Stain rubbed her back. She took a deep breath then exhaled. "I-I'm not sure....I'm fine psychically but.....emotionally, I'm heart is broken.....Izuku was like my son....I know Iida is hurting as well, he consider Izuku his son as well. Sure, he has a temper on him. Who wouldn't? He takes after Izuka so much....he doesn't plan to let it go either. Tokoyami.he's just as broken....that was like his brother.....Tokoyami has hidden a secret....his parents....they aren't the best so Izuku protected him quite a bit. Toko's parents grew fearful of Izuku so they stopped doing whatever they were doing to Toko.heh, no matter how much issues that boy had, he was the light of our pack. He was just starting to loosen up as well....I swear if they hurt Izuku...." Uraraka said.

"Hizashi, see if you can locate the scents. Chizome, you and the others look around the packs and the towns to see if you guys can find or get word of a trade going on." Aizawa said. "I can contact my mate and see if he gets an omega in his trade. He's secretly undercover at the trade actually." Tomura said. "When the hell did you have a mate?" Shinso asked. "Since I was 15." Tomura answered and called Dabi.



D- Babe? What's up? You never call me when I'm at work.

T- Got a mission for you.

D- Oh, really? What kind?

T- Keep an eye out for a certain omega kind.

D- Bet. You know if this certain one is coming to the trade?

T- That's what we're going to find out.

D- Oh, I'm interested. What's this one look like, hun?

T- Black hair and red eyes. His name is Izuku and really bad anger issues. Has a bullet wound. Probably more now though.

D- Huh, interesting. Not thinking about replacing me now, are you?

T- Dabi, I swear. I might for a while to hug my little brother.

D- I couldn't pass the moment up love.

T- Yea, bye.

Tomura hung up on Dabi and looked at the others. "What?" He asked. "You just talked to the leader of the trade...." Shinso said. "I know. That's also Shoto's brother." Tomura answered.

With Izuku, he was walking with the unknown people. "Where the hell are we going anyway?" He growled, getting a slap to the back of the head. "FUCK YOU!" Izuku said as the people knocked him out, waking up in a cell, and growled. A black haired male came into view and had the others leave. When he was sure that the others left and were out of ear shot, he went over to the omega who growled louder.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright. Man, Tomura wasn't kidding when he said that his little brother has anger issues...." The black haired male said. Izuku immediately stopped growling but kept his eyes narrowed. "My big brother? How the HELL do you know him?!" The omega asked him, slightly snarling. "Woah, calm down. I know him cause he's my mate. My name is Dabi. You must be Izuku, hm?" He replied, Izuku lowering his guard a bit.

"Yea. So what? Oh, and tell your little shitheads next time to not fucking smack me! Let alone knock me out! AND THEY BETTER NOT BE TRYING TO GET AT MY PACK MEMBERS!" Izuku snapped. 'Ah, there it is.' Dabi thought to himself. 'Babe?' Dabi contacted Tomura. 'Yea? He come to your trade?' He answered. 'Well yes.....but, he snaps easily.....he reminds of Izuka' Dabi said as Tomura chuckled. 'Well, Izuku and Izuka did spend a lot of time together, that might be why.' He answered. "How long am I here for, idiot?" Izuku asked.

Dabi looked at him, amusement in his eyes. "Well, that really depends on you. You going to keep acting like this, bottling emotions up, or are you going to release them and let people see you at your most vulnerable? It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes Izuku. You don't need to be afraid. You need to let your emotions run free, it's how we grow." Dabi said. Izuku growled and looked away. 'A tough one to crack, huh?' Dabi though.

"How about we just get to know one another for now, okay?" Dabi suggested. "I have nothing to share with someone by the likes of you." He hissed. "Uh-huh. And, you still need treatment for the wounds you have. Going to deny that as well?" Dabi asked, thinking that he got Izuku in a corner. "Yes. Yes I am. I have no reasons to trust you. Just because you're big brother Tomura's mate, doesn't mean that I should trust you right away." Dabi looked shocked at Izuku.

'How did Hizashi's pack deal with him? How did YOU deal with him, Tomura?' Dabi thought, hearing a snicker. 'He giving you a hard time?' Tomura asked. 'Yes! He refuses to get treatment! He has wounds left and right! I told those damn idiots not to harm him no matter what! I do wonder how they got him to come though.' Dabi replied. 'Oh, they held up Bakugou as a hostage. And, since Bakugou reminds Izu of Izuka, I guess he went willingly.' Tomura responded. Dabi heard something and looked at Izuku.

"UGH! WHY THE HELL CAN'T I REMEMBER!?" Izuku growled. "You want to punch a punching bag?" Dabi asked. "If it'll help me calm the hell down, then yes." Izuku replied as Dabi unlocked the cage and opened it, pointing to a punching bag. Izuku rushed over and started punching it left and right. Dabi just watched, not bothering to talk to him incase he got punched or kicked by him.

After a few minutes, Izuku sat down next to Dabi. "Feel better?" He asked. "Much. I have bad anger issues. Though, I'm sure that Tomura said that..." Izuku said. "He said you have really bad anger issues. Never thought it'd be this much though. Slightest thing can set you off..." Dabi said as Izuku chuckled. "Well, my eldest brother had it and since I hung out with him a lot, I guess that I inherited it just much worse." Izuku hummed.

Ever since that day, Dabi worked on gaining Izuku's trust. After maybe a year, he got Izuku out, going back with him to Hizashi's pack. Right before Izuku entered the pack, he looked at Dabi, smiling a bit which surprised him. He never once smiled around him. "I want to thank you. You helped me when I didn't want help. I'm happy to now call you my brother. And, just to let you know, Shoto is in this pack. Except I think we'll both make an entrance tonight, what do you say?" Izuku asked, going over to him. "An entrance? How?" Dabi asked. "The Alpha King usually hosts balls for all packs. You and I are technically part of this pack still." Izuku said as Dabi smirked. "Let's do it, brother." He said as they both ran into town to get the things they needed.

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