Chapter 7

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3rd POV

When the two males got what they needed, they waited until nightfall and until every pack was inside. Izuku smirked as he saw Iida, Tokoyami, and Uraraka perk up. He looked at them through the corners of his eyes, seeing them look right at him. "Who's first, little bro?" Dabi asked in a whisper. "I say Tomura. God knows what he'll do to you, knowing that you kept me for a full year." Izuku responded, looking back at Dabi.

"And how do we get him?" He asked. "Ah, leave it to me." Izuku smirked and stood up, quickly running to where Tomura was. Izuku jumped down from where he was and quickly rushed towards Tomura, said males being gone within a blink of an eye. Izuku had jumped back up to where he and Dabi were. "Really? You couldn't just throw a rock at him?" Dabi asked as Tomura looked at him. Izuku looked at him with a glare. "Why would I throw a rock at my big brother, dumbass?!" Izuku asked as Tomura wrapped his arms around Izuku. "Zuzu."

"Hey big brother....I hope Dabi kept you updated on me." Izuku said. "He did, but I still missed you. It's been four years, damn it." Tomura said. "Fair enough." Izuku said. "Who next?" Dabi asked. "Why not just jump down?" Izuku smirked. "I like Zuzu's plan." Tomura said. "Good because you idiots are going first." Izuku said. "Worth it." Tomura smiled and kissed Izuku's head, standing up and jumping off, landing next to Izuka and on his feet. "Holy shit. He can land on his feet now." Izuku said, Dabi pushing him a bit as he jumped off. "FUCK YOU DABI!" Izuku said, catching everyone's attention as he pulled himself back up then jumped down, pulling Dabi down by his collar and kneeing him in the face, making Tomura laugh.

"Worth it!" Dabi said as Izuku growled. Izuku's brothers came up to him and hugged him. Izuku looked at Izuka and growled loudly "YOU ASSHOLE! YOU FAKED YOUR DAMN DEATH?! ALL BECAUSE OF THE EXCUSE WE AS YOUR BROTHERS THOUGHT WE WOULD BE HAPPIER?! OH YOU LITTLE SHIT! I SHOULD PUNCH YOU AGAIN! ESPECIALLY SINCE I PRACTICALLY STARVED MYSELF! YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE IDIOT!" Izuku kept releasing his anger on Izuka, who just listened, knowing that Izuku needed to release all his pent up anger for him.

Izuku eventually passed out from all the yelling he did, Izuka catching him and smiling. "I get the feeling that he'll start punching me tomorrow..." Izuka said. "Eh, he might. Ever since he came to that trade and I became his friend, I found out,-" Dabi started before thinking of what to stay then looked at Shinso and Tomura. "You know how your brother came home with bruises each day as a kid?" Dabi asked as the other two nodded. "'s cause he was bullied. That's originally how his anger issues came about. He didn't tell you cause he didn't want to be seen as weak. He wanted to be the omega who stood up for themselves." Dabi said as the family widened their eyes.

"Other stuff happened as how the someone threatened the family. I'm still not sure what they wanted but when I asked what it was, he grabbed a sharp object and held a harsh stare at me for a good 5 minutes before he took the object off my throat. I never questioned him about it again." Dabi said, Izuka holding his brother closer. 'I won't leave you ever again, little brother...' Izuka thought to himself.

Izuka had brought his brother to Aizawa's room and laid him down on the bed. "I'm so sorry little brother. I really thought that you hated me....I never saw the guilt that flashed through your eyes....I hope you can forgive me." Izuka said and kissed his brothers head. He stood up and left the room, closing the door.

It's been a few days and Izuka and everyone else was getting worried about Izuku. He hadn't woken up yet. The healer came and checked on him, he said that it's possible his body is on shutdown from lack of sleep he's been avoiding. At the moment, Stain was with his son, hoping he would wake up. Stain heard a groan and looked over at Izuku, smiling and rushing over. "Izu!" He smiled. "P-Papa....?" Izuku questioned, sitting up. "Yes Izu, its Papa..." Chizome said as Izuku hugged him tightly. "Papa! I'm so sorry!" Izuku said. "Shh, calm down. Why're you sorry?" Chizome asked. "I saw you guys the night I was t-taken! I-I should've said something but I didn't! I'm so sorry Papa!"

"Hey, Izu. Calm down. It's okay." Chizome said, hugging his son gently. "You just didn't want us in any danger. You'd rather put yourself in danger than let other people be hurt. You take after your dad so much. Minus the anger. You got that from both me and Izuka." As soon as his papa mentioned 'Izuka', Izuku growled. "Where is that idiot? I need to beat the hell out of him. Fucking idiot making me worried!" Izuku said as Stain chuckled. "Calm down, Izu. It's okay. How about we get you reunited with your old friend, Aizawa, first. Okay?" Stain said.

"Z-Zawa.oh, how I missed him. He knew how to calm me down when no one else could..." Izuku said, trying to get up, whimpering in pain instead. "Fuck....I forgot about that....shit it hurts..." Izuku held his side. "Izu.what happened? Why do I smell your blood?" His papa asked. "I got stabbed by someone in the trade. Dabi doesn't know about it though." Izuku said, his papa calling the healer.

H- Healer

C- Chizome

H- Yes, Stain?

C- Good or bad?

H- Bad news.

C- He got injured in the trade. Dabi had no idea.

H- Which means the good news is....?

C- He's awake.

H- I'm coming. Have him keep pressure. Was he stabbed?

C- Yea, he was stabbed and he's already applying pressure.

After that, Stain just hung up, focusing on his son. "It's alright, the healer, Flora, is on her way." Stain said. Not even a minute later, the healer walked in and went over to Izuku. "Seems that you woke up. We were starting to think that you were in a coma." The healer said.

"Good to know that you guys have such faith in me." Izuku rolled his eyes. "I like his attitude." Flora chuckled. "Better get used to it then. Soon, you'll see him snapping easily. If it gets too out of hand, only Shota can calm him down." Stain said as the healer made note of it as she was helping Izuku with his wound.

"Alright, he'll just need to take it easy for a few days." The healer said as she smiled and walked out of the room and Stains phone rang. "Oh! Is it dad?!" Izuku asked as Stain chuckled and nodded, Izuku pretending that he's asleep again. 'This pup still has some kid in him....good...' Stain smiled to himself as he answered the facetime call.

C- Chizome

H- Hisashi



I- Izuku

D- Dabi


Iz- Izuka

C- Hey love, what's up?

H- Any news on when he might wake up?

C- Nope, but this might come as a shock to everyone. Including Dabi.

Sh- What happened?

C- Well.....he was stabbed. He never told Dabi and I guess hid it. How? I will never know.


Sh- Watch it. That's still my baby brother, Dabi.

Iz- Our.

T- Can you even be called that?

Iz- Fair point.

I- Damn didn't realize that would escalate so quickly....

Right then, the phone line dropped dead and everyone came into the room. "Izuku!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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