Mist's POV
After doing what the squids wanted me to do for a week, it has been pretty easy since I only do one job for them. Kill the livestock in spawn city. But I can't be caught or let anyone know it's me otherwise they will kill Quinton. I always strike at night and I cover my fur in ash so I am less easy to spot and I rip my prey apart so it is less easy to tell it was me.
Today is another night but this time I have a specific target. Sky's horse hope. That means I am going to have to take extra caution because if I take a buck to the head it's game over for me and Quinton. I don't really want to kill Hope but I have to. It honestly could be worse I could kill sky but thank god I'm not.
As I made my way to the walls of spawn city I search for the hole I have been using to get in. When I did find it I went through it and I was in. I made my way to the stables at the sky army base making sure to not get spotted. I searched the stables, found hopes scent, and found hope. I opened the door to hopes stable and led her out. I thought to myself 'time to try a new trick'. I backed up, jumped at her, dug my teeth into her throat and flipped leaving long cuts the whole way round her neck and a deep bite mark on her throat. I heard her give out a weak naigh and thud. I looked over at the now dead hope, folded my ears down and whispered "sorry" as if it would bring her back. I looked down at the ground and saw the droplets of hopes blood coming out of my mouth hitting the ground along with my tears. I had taken away sky's hope and probably replaced it with despair.
All of a sudden I heard something metal hit the ground and someone whisper "hope". It was sky. I looked over at him and saw that he was crying. God I felt so bad for what I just did. All I wanted to do at the moment was say sorry and comfort him. But if I did that I would blow my cover. "Mist" I heard him sob which made me panic. How did he know but then I saw he wasn't looking at me. I followed his gaze and I saw something I will never forget. It was a blue wolf and it spoke "no I'm no alpha". It was a member of my pack. I was overwhelmed with happiness and ran over to her but before I could reach her I felt a sharp pain in my leg and fell. I looked at my leg and saw that I had been shot with a arrow. I looked at sky and saw him holding a bow "that was for hope" he sobbed. The other wolf growled and pinned sky down with his sword and bow out of reach and she was about to kill him. I knew I had to do something "stop!" I yelled at the wolf and she did as I said and walked back over to me. "Can you please get this arrow out of my leg?" I asked the wolf "yes alpha" she said and yanked the arrow out causing my to whimper "sorry" she said "no problem" I replied.
"Who are you?" I asked "aqua one of the pup sitters of the seawolf pack and are you Mist wolf the alpha?" She questioned and I nodded in reply. Behind aqua I saw sky with his butter sword raised ready to strike her. I pushed her out of the way and bit sky's arm causing him to drop the sword. I let go of sky and said "sorry". Then I realized that I still had hope's blood on my teeth when I bit sky and started to panic since that can cause cross contamination in other words kill him. "Quick aqua help me get him inside" I ordered and she nodded in reply. We carried sky in on our backs and I led the way to seto's room.
When we got to seto's room I started barking trying to get him to open the door. When he opened the door he quickly took sky from us and slammed the door. "Alpha Mist I believe this belongs to you" aqua said and gave me my headset "thanks" I said I put it on. Suddenly the door flu open and a ball of purple magic was launched at me but it never hit me. It hit aqua. Killing her. Out of anger I threw myself at seto pinning him down. "Seto catch that wolf it's Mist" I heard sky say weakly. Realizing the position I was in I ran out for the base, out of spawn city and back to the squid base. That was to close.

the forgotten
FanfictionMist wolf wakes up in a burnt down forest not remembering anything about her past. who will she meat on her journey to uncover what happened to the forest and why she can't remember anything.