Date 3

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Taehyung       "You can use my phone if that helps , " hoseok suggests, pulling out his phone from his pocket and unlocking it for me

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"You can use my phone if that helps , " hoseok suggests, pulling out his phone from his pocket and unlocking it for me. Beads of sweat gather at my temple as I stare blankly at the Notepad app. He's not asking for much, Mark mutters . Did you miss the part where he's been married to a perfect Alpha? I snap at him. What do you think will go through his head when he realizes he's mated to a freak? You are being dramatic, Mark groans. He wasn't THAT perfect. He cheated on him! WITH HIS SISTER! That's not the point! The point is my own father refused to recognize me as his son! I retort . When Hoseok realizes how truly worthless I am, he'll reject me like everyone else has. Do you not trust our mate will treat us fairly? Mark asks. I look up at my mate, his smile faltering with my everlasting silence. He deserves the truth ... Mark sighs . And so do we. We won't know how he truly feels about us if all we show him is a lie . But ... Anything. The phone trembles in my hand, my fingers unwilling to type out a message. Minutes crawl by before hoseok finally loses his patience . "Okay, I think this date is over" hoseok laughs dryly, my heart sinking as a few tears cling to his eyes. He wipes at them angrily and starts to get up, disappointed by my lack of response. "I honestly don't even know what I was expecting" he mutters, shaking his head at himself . "This was such a fucking mistake and I can't even be mad at you because I did this to myself" he huffs, rolling his eyes. "I should have just kept my mouth shut ." He presses the palms of his hands against his eyes to stop the tears from flowing down his cheeks . "Please take me home" he whimpers . "I don't want to be here anymore." My mind goes into a panic when I hear the hurt in his voice. I open my mouth to explain but it feels as though the wind has been knocked out of me and all that comes out is a gasp. Say something! But the harder I try to utter a word, the drier my mouth feels and the heavier my tongue becomes. All the memories of my father screaming at me to speak come flooding back and the words get caught in my throat, unable to escape. He deserves the truth, I remind myself, taking a few deep breaths and rising to my feet shoulders and turn him towards me, embracing him in my arms. I try to hold him to my chest but hoseok only shakes his head in anger at me . "No ," he cries . "You don't get to just hug this all away. l told you my story. I shared my pain with you" he hiccups. "Why can't you do the same for me?" Knowing he is right, I urge him to sit back down, patting the space beside me as my eyes plead with him to sit. Reluctantly, he settles down, hugging his knees to his chest. His grey eyes watch me carefully, scrutinizing my every move. I pull the phone from my pocket and after he unlocks it, I type out my plan. "I can't tell you my story, but I can show you" he reads aloud . "Close your eyes." He gives me a confused look but I just smile and place my hand over my own eyes to show him what I need from him. Very hesitantly, he places both hands over his eyes, sighing deeply in annoyance. Taking a deep breath, I close my own eyes and concentrate, letting down my walls and accepting the river of thoughts coming from my mate. "This is silly" his voice echoes in my head . "Shhh " I whisper, hoseok suddenly jumping up and looking around frantically. "What was that? Did you hear something?" he asks, his eyes opening and scanning the surrounding area. I laugh a little and gesture for him to close his eyes again.

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