The wolf within

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Taehyung        After a quick lunch, min-jun begs me for a game of hide and seek, arguing his case by giving me a pair of cute puppy eyes

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After a quick lunch, min-jun begs me for a game of hide and seek, arguing his case by giving me a pair of cute puppy eyes. The little boy grins triumphantly when I give in, and he asks permission from hyungwon for Rio to join us. We walk around the pack for a little while until we find a quiet little patch of trees for us to play in undisturbed. Min-jun and Rio take off, leaving me in the middle of a clearing to count out loud. "O-one... Two... Th-Three... F-F-Four ..." I grow embarrassed as I stumble through the numbers and begin to count quietly to myself until I reach twenty. "He-Here I c-come min-jun!" I call out, my eyes scanning the trees for any signs of the boy. I sniff the air, catching his scent lingering in the wind. This is probably the worst game to play with a wolf, mark chuckles to himself. l ignore his comment, pretending to look among the bushes for the hiding pup. An unfamiliar scent suddenly brushes against my nose, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. Something's wrong, mark observes, my ears picking up the sound of rustling in the distance accompanied by the low rumble of a snarl. Mark wastes no time taking control and shifting mid-sprint as we follow the sound of Rio's barking and min-jun's cries. Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay, I pray to my dear Moon Goddess, my heart racing at the thought of min-jun being hurt. We sprint through the trees until we see a small clearing up ahead, min-jun's scent guiding us to him. Mark breaks through the trees and into a clearing, a group of large unfamiliar wolves gathering in the middle as Rio barks up a storm at the intruders. They don't appear to be rogues, their fur shiny and well-groomed and their build strong and muscular. Two of them appear to be Alphas, their fur black as night and both bearing a single white spot on their foreheads, the symbol of an Alpha lineage among normal alpha wolves. One appears to be older than the other, an air of power surrounding the older one. The younger of the Alpha's has min-jun in his jaws by the collar of his shirt, min-jun's cheeks stained with tears. It's enough to send mark into a blind fury, but before he can pounce, three aqua river guards come sprinting into the clearing in their wolf form to stand between the Alphas and I. Mark snarls and pushes past the guards, baring his teeth at the Alpha holding min-jun hostage. The Alpha scans me with judging eyes, an air of arrogance to him as he puffs out his chest to assert his is the strongest. The bastard had our pup, and we were getting him back. "Taehyung! Eomma!" Min-jun whimpers, large tears rolling down his cheeks. Remembering my training with hyungwon this morning, I lower down my walls and listen to the many rivers of thoughts flooding my mind until I figure out the Alpha's voice. I build my imaginary dams so that his voice is the only one I hear. "Who the fuck does this silver wolf think he is to challenge me?" The Alpha thinks to himself, mark snarling in response . "You would do well to put the pup down," mark growls, his lips curling back while his fur bristles. "Unless you want me to rearrange the little stain on your face!" The Alpha stares at me for a moment, a bit shocked to hear my wolf's voice inside his head. "How the- "
I said "put my pup down!" Mark commands, the Alpha's body suddenly tensing as if in a trance. A sheer black film glazes over the Alpha's eyes before he gently sets min-jun down in front of him, his eyes returning back to normal when he looks up at me. Rio rushes to comfort min-jun, licking away his tears as he sobs. I step forward, placing my large paws on either side of min-jun to protect him with my frame while I glare at the two Alphas and their friends. The aqua river guards howl an alert and the once silent forest fills with noise. Tearing down the dams I built, I fill the intruders' minds with my commands. "Step back!" I snap, a black film glazing over their eyes as they carry out my order. Min-jun shivers beneath me as he clutches Rio by the neck, his little whimpers breaking my heart. Never in my life do I ever want to see him so scared again. Mark looks down at the small pup between his legs and nuzzles his face, licking away the tears on his cheeks. "It's okay, min-jun. I'm here _ " I whisper, opening a connection between us. His large eyes widen as he looks up at me, his fears melting away when he recognizes my eyes which have shifted back to their warm brown color. "Taehyung?" he asks, timidly reaching out his small hand to pet my snout. I lean into his hand, letting his fingers stroke my fur. A small smile curls on his lips, his heart which had been racing, finally calming down "Hi, min-jun" l murmur, min-jun burying his face in my furry neck. A portal opens beside me, hyungwon stepping through it with changkyun at his side. He's in his wolf form and he does not look happy to see the intruding Alphas and their wolves. The wolves all bow before the fem-male king, but remain on high alert as more guards arrive at the scene. "Are you alright?" Hyungwon asks, a look of worry on his face when he sees min-jun snuggling up against my chest. I nod to reassure him the pup is fine, relief washing over his face before he turns to the intruders. "Alpha Jason" hyungwon acknowledges the older Alpha, his face calm and collected despite the coldness in his tone. "To what do we owe your visit?" The elder Alpha shifts into an older, tall man with salt and pepper hair, a cruel scowl folded in the light wrinkles surrounding his eyes. Hyungwon resists the urge to cower, holding his head high as he smiles politely to the Alpha. "I do not speak with stupid fem-males" Alpha Jason replies, his eyes filling with disgust when he glances at the wedding band on his finger. "I'm here to speak with minhyuk about my daughter." Changkyun and the guards snarl at his disrespect towards their fem-male king but his smile never falters. "Then, I'm afraid you have wasted your time, Alpha," hyungwon replies, turning on his heel to face me . "May you have a safe flight back to California" he adds over his shoulder. The younger Alpha snarls and lunges at him for turning his back on them, but hyungwon doesn't miss a beat, thorny vines sprouting from the earth to shield him from his attack. The young Alpha whines in pain when the vines wrap around his limbs, changkyun smirking at the idiot who dared to attack the fem-male king. Min-jun begins to cry as the wolf writhes in pain beside us, digging his little fingers into my fur for protection and I turn my body to shield him from the sight. "Take min-jun home, taehyung" hyungwon instructs as he simultaneously levitates min-jun onto my back and creates a cocoon of vines around the young Alpha. I waste no time and take off back towards the guest house, maneuvering carefully through the trees. "Just hang on min-jun" I said to him. "We're almost home." He replies with a small whimper, his arms wrapped tightly around my neck. When we arrive at the lawn in front of the guest house, I slowly lower myself until I lay flat on my stomach, attempting to coax min-jun off my back. At first, he refuses , trembling in fear, but after I begin to lie on my side, he finally climbs off. Mark licks him clean, inspecting him for any wounds and to my relief, we find that he is unharmed. He sits on the patch of grass in front of me, mark laying his big head on min-jun's lap. I can hear his little heart beating in his chest as he rests his chin on top of my head and holds me. I know hoseok will be furious that I broke a rule in our contract, and it scares me, but I do not regret showing min-jun my wolf. He needed me ... and I came. Min-jun is our pup now, mark declares, nuzzling his head against I the little boy.He should know who I am. I just hope hoseok feels the same way.

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