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Taehyung"Hello taehyung," Gamma jinhee says softly, my stomach churning with fear in his presence

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"Hello taehyung," Gamma jinhee says softly, my stomach churning with fear in his presence. How did he find me? I wonder, blinking hard to make sure I am not dreaming. That is the least of our worries, mark mutters. What the fuck is that shit-stain of a brother doing here? "Him?" Hyunwoo snaps questioningly at jinhee, his eyes narrowing to slits. "That mute rapist mutt is my brother? He's the Almighty silver wolf the King wants?" Several thoughts fill my head but the loudest one makes me squeeze hoseok's hand in a pleading manner.
Would Hoseok believe the rape accusation hyunwoo just tossed my way? I think to myself, wondering how I would explain to him that dakyung lied. My eyes fixate on my mate, his face neutral and unbothered by hyunwoo's accusation.
Without saying a word, he gives my hand two squeezes, his thumb gently rubbing against my knuckles. Following Hoseok's gaze, I realize he is looking at king hyungwon, likely speaking to him telepathically. Whatever hyungwon is saying seems to keep Hoseok calm and composed.
"I should have killed you while I had the chance for what you. Why are you just standing there? Do your damn job and kill him! Kill him for touching your Luna!" Jinhee does not even bother to look at his future Alpha, his eyes focusing on hoseok's hand still holding mine. A look of pain flickers in his eyes. Did he pity hoseok for being stuck with me? Ignoring my brother, jinhee clears his throat and looks me in the eyes. "You have a mate?" Jinhee asks, though it is more of a statement than a question.
I nod silently, a hint of a smile curling on his lips as he eyes my mate. "He's a beautiful fem-male..." he murmurs, Hoseok remaining silent but his cheeks getting a pinkish hue to them. "Hi, I am jinhee. I'm the Gamma of the diamond wings Pack, taehyung's pack," jinhee explains, holding out his hand to shake hoseoks. Hoseok only smiles politely at him, though, the smile on his face not reaching his eyes. "You mean former pack," hyungwon corrects him, rising to his feet. Although he is a head shorter than jinhee, his power ripples off of him like heat waves, everyone in the room feeling its intensity. "Taehyung no longer belongs to the diamond wings pack. Your Alpha made sure of that," he says in a low growl. "I still don't understand what game you are trying to play here but taehyung is under no obligation to return to his former pack and this," he adds, holding up a sheet of paper. "This means nothing to me."
"Well I can't imagine such big words meaning anything to you," hyunwoo scoffs, changkyun's calm demeanor evaporating upon hearing the insult made against his male-Luna. Hyungwon, however, remains calm and poised. "So why don't you let the adults talk, pipsqueak while you go take a nap? We'll speak to your Alpha-" He does not get another word in before he starts choking on his words, his hands clawing at his throat as his face becomes flushed. Hyunwoo's knees buckle and he crashes on the floor while gasping for air, jinhee and junghee staring at him in shock.. "Sounds like you're choking on those big words, Alpha" changkyun snickers, a pleased grin on his face. "Maybe you should leave the big words to the adults." Hyungwon shakes his head disapprovingly at changkyun who only shrugs innocently at him and he releases hyunwoo from his telekinetic grip, hyunwoo gasping frantically to fill his lungs with air.
Hyunwoo stares wide-eyed at hyungwon, the fem-male king paying him no mind and returning to his seat. "Changkyun, please escort hyunwoo and junghee downstairs to wait with the other guards," hyungwon instructs. "I think Gamma jinhee has a lot to discuss with taehyung."
"You can't kick me out," hyunwoo scoffs, his hands forming into fists at his sides.
"LEAVE," hyungwon says in his royal voice, hyunwoo abruptly standing up and walking past me towards the door, a look of like a fool and walks towards the exit. "I told you he's an Ivory Wolf!" Junghee hisses in his father's ear. "I told you!" Jinhee only rolls his eyes in annoyance as he watches his son disappear out the door, Changkyun escorting the two wolves downstairs. Hyungwon lets out a tired sigh, grabbing the sheet of paper from earlier and gesturing at me to sit down. I hesitate, turning to Hoseok to see how he's feeling when hyungwon's voice interrupts me. "he knows the truth about dakyung," hyungwon explains. "I showed him your memory of that day. You don't have to worry about him believing you." As if to prove his point, hoseok stands on the tips of his toes to kiss my cheek, his fingers still interlocked with mine.
"I believe you," he murmurs, pulling me towards the chairs and inviting me to sit down beside him. Gamma jinhee follows our lead, turning his chair so that he faces me when he speaks. He looks to hyungwon for permission to speak and swallows the lump in his throat, shifting nervously in his seat. "I'm sure you're wondering why I am here, taehyung," jinhee begins, clasping and unclasping his hands. "I've been asking myself that question a lot lately."
"Get to the point, sir," hyungwon snaps, his eyes flickering between gold and violet. "Tell him exactly what you want from him" hyungwon says. Jinhee bites his cheek and proceeds. "King byunghun found out about your existence recently after an enemy pack left a message for us during an Alpha meeting. He has ..." he clears his throat and sits up right. "He has requested that your father bring you home."
My body tenses almost instinctively at the prospect of returning to diamond wings. l have gotten used to the idea of never returning there and it scares me to think I might be going back to the place where I never felt wanted. "Tell him why," hyungwon growls, his fingers crumpling a sheet of paper in his hand. Jinhee looks uncomfortable but he does not disobey the fem-male king's command. "King byunghun would like you to train alongside his army and perhaps even take the lead in defeating this pack and their growing allies," he explains.I stare at him in confusion. My own father didn't even want me in his pack and now all of a sudden the King wants me in his army? For what? To get myself killed? "I understand you might be a little wary," jinhee adds with urgency, reading my anxiousness and confusion like a book.
"But the King has offered you a warrior rank and you would stay in the Crescent Mane Palace with the other warriors." His words bring me no comfort, however. After all, it is King byunghun requesting my presence, not my father. To him and all of them? What good would come out of going back there? "Taehyung, this is a really great opportunity for you," Jinhee insists.
"They are offering you a rank and shelter. That's rare for someone cast out as a rogue for a rape crime, regardless if it's true or not.I'm sure we can work something out for your mate to stay with you."
"I'm not leaving aquariver" hoseok shakes his head at jinhee. "And you're not taking my mate to fight some war," he adds, his hand trembling in mine. "You can't do that," he snaps, jumping to his feet and pointing an accusing finger at jinhee. "Your pack rejected taehyung already. He's mine now. We already have a home and a family so we don't need anything your pack has to offer." My heart skips a beat with every word hoseok says, a warmth spreading across my cheeks in delight.
We're his family now. Even mark cannot help but swoon over our mate as he stands his ground against my former Gamma, his tail wagging furiously from side to side "sir, I don't think you understand. We are werewolves. We have to abide by certain laws that I'm sure a human would not understand," jinhee says calmly. Little does he know, he's speaking to a former male-Luna, mark snickers, settling down to watch the show. Hoseok does not say a word to contradict him but I can see the hint of an annoyed smirk curling on his lips, jinhee was explaining to hoseok as if explaining something to a child. "Taehyungs king is requesting his return as a Royal subject of crescent mane kingdom, taehyung must fulfill that request". A cold laughter erupts from hyungwon's mouth, a document dangling from his fingers. "This decree is a sham," Hyungwon shrugs before beginning to read the document aloud. "By decree of King byunghun of the Crescent Mane Kingdom, Kim taehyung, is henceforth restored to his original omega rank. Mr.Kim is furthermore promoted to Warrior rank and will receive all titles, duties, and rights accorded to him by his position. This includes but is not limited to training, food, shelter, and a guarantee to move up ranks if he proves himself worthy. By will of the King, Mr.Kim has two weeks to present himself at the Crescent Mane palace or face charges."
Hyungwon crumples up the paper in his hand, his palm bursting into flames and engulfing the decree until all that is left is a pile of ashes. "Last I checked, a rogue is no longer the subject of any King or Queen. That is why they are rogues," hyungwon smiles politely. "And besides, taehyung was never a full member of your pack, was he? Your Alpha never gave him a mindlink, did he?" Jinhee remains silent for a moment, a smile of satisfaction appearing on hyungwon's lips. "You have no case, Gamma, and you do not have the power to take one of my guests from my pack" my eyes widen in shock at the fem-male king. His pack is already preparing for war against the american packs. He cannot seriously be considering making another enemy with Crescent Mane. They are small but vindictive. They will not go down without a fight. "Unless taehyung accepts your conditions willingly, you will not be taking him anywhere. That's my decree," he snaps. Jinhee rises to his feet, his eyes pleading with me to reconsider.
"Taehyung. This is your chance to prove to taewoo that you are an Alpha. That you are the true Alpha meant to diamond wings. If you work hard enough, your life will be very different than it was before," he urges me. "Please. Think about it. I know you have it in you to be our Alpha." I look over at my mate and know there is nothing to think about. I have found my family in him, in jiwon, and in minjun and I do not plan on leaving them all behind for a title. For once in my life, someone sees something of value in me, and not as an Alpha, but as a person. I am home now. For once in my life, someone sees something of value in me, and not as an Alpha, but as a person. I am home now. Diamond wings is nothing but a scar, one that is slowly healing but will one day fade away completely. I shake my head at jinhee, informing him of my decision to remain in aqua river. Jinhee stares back at me in disbelief and maybe even a little disappointment. "Taehyung," he begins to explain. "Emerald sky killed your eomma and your hyung. They have destroyed every aspect of your life drive to annihilate the very wolves who have taken so much from you?" He asks.
"Don't you want to avenge your family?" Anger boils through my veins at the suggestion that I did not love my family. Jinhee knows more than anyone just how much I loved my eomma. She was the first person to ever protect me, to ever love me unconditionally, but while I am saddened for the loss of my eomma, my hyung and ajeossi, this war is not mine to fight. Diamond wings never saw me as a pack member. Why would they see me as a warrior now? I do not respond and get up to open the door for jinhee, my old guardian staring solemnly at me. "Taehyung-" I gesture toward the door, no longer willing to listen to any more of his pleas. Hurt and anguish wash over jinhee's face, but seeing that he has overstayed his welcome, jinhee walks to the door. "I pray to Moon Goddess that you won't regret this decision," he says softly, raising his hand to pat my back but retracting it so as not to upset me. I slam the door shut once he crosses the threshold of the frame, my knuckles turning white from my strong grip on the doorknob. My mind reels from jinhee's visit and I lean my forehead against the door, searching for peace and counting my breaths. A pair of small hands snake around my waist, and hoseok's firm body presses up against my back. He does not say a word as he holds my stomach. "It's going to be okay," hoseok murmurs. "I'll fight too if it means I get to keep you."

Hyunwoo"You lying piece of shit!" I snarl, shoving jinhee against the car

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"You lying piece of shit!" I snarl, shoving jinhee against the car. "You knew, you knew all this time that that mutt was my brother and you said nothing!!!" In a matter of seconds, jinhee has me pinned to the car with my arms behind my back, the old hound still stronger than I am. "Just you wait", I mutter to myself as he slams my head against the car door. I'll get you back for this soon enough. "You do not get to question me, pipsqueak," he mocks me. "I was following my orders. His identity was on a need to know basis. You and dakyung did not need to know."
"He raped my eomma!" I snarl back, attempting to shake my arms out of his grip. "Your eomma is a lying whore," jinhee says in a low growl. "The cameras in her office say so."
"What?" I ask, resisting the urge to fight. "I said," he whispers with a snicker. "Your mother is a whore. She tried seducing taehyung and when he refused, she cried rape. "You're fucking lying," I snap back, jinhee laughing at my reaction and tightening his grip on my hands. "I hope so," junghee gags. "Stepmom and stepson? That's got the makings of a bad porno." Jinhee snarls at his son, meanwhile my stomach churns in disgust. I'm shoved into the back of the car and Jinhee starts making a phone call, the sound of my father's displeased voice loud enough to send shivers down my spine. As we drive back to the Redwood Pack to regroup, my eomma's instructions replay in my head. Kill him. But is it really worth it now?I ask myself. He declined to come back? And you think appa is going to take no for an answer? Hyunsuk, my wolf, scoffs. Our days as heir are numbered. Appa has been protecting taehyung for years and yet he's never hidden you. Face it. We have always been a decoy, a dispensable puppet for the real Alpha. We were never meant to be the Alpha of diamond wings. No, I snarl to myself. No. I am Alpha and no mute mutt is going to take that from me.

 I am Alpha and no mute mutt is going to take that from me

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"We move now" I announced, hanging up th phone. "We're ready to move in." I let out a sigh of relief and nod at the driver to head North towards aqua river. The city of seoul is bustling with life, thousands of humans running around without a clue that we live among them. How nice it must be to be so oblivious to our existence, to our problems, to our wars. How nice it must be to be so oblivious to our existence, to our problems, to our wars. Minsi kisses my cheek, resting her head on my shoulder. I did not initially intend to bring her along, but she knows well that she is my weakness and that I would rather die than deny her anything within my power. She taps my chin three times the way she always does when I am stressed. I kiss her forehead gently, looking up to see my son watching us from the rearview mirror. There's a knowing smirk on his lips, a small chuckle erupting from his mouth.
Minsi may not be his eomma, but he adores her and all the good she has brought into our lives.I was not always a doting husband nor a caring father and I know he is grateful to her for changing that. He would die protecting her if things do not go as planned on this trip. "It'll be okay," she whispers, nuzzling up beside me. "I promise we'll come out on the other side in one piece." Little does she know our lives are about to change forever because after almost 30 years, I am finally going to end this war.

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