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Eun-jiIt's very dark, always so dark in this place

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It's very dark, always so dark in this place. I don't know where I am, but it scares me. I want to get out but no matter how much I cry or scream, I am always met with cold, dark silence. Regardless, I do not stop searching for a way out, running in any direction in hopes of finding the way out of this nightmare. The pounding of my heart drums against my ears as I sprint into the nothingness, searching desperately for a light, a sound, anything, to let me know that I am not alone, that I'm still alive and that this is not the end for me. I force myself to keep running, putting one foot in front of another. As I take another step into the darkness, the ground beneath my feet gives way and I find myself collapsing into the emptiness, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach as I fall into the endless pitch black. My arms fling about, searching for something to grab onto and save me from this never - ending fall. The fall is long and torturous, and after a while, I give up and brace myself for my inevitable death. Death, however, never comes to take me and my body finally stops falling, colliding into a pool of water. I open my mouth to scream, my lungs filling with water but I stop when I notice the light above my head, illuminating the waves of the water as it sways to and fro. My heart fills with hope; Moving my arms and legs, I swim to the surface, coughing up the water I drank and gulping the fresh air as the gentle breeze kisses against my skin. I wipe my eyes and look around, elated to have finally made it out of the darkness and in what appears to be a lake. I see a sandy beach on the horizon and a silent forest sitting just behind it. The sky has a greenish tint to it, not a cloud in sight. I swim to the shore and lay for a moment to rest, counting my breaths. Looking down at my body, I notice I am dressed in a flowy white dress with no sleeves, my feet completely bare. After calming my heart, I venture in the lush green forest. It does not take me long to realize that I am still alone but the quiet does not scare me for some reason, a gentle calm washing over me the deeper I walk into the forest. The breeze hums quietly in my ears . "Eun-ji ... " it whispers. I follow the delicate voice of the wind into the woods, feeling the damp earth beneath my feet as I rush through the trees. Beneath the canopy, I hear the light trickling of water in the distance. I search for the source and come upon a stream rushing through a rocky bed. Completely exhausted, I step into the cool waters to wash my feet and sit on a small boulder. "Hello child" a silky voice murmurs from behind me, startling me enough that I nearly slip off the rock and into the water. I turn around to find a beautiful woman with porcelain skin face down to her waist. Like me, her feet are bare but she wears white dress with blue trim and embroidery. Her eyes resemble the dark skies of the night, two onyx beads containing a million stars. Her thin lips are as red as a rose, curled like two petals into a smile. "Come with me" the woman instructs, holding out a hand towards me. A calming presence surrounds her and when I place my hand in hers, a cool electric sensation tingles up my arm. "Do you know who I am, child?" she says as we walk along the stream. I take a good look at the woman, and while something about her seems familiar, I cannot put a finger on where I could have possibly met her. "You seem ... familiar" I reply honestly, my voice shaking a little. A small chuckle escapes her perfect lips. "I should hope so. You called me here." I stop in my tracks and look at her closely, raising an eyebrow. "I did?" The woman laughs again, the sound rich and mystifying. "You asked for a wolf" She murmurs, my eyes widening in shock . "You're ... "
"I go by many names" She smiles . "But most call me Moon As the words leave her lips, a beautiful gray - blue wolf appears beside her. "Youngjae... " I whisper, a smile curling on my lips as I remember meeting him the first time. Youngjae's piercing blue eyes flicker towards me when I call out to him, his head tilting to the side in amusement. l drop down on my knees before Moon Goddess, lowering my head and kissing her feet. "Your Grace" I cry, ecstatic that my wish is coming true. "Oh thank you for this gif- "
"You have nothing to thank me for" Moon Goddess snaps, stepping back . "I have given you nothing."
"But I thought."
"All good things to those who wait" Moon Goddess sighs. "Youngjae would have been your wolf had you simply trusted in my plan." Plan? My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. What plan? "Your impatience and jealousy got the best of you." Moon Goddess shakes her head disapprovingly, looking towards youngjae. "And you took what was not yours." A bitter anger fills my heart. "But- but he was mine ... " I sob at her. "Hak-yeon was mine! I met him first! I loved him first."
"He was not meant for you!" Moon Goddess reprimands. "I was going to give you an amazing wolf. Someone who would do anything to please you and show you what it's like to be loved. And you ruined it" Tears trickle down my cheeks. "Please, your Grace. Please have mercy on me! I know I made a mistake but- "
"Do you have any idea what it's like to have your mate taken from you? To have someone else tear you apart from the person you love most?" Moon Goddess asks, a slight tremor in her voice as she tilts her head up to the sky "Do you have any idea the pain your brother felt when he walked into his bedroom and found you with his mate?" I swallow back my words, unable to look the goddess in the eye. "Many nights, he came to you crying about his pains, pains you were causing," Moon Goddess continues . "And all you did was laugh in his face. You told him it was all in his head. You made him feel crazy! You have forsaken a sacred bond between two people!" Moon Goddess shouts, stepping back to reign in her emotions and calm down. "So now you must pay the price." Fear settles into my bones as I look at Moon Goddess's cool black eyes . "You took something sacred from your brother and now ... he will take something from you." Youngjae suddenly vanishes from Moon Goddess's side, leaving behind nothing but dust in his wake. "Noo!" I scream, reaching out my hand to hang on to the beautiful wolf only for him to slip through my fingers "hoseok will receive the wolf that was once meant for you" Moon Goddess declares. "And to show you just how merciful I am, I will still grant you your wish. You will receive a wolf, one worthy of your crime, and endure all the consequences of your actions." She flicks her wrist, a small brown wolf with reddish brown eyes appearing beside her. She is not nearly as beautiful as youngjae. The little wolf whines, lowering her gaze to Moon Goddess's feet. "Let this be a lesson to you .. . Never interfere with my plans again child ," Moon Goddess explains as I gaze upon the pathetic wolf. Moon Goddess looks down at the small wolf, stroking her dull coat. "She is not much now, but you can make her stronger in time and with patience. Lots of patience." I look down at the wolf with disgust. How the hell am I supposed to be Luna with that mangy mutt? How the hell am I supposed to give hak-yeon his heir? "Our time is up," Moon Goddess whispers, placing a finger on my forehead. "I will be watching you closely. Until next time." Before I can say anything else, a bright white light blinds me, Moon Goddess and the wolf disappearing. I close my eyes to shield them from the burning brightness and when I open them again, I find myself staring at a white ceiling. I try to breathe but there's something lodged in my throat. I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I want to scream but all that coming out is choaked sounds. Panicking, my hands feel around my throat, a heart monitor beeping erratically beside me. I hear a loud slam followed by footsteps and quickly find myself surrounded by people in scrubs. Dr.Lisa steps forward, instructing someone to raise my bed . "Calm down, Luna" she mutters, placing her hands on the tube coming out of my mouth. "Let's get this out." I gulp large breaths of air once the thick tube is removed, my eyes frantically scanning the room. It appears I'm in the pack hospital and as expected, my husband is nowhere to be found. I open my mouth to speak, but Dr. Lisa beats me to the punch . "I'll mind-link the Alpha" she murmurs. "I'll tell him you are awake."

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