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Taehyung        "I thought I was going crazy" hoseok whimpers as his memories fade away, both of us opening our eyes

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"I thought I was going crazy" hoseok whimpers as his memories fade away, both of us opening our eyes. "I even went to the pack psychiatrist to get help" he begins to sob. "I was suffocating inside but I couldn't let myself crumble under the pressure. I tried so hard to be the perfect male-Luna because everyone was counting on me" he sighs, shaking his head in disbelief. "But it was all for nothing. In the end, I didn't matter to anyone, not to my pack, not to my mate, not to my gamma, and most definitely not to my own sister!" He pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts, holding his head in his hands. When I attempt to comfort hoseok by wrapping my arms around him, he flinches raising his head back up to wipe his tears. "I didn't matter to the people I most cared about" he mumbles. "And I was an idiot to believe I ever would ." You matter to me, I want to say, resting my chin on his shoulder and holding him tightly. "It's okay" he sighs . "I'm definitely done trying to live up to other people's expectations" he adds . "So before we go any further, we need to discuss some things first." he says, turning his head to face me. "I know heirs are important to wolves, especially to Alphas and I've proven to not be the most fertile away now. I struggled so much for min-jun and I definitely don't need to be treated like a disappointment for being unable to get pregnant right away. I'm not a breeding whore, understand? I don't even flinch, nodding my head adamantly at him. Pups have never even crossed my mind, my only concern thus far being that I be good enough for him. "Good" he sighs in relief. "I am also not interested in being anyone's male-Luna or having any more gammas for that matter, so if I you have a pack you plan to take over, find another Luna, male or otherwise, to take my place. I'm not slaving away for people who will only turn their backs on me when I need them most." I chuckle softly to myself and squeeze him tightly, wondering what pack on earth would possibly want me as it's Alpha? Nodding that I understand his concern, he proceeds with his next condition. "One more thing taehyung, and this is non negotiable" he adds quietly, biting his lower lip nervously. My heart beats loudly in my chest as I lean forward to listen to him closely. He takes a deep breath and looks at his hands resting on his lap. "No marking." My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach, Mark going into a fit of rage. No marking ? He scoffs. How the hell is the world supposed to know that we belong to each other if he does not bear our mark? Perhaps he is ashamed of having me for a mate? I wonder, dread washing over me. Seeing the look of worry on my face, he hurries to explain. "I'm not ashamed to bear your mark. l - l just don't see the point. I wore a mark proudly for years like an idiot, meanwhile my mate dishonored our bond with my sister to the knowledge of everyone in my pack" he adds quickly. "It means nothing to be marked if your mate can still degrade the bond with ease. Humans don't mark each other and it's never hindered our relationships. We are free to love and date whoever we please without having to tie our souls together and I'd prefer to keep it that way." I'm sorry, what part of my tail and snout remotely resemble a human to you? Mark sneers. I do not date, I mate ... FOR LIFE !!!!! "Besides" he smiles timidly. "What's to stop you from finding someone else who makes you happier than I ever could? Or better yet, someone who can give you a pu-" I don't give him a chance to speak anymore nonsense, cupping his cheeks and pressing my lips against his. At first, he doesn't move, his eyes wide open as he stares back at me in shock. Gathering up the last of my courage, I move my lips a little until he slowly melts against me and deepens the kiss, parting his lips so that our tongues meet for a tender dance. The moment they touch, the world fades away completely until we are all that I lower his body against the bed and lay between his legs, our lips never parting as we mold ourselves to each other. My lungs begin to burn, however, and I reluctantly pull away, my eyes studying the beautiful fem-male staring up at me with tears in his eyes. For the first time in my life I feel the need to speak, the words tearing at my throat to break free from their prison. Taking a deep breath, I slowly open my mouth, a small groan escaping my lips . "y - y ... Y - y- " I gasp, Hoseok looking up at me with patient eyes. "Take your time" he murmurs, one of his hands gently grazing my cheek. "There's no rush." I blink a few times, forcing my mouth open again and concentrating on every syllable . "Y - you ... ar - are so ... st - str - strong" I pant , my cheeks beginning to flush. A small smile curls on hoseoks lips, a single tear rolling down his cheek as he pulls me close enough so that our breaths become one. "So are you." His lips once again meet mine, parting and closing against my mouth as passion burns within us. Hoseok slowly slides his hand from my nape to the crown of my head, his fingers gently gripping my hair and tugging it slightly. His deep kisses light a fire in me, every part of me burning for him. He wraps his legs around my waist, clinging to me. I bury my face in his neck, my tongue caressing the place where my mark should go. A soft moan bubbles in his chest , my cock twitching at the sound. Heat ripples across my body when his hips grind against mine, a hard lump growing in my boxers.bI can feel his nipples hardening beneath his shirt, and an erection start to form in his pants. Embarrassed, I begin to climb off only to be flipped on my back by my mate, his hands pushing against my chest as he pins me to the bed beneath him. He rocks his body back and forth, rubbing his ass against my hard on, a smirk curling on his lips as he teases me for blushing. A curious look flickers across his face as he gazes down at me. "Is this okay?" he asks, my breath ragged and labored the more he grinds his ass on me. Unable to put into words how good he feels, I barely manage to nod, hoseok biting his lips in satisfaction. He follows my gaze to his chest and giggles. "Have you ever done this before?" he asks, his hands gripping the edge of his shirt and playfully tugging it up a bit to expose his bare stomach. I see his lips moving but I am too busy concentrating on not nutting too early to hear what he's actually saying. "Wha - what?" I ask, beads of sweat gathering at my forehead as I feel a need build up where he is swaying his hips. We're going to die virgins, aren't we? Mark groans, practically face palming himself. I ignore him, hoseok giggling as he slowly pulls his shirt over his head, his naked chest staring back at me. A lump forms in my throat, my eyes unable to tear away from the smooth skin staring back at me, his slightly puffy chest that fem-males have to be able to produce milk for their children, his tiny waist that I just want to trail my lips over. There's a sexy wolf tattoo on his chest, flowers and tear drops extending across his milky skin. My tongue aches to taste his tattoo but I don't have a clue how to express that, a pathetic groan escaping my lips. "Am I overwhelming you? Do you want me to stop?" Hoseok asks, his arms timidly wrapping around his chest. I shake my head at him, hoseok's eyes looking intently at me. "I need words, taehyung. It's important to me that you tell me if I'm pushing you too hard" he explains, leaning forward so that his lips brush up against mine as he speaks . "You can speak slowly if it's easier for you. I'm not in any rush" he murmurs, sliding his hands down my abdomen so that his fingers grip the hem of my shirt. Our lips meet for a gentle kiss , his hips gyrating in a slow motion, my cock on the verge of erupting from the sheer feeling of his clothed dick rubbing against it. "W - wait ," I blurt out as I grab his wrist to keep them from moving up any further. He freezes, his cheeks turning a light pink shade. I do my best to concentrate on my words, but my speech still comes out slurred . "I - I ... " I groan in frustration, angry with myself that my words won't just come out, he once again leans forward, his face close enough that his minty breath tickles my chin. "Just breathe" he murmurs. "Count to three and try again." I open my mouth again but my nerves have my tongue in a twist. I want to scream at Moon Goddess for making me this way but I fall silent when hoseok speaks . "I heard you talking to min-jun" he whispers, a little wave of shock rippling through me. I thought I hid that well . "And I know there's nothing I can say to make you believe me" he chuckles . "But I loved hearing your voice ," he confesses, my heart nearly skipping a beat. He loved it? "It was beautiful to see you so comfortable with him" he smiles at the memory. "But it also hurt that you didn't want to share your voice with me" he adds . "Because I would never think less of you for the way you speak ... Trust me, I'd love for you to stutter my name while I ride you." Mark howls with laughter and I don't even want to think about how red my face is, both of my hands attempting to cover the burning heat of my cheeks. Hoseok chuckles at my timidness, pulling my hands away from my face. "I'm not ashamed of you, taehyung. And I just want you to know that to me...your perfect" I digest every word, my eyes looking down at my shirt still shielding my scars . "Are you afraid to show them to me?" he asks, his face softening as he looks at me. He pecks my lips when I nod, one of his hands guiding mine to his lower stomach. I feel dips and grooves at my fingertips and he smiles at me. "You didn't notice my stretch marks when you first looked at me, did you?" he teases, moving my hand across all the little stretch marks on his tummy. "Do they bother you?" When I shake my head , hoseoks smile widens. "So then why would your scars bother me?" he shrugs. "I am not ashamed of my stretch marks because they are proof that I'm an eomma and that I had the strength and courage to carry my pup on my own. Your scars are no different. They tell me your story, what you' ve had to survive and overcome." he grips a handful of my shirt, his eyes settling on mine .

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