Prolouge¹ - The Lost Sister

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Three watched curiously as a young girl with short curly hair walked into the warehouse, watching as the others questioned her as she sat on the sofa. She felt as if she recognised the girl.

"Well, well... what do we have here?" Axel questioned, walking up to the girl with the rest of the group.

Three noticed the girl looking at her with a small bit of relief. "What is she wearing?" Mick scoffed. "What are those, overalls?"

"Really Mick?" Three rolled her eyes, speaking quietly as she couldn't speak as well as she should of been able to because of Papa.

"They're aren't any cows to milk here, kid." Dottie joked. "Go on back to the farm now."

Three sighed as the group surrounded the girl. To be completely honest, she didn't really like them, but stuck around because Kali saved her.

"I'm looking for my sisters." The girl stated, looking to Three. "You're one of them."

"What? Eris? No way." Dottie snickered making Three frown.

"Aw... Shirley Temple's lost her sisters. So sad." Axel mocked, looking over to Three. "And I'm sorry to break it ya', but Eris has no sibling."

"I saw her. Here." She stated, clearly talking about the other sister before nodding to Three. "With her."

The girl moved her bag, going to get something out of it. "Uh-Huh." The biggest and strongest out of them said. "Hands out of pocket. Slow."

"Give me that shit." Axel muttered as the girl pulled out two pictures. Three stepped forwards, looking at the pictures. Surely enough one had her face on it, the other one having Kali's on.

"Is that Kali and Eris?" Mick questioned, taking the pictures.

"That's me." Three confirmed with a curt nod.

"Kali? Eris?" The girl asked making Three nod.

"I'm Eris or Three." Three smiled, Axel hushed her, making the girl tilt her head.

"How did you find us?" Axel asked. "Who else knows you're here?"

"No one." The girl replied.

"So, what then? Poof! You just show up like magic with that picture?" Axel asked with a slightly threatening tone.

"But I'm–" Three tried, but was shushed by Dottie making her clench her jaw.

"Stay calm. She's just a kid." Mick took a step forward.

"A kid who could get us all killed." Axel retorted.

"I have to ask again, Shirley," Axel said, pulling out a knife. "You'll start losing things. Starting with those pretty little locks of yours. Yeah?"

To The End ♤ Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now