5 - The Nina Project

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Three requested to be with Eddie that night and the others agreed. They thought it would be clever to give him some company and protection.

So, when they got there, Three tightly hugged Max, worried about leaving the girl but she knew this was a good choice.

"I'll see you guys later." Three waved.

"Stay out of trouble." Steve told her.

"Only if you do." Three chuckled before they drove off.

Three walked over to the boat house, slowly opening the door. Three saw Eddie jump up into a defense position.

"Whoa! Calm down." Three giggled.

"Eris?" Eddie asked.

"Hi. I'm here to keep you company. And to protect you." Three replied.

"Thanks." Eddie smiled, sitting down. "What have I missed?"

"Well, uh, Max was nearly taken but we saved her with music." Three told him.

"Shit. Is she okay?" Eddie asked.

"She's still upset but alive." Three nodded, as she walked to sit opposite Eddie.

"Is that blood?" Eddie asked.

"Hmm?" Three wondered, feeling the top of her shirt and feeling dry blood. "Oh, yeah."

"What happened to you? You okay?" Eddie questioned.

"Yes, I'm okay. I used my powers to help Max and when I use my powers, my nose bleeds." Three explained.

"Oh, right. I forgot you had powers." Eddie muttered. "How about we play a game?"

"Sure. What game?" Three wondered.

"It's called twenty questions. I know we've talked a handful of times but I don't know much about you." Eddie replied.

"Twenty questions?" Three asked.

"Yeah, we can ask each other twenty questions and take it in turns. I'll start." Eddie stated and Three nodded. "What are your powers?"

"I can move things with my mind, I have a super scream, I can make you see your fear. I also am connected with the other side." Three smiled.

"That's pretty badass." Eddie chuckled.

"Bitchin'?" Three wondered.

"Yeah." Eddie nodded with a smile. "Your turn."

"What are your parents like?" Three asked.

"Well, my father is an asshole who is in jail and I don't know my mother well since she ran away. I live with my uncle." Eddie replied.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." Three frowned.

To The End ♤ Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now