Chapter 6 - You're my experimental game

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fuck! what a damn night?!

"So Rocky huh?" I heard she whispered. But, I ignored her.

"I've been look...looking for you!" Cass tripped and thankfully I catch her. She's drunk. "Oh! you met Heidi! she's beautiful right?" she whispered the last sentence.

"You're drunk Cassandra." I seriously said. "Let's go home."

"No! No! I'm not drunk and we're not going home!" she move away a little but I'm still supporting her. "Come on let's party!" she started dancing.

I shook my head. "I'm not leaving you here. Come on let's go to our table."

"You're no fun, Rocky!" I ignored her and pulled her by the arm.

"Thankfully, you got her!" Zach was distressed. I mean who wouldn't if your twin sister is like this girl? "Franz' out there looking for her."

"Sit." I told her.

"So..sorry guys! my-my friends.. are no fun!" she's slurring.

I looked at Haiden and Amanda and gave them a small smile.

"Oh Red! this is my sister." Haiden pointed someone at my back. "Heidi."


I stayed calm before turning around. I smiled at her and then I offered my hand. "Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Red." I introduced myself like this is the first time I'm meeting her.

She looked at my hand for a little before accepting it. "Heidi." she smirked.

"I didn't know you have a sister, Haiden."

"Oh she grew up with our grandparents."

"Is that so?" I sat beside Cassey and Heidi sat beside Amanda. Now we're facing each other. She intentionally did that. "So, Heidi what brings you here at our little town?"

She shrugged. "New life? New environment? New relationship?" she did emphasize the last part. I gulped. "Red aye? I thought your name's Rocky?"

"It is. My first name." she was about to say something when Amanda spoke.

"Red, why isn't Aaron here??"

"He said he has an emergency meeting." she just nod. They aren't close. Amanda hates Aaron's guts.

"Guys! Cheers!" Zach raised a cup. So we did cheers.

Even though I don't look at her direction, I can feel her gaze piercing me. I tried having fun without giving her attention. Everytime Cass tried to drink, me and Franz snatch the cup from her. My phone is buzzing many times but I ignored it. I know it's Aaron.

"Let's dance!" I told them that I'll stay here to watch Cass while they are at the dance floor. All of them left except for me, Cass and Heidi. I acted like she wasn't there and just took care of Cass.

"Damn, Cassandra." I groaned as I tried to fix her hair. She's so wasted. "I'll kill Jonathan for stressing you out like this." I wiped her face with some tissue.

After a couple of minutes of fixing her. I put her head o the back of the couch we're sitting. She's so knocked out. I was about to get a drink when Heidi handed me one. At first I hesitated but still I accepted it.

"You look so stressed." she's already beside me. I didn't speak. "Why are you acting like you don't know me."

"Because I don't know you."

She smirked. "Oh really?" I nodded. It's the truth tho. I don't really know her.

But you kissed... No! you made out!.... But it was just an experimental game! I just tried how would it felt to kiss a girl!

I know I'm a little bit tipsy cuz' I'm fighting with my inner self. I know I'm kinda weird.. SOMETIMES!

"But this isn't the first time we're meeting." she said. "Why do we always see each other at a party? hmmm?"

"Want more drink?" I think she's a nice friend. Why not be friendly? After all she's Haiden's sister.

I smiled at her and I promise, I saw her blush! "Sure."

"I didn't know you and my brother know each other." she started the conversation. "I don't even know my brother had friends. HAHHA"

"Hey! that's mean!" I said while laughing. I can sense that she's a bully sister. "Haiden's a good guy. We're not that close but yea, I know he is. Well, on contrary I don't even know that he has a sister. All this time we thought he was an only child because he never mentioned you."

"As he said, I grew up with my grandparents. Her mom doesn't want to take me in, so I have no choice." I can hear sadness on her voice.

"Oh God! Sorry, I didn't mean to...."

"It's okay. It's not a big deal tho." she forced a smile.

"You know let's just drink." I poured her a drink and we both cheers. "I think I'm drunk"

She laughed at me. "Not as drunk as her." she pointed at Cass, who's still sleeping beside me. "Thankfully there are no paparazzi here or else it would be a disaster for her." I looked at her shocked. "Don't look at me like that. She's famous! I'm a fan!"

I shook my head while smiling. "So how did you know Amanda?"

She took a sip first before answering me. "Haiden brought her at thanksgiving once because our relatives, most specially our father, keeps bugging him about having a girlfriend. I think he got tired of it so he brought Amanda. But, right there and then I knew they were faking it."

Ohmy!!! I laughed so hard because I can't imagine those two!

"Since we were a kid I knew that my brother was gay and I didn't have any problems with that. I didn't love him any less because of that. That same day, I confronted him and I saw how scared and anxious he was. He thought I would judge him and that I don't understand him..." I was staring at her as she tells me the story. I can see it in her eyes that she really do love Haiden. "I hugged him tight and told him that I will always be there for him. So, that day I held his hand as we both faced our whole family. I told him also that it's okay if he wasn't ready at all. But, he did go on. He told everyone that he's gay and everything was a total chaos that night. I never left his side after that. Amanda also stayed as we both comforted him. There we get close.."

"Wow.." that's all I can say!

"Sorry for ruining the mood. You know what? Let's just dance!" she stood up and start pulling me up. "come on!"

"But, Cass.."

Franz suddenly arrived. "Go Red. I'll take over."

I looked at Heidi and she wiggled her eyebrow. I shook my head while smiling as I accepted her hands. She pulled me to the dance floor and we both danced the night away. We giggled when we saw Haiden and Zach kissing. I'm tipsy and this party lights is making me more dizzy af! Heidi wrapped her arms on my neck while I wrapped mine on her waist as we sway our bodies. Well, it's just human nature to dance like this if you are in a club. We are so very close to each other and the last thing I knew, we were kissing. AGAIN!

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