Chapter 11 - Don't mean I'm in love tonight

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After that eating, we decided to hang out on my house of course. Thankfully, I cleaned my house yesterday. It would be embarrassing if they saw my house so chaotic. Cass invited them to sleepover like it's her house. I just can't help but to shook my head on her.


"Yes, Red?"

"Do you have an idea where your brother is? I've been contacting him since this morning but I can't seem to reach him. I'm getting worried."

Amanda suddenly became serious and she rolled her eyes. "I'm telling you Red. You are one of the most amazing person I knew." I smiled at her compliment. She place a hand on my arm. "Break up with my brother."

I scoffed. I wasn't expecting that. Heidi smack her arms so she screamed.


"You're mouth doesn't really have any filter, aye?"

"What? I'm just suggesting what's best for Red." she said innocently. "There's so many people there who's more deserving than my asshole of a brother."

Heidi ignored her and just turn to my direction. "Don't mind her. She's just a bit crazy." she whispered. I laughed a little because she also motioned circles on her head as if she's saying that Amanda is crazy.

"I totally agree on you Mands!" Cass suddenly spoke. The two of them high fived. "Maybe the one is just there around." She smirked at me.

I gave her a death glare. I know what she's doing. She's pushing me and Heidi.

"Oh! Yea, you're right girl..." Amanda's tone has a little something on it. Does she know something?????

"Just shut up Mands. Remember we're at Red's."

"It's okay. I'm used to this lunatics teasing me. I'm already immune with Cass." I laughed.

Before I'm only take what they are saying as a joke. But, now I'm starting to think it over. My eyes darted at the girl who's making me confuse as hell. What's with her that I'm this attracted? Did she gave me a love potion or something?

Oh Red! You're such a full of yourself! You don't even know if she feels the same way. If she thinks of you, the same way you think of her.

My heart suddenly dropped a little as I think of the thought that i'm not lingering on her mind like she is in mine. What if she's just like this and everything has no malice on her.

But, she kissed me! She kissed me many times!

What if that kiss has no meaning on her? Does our kiss make her heart go crazy like mine? Fudge! I'm overthinking things. There are some voices in my head debating over it. This girl is making me crazy af!

I came back from my trance when someone elbowed me. That freaking hurts! I gave Zach a death glare for it.

"You're spacing out, girl. Stop starring at her. You're too obvious." he whispered. I coughed. Am I that obvious?

A glass of water suddenly appeared infront of me. When I look up it was her. She's smiling at me. I silently took the water and drank it immediately without stop. She laughed.

"Are you that thirsty?.." I mean who wouldn't be thirsty if a girl like you is standing infront of them?

I felt another elbow on my side. Shit! I zoned out again!

"Ha?.." I stuttered.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"She asked you if you want more water. You keep zoning out that's why you didn't heard her. What are you thinking, Red?" I turned to Zach and gave him another death glare. He's teasing me.

"Ah yea.. I'm fine. Maybe just tired? Btw, thank you for the water." I smiled.

"No problem." She said and then she went to Amanda and Cass' who's talking. I think they're gossiping about something.

"Damn, bruh you're inlove! HAHHAHHAHA" Zach said, enough for us both to hear.

My brows creased. What the heck is he saying?

"The way you look at her. The way you smile. The way everything is when she's near. My ghad! you're inlove!"

"Who's inlove?" Haiden came back from the restroom.

"Red." my eyes widened on Zach. Did he just said that to Haiden? Heidi's brother?

Haiden looked at me. "With who??"


"ZACHARIAS!/ WHAT?!" me and Haiden both yelled. The three girls that are gossping nearby looked at us.

I laughed nervously. "Don't mind us.. just continue talking there." I said. When they go back to what they are doing. I attacked Zach. "You and your freaking mouth!"

"Aww! Aww! It hurts!" I know it doesn't because he's laughing af. "It's true tho!"

"Wait what? Enlighten me? You and my sister? When?? Where??"

"Don't listen to what this lunatic is saying." I said as I smack Zach one last time.

Zach sat properly and laughed. "But, I'm saying the truth. You never looked at Aaron like that. And admit it or not, you liked the kiss."

"Wait.. you kissed?!"

Before I got the chance to answer, Zach spoke. "Yes! not one but twice! or maybe thrice?" he smirked.

"Oh shit! You're the one she's telling me and Amanda about! The mysterious good kisser at Bonnie's party!"

I smiled at the 'good kisser' part. Zach threw me a pillow.

"Yea you're right. I won't deny that I liked the kiss. She's a great kisser. I mean greater than Aaron." the two giggled like fools. "But that doesn't mean I'm in love with her."


I raised my eyebrow on Zach but he just smirked at me like a fool.

"Why is the topic all on me???? What's the score between you two??" me trying to just avoid the topic. They both blushed and it looked so cute. "It's not me who's in love. It's you guys!"

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