Chapter 3

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Let's try something different for this chapter. See if you readers like this, just wanna spice it up a little. Amar'e jumped to the side, just out of reach of a powerful haymaker that dented a steel support beam into a ninety degree angle. He was sweaty and nearly out of breath as he stood in what seemed to be an construction building. His attacker was the same height as him and was completely clothed in dark clothing. He wore black pants, sneakers and a sweater with a blue "AK" spray painted on it. His had the hood over his head and his mouth and hands were both wrapped by blue tape.

"Can't we talk about this? I already told you I don't want any trouble!" Amar'e yelled at him.

The hooded figure stared at him for a few seconds before thrusting his fist forward. The jab was too fast for Amar'e to react to and he saw a flash of white followed by a pain in his nose as he flew backwards into a wall.


Ha! Look at that, I started the chapter with a scene from the middle of the chapter then I went back. See, I'm good at building tension and interest. Hahaha....okay Heather I'll stop being a failure.

One week had passed since Amar'e joined the party of martial artists. The masters' pace hadn't changed at all since. In that short week, they ravaged through the southern border states of the USA in search of worthy disciples. There were a few promising ones here and there, but no one who had the same upside and potential as Amar'e, so the masters just destroyed the esteem of anyone who wasn't good enough and trust me when I say that they were better masters at that than martial arts. Amar'e and Matthew were absolutely worn out from traveling such a far distance in such little time while on foot. The weird and unbelievable other worldly things they saw their guides do along the way began to make them question whether or not they were actually human, heck I still question it to this day. They were coming up to a city as they walked down a highway. It was Sacramento.

Amar'e dragged his feet behind the three and was growing aggravated, "With every waking moment, I seriously regret agreeing to this whole disciple thing more and more. You've shattered the self esteems of at least ten different people and made us walk over 3000 miles in one week with hardly any rest and for what? You haven't gotten a single new disciple yet."

Chuck sighed, "It is a shame that the youth of this generation is so lazy and out of shape. If you can't handle light work like walking a few miles than I will pity you during the actual training."

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I won't take pity on you during the actual training...MATTHEW! HURRY UP!" Jett yelled.

A couple of yards behind them, Matthew was crawling along the side of the highway, looking as worn out as ever. They paused and waited for him to finally catch up. He crawled next to Chuck.

"Please Mr. Lee, can we stop for a rest. I swear I'm gonna die from dehydration."

"Hmm, well we have made a good amount of progress recently, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a break. We did after all just arrive at a new city. Why don't we find a nice restaurant to-"

"I'll choose!" Matthew yelled as he jumped up and sprinted towards the city, seemingly abundant with energy now.

"...He's gone." Lucy stated.

"Why can't he show the same enthusiasm for exercise as he does for food?" Chuck sighed.


The group of five sat in a restaurant eating lunch. Matthew sat eating a forty foot long subway sandwich, a meal for a family that his family usually bought just for him. As usual, this brought a lot of attention towards him and the group.

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