Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Amar’e and Dominic let out sighs of relief when Bruce pulled to boat back in to dock on the beach. They had made it back to Miami safely and as they stepped out of the boat, they could see a helicopter slowly landing on the hill of Norrileechanku.

BN: “It would seem that Chuck has made it back. Let’s join them.”

*Norrileechanku dojo*

BN: “Ho ho, Katelyn my sweet little girl.”

KN: “Daddy!” *Runs and hugs Bruce*

BN: “I assume everything went well with you Chuck.”

CL: *Eyes glint* “It went very well actually, *Shows Cairo newspaper* what about you?”

BN: *Eyes glint* “Always trying to challenge me eh Chuck?” *reaches into robe and pulls out newspaper that say ‘Shattering Mountain’ with him, Dom and Amar’e on the cover*

ED: “Bro, how is it going?” *hugs Dom*

DD: “Fine I guess, just glad I’m stuck alone with those two anymore.”

LL: *crawls up steps* “You think you had it rough?!”

JC: “Hehe, you guys look like you had a very quiet week. *throws newspaper that read ‘Mount Nedremlet isn’t as extinct as we thought’*

KN/LC: “Katelyn/Layla!”

LC: “Boy do I have a lot to tell you.” *Glances at the tired out Luke*

CL: “So you made a dead volcano erupt?”

JC: “Yea, I know I’m awesome.”

BN: “Well that only leaves-oh they are here.”

LR: “Here” *Hands him newspaper that read ‘Lucy Riku and her disciples stop a Texan Crime Syndicate* (Fillers Volume)

BN: “Well than I think we have a winner.”

All 3 masters handed her money as Sierra ran and hugged her brothers while Matthew sat in the corner as if mentally scarred.

KN: “What’s with him?”

LR: “He’s been like that since we raided the crime lord’s den.”

BN: “All of that aside, let’s see these weapons.”

LR: “Oh, we were unsuccessful in finding any.”

JC: “What?”

LR: “There was no real drive to do anything but stop the crime going on there.”

SD: “Sadly she’s right. I couldn’t find anything I liked.”

JC: “Than YOUR week doesn’t count! Give me back my money!”

LR: *Expressionless* “I’m sorry, I’ve seem to have misplaced it.”


CL: *Holds Jett back* “Aside from that fact, Anthony, Eric, Katelyn…show your masters and fellow disciple what you found.”

AB: “I have the Sai of Geb I think they’re called. Feel pretty light and I can use these well with my boxing movements.”

BN: *Holds Sai* “Ho ho, I hope you didn’t let Anthony mess around with these as he obviously doesn’t know what they truly are.”

CL: “Sadly they are the reason I found the tomb.”

AB: “What are they that you guys seemed so worried about them?”

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