Chapter 6

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Well I must say that if even after six chapters you're still reading this, that must mean my writing doesn't completely suck right? I'm gonna pat myself on the back for actually managing to keep you small bit of readers entertained for so long. This is one of my greatest accomplishments yet..besides you of course babe...and all the other amazing things I've done that'll be elaborated on in later volumes but for right now, this stands up there pretty high. Anyways, enough of my self gloating, I don't want to lose you guys now. Um, after what happened in the last chapter, there isn't much left really to talk about in terms of the master's journey to find more disciples because at that point, they hadn't found anymore. They basically spent that last week, making the rest of the trip back to Mesto Mecha. Now those next two days...hehehe those were a doozy. I remember them almost as if they were yesterday.

"Ah, nothing like home sweet home, don't you think Lucy?" Chuck said as he stopped at the top of Mesto Mecha's steps and inhaled the air deeply.

"Meh." she shrugged.

"I'm surprised that old coot Bruce didn't blow the place up while we were gone." Jett stated with a large grin.

"I too expected rubble." Lucy said before she turned to look back down the steps and calmly ordered, "Hurry up."

"Yea can you seven be any slower." Jett rolled his eyes.

After three weeks, their trip had finally come full circle and we were back where we started... climbing those bloody damned stairs. Eric and Luke led the pack, slowly moving one foot in front of the other up the steps. Amar'e and Anthony were right behind, both supporting either side of a rotting, skeletal carcass that used to be Matthew. Bringing up the rear was Sierra and Dominic, the former exhausted as she had her arms wrapped around Dominic's neck while he piggybacked her the rest of the way. When they all finally made it up, they each collapsed to their hands and knees and panted for air, except for Matthew. Pretty sure that dude was dead.

"So explain to me why the hell you decided it was a bright idea to put your home on top of such a huge frickin' hill?" Luke asked clearly peeved.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it in no time." Chuck said.

"Daddy!" a feminine voice called causing the group to turn their attention back to the dojo. A girl with light brunette hair, warm sand colored skin and cherry red eyes was running towards them. She was wearing a red tank top and baggy sweatpants that were light gray around her hip region and dark gray downwards. All of the disciples, save Sierra, perked up as she approached, their gaze fixated on her (...bosom as it swayed with her stride.) OH COME ON, IT WAS BEFORE I EVEN MET YOU!

*Technical Difficulties*

The perverted expressions of the boys quickly changed to ones of utter disbelief. Jett, who usually had a hardened, extremely masculine and stark personality ran towards her with a silly looking, lovesick smile on his face and the girl seemed to be crying as she ran back.


"NO WAY!" the boys all shouted as the two approached each other.





"DADDY!" her expression instantaneously turned hostile.

"Huh? Princes-" Jett was met by a flying kick straight to the face by his daughter and he careened back and crashed on the floor in a heap. She was quickly on him and began stomping on his body in a fit of anger.

"Raaaugh! I can't believe you! What type of father leaves unexpectedly without even telling his daughter where he's going or saying so much as a goodbye!? Then Bruce goes and tells me that you decided to run off in search of disciples around the country! Don't you think I would have liked to come!?"

Legendary Volume 1 - Enter Mesto MechaWhere stories live. Discover now