'Part 1'

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Tw: Dirty jokes, pet names, language and blood

《No one's pov:》

Tommy was a 16 year old
Who is a assassin.

He sometimes kills for
Fun but he usually gets 3-6 thousands
Of cash.

He is a professional by

And he got a mission to kill
A Mafia Boss By The
Name Of:

PurpledUFO Bedwars

He was a bit nervous to
Do it but he is a assassin for
5 years now.

He started going to the base
And found it after 2 hours,
He started looking around for the
Mafia but then he want in
A room with the Mafia..

"Hmm let me guess another assassin?"
The Mafia questions.

"Uhm yeah"
Tommy replied.
Tommy then took out a
Gun from his pocket
And pointed it at him.

"I don't know why People say
'It's so hard to kill'
Just person."

Tommy told the Mafia.
"Heh your funny for a
Assassin, I'm just going to
Let you go with a warning."

He started Walking closer to
The younger boy,
Tommy was still pointing the
Gun at him,
But he was also curious what
He would do.

"Look I don't want to play
Little games,
So just let me kill you an-"

Tommy started but was cut
Off by him getting pinned on
The wall.

"Sorry cutie but I can't let you
Kill me without consent."

He told as he took the gun
Out of the boys

"Oh well baby do I do I have your
Consent Hmm?"
Tommy reply playing with the

He smiled and whisper in
Tommy's ear

He started to let
Go of Tommy when he
Pulled out a pocket knife and
Made a cut on
Purpleds arm.

"Aww baby that's a
Bit of a big cut don't you think?"

"Oh well I don't think so
I think it needs to be bigger."

"But baby that hurt a little."

He said as he took the knife
Away from him,
He started to get mad
At PurpledUFO.

"Stop talking shit how
About that Hm?"
He told the Mafia smiling.

"How about No baby?"
He told tommy.

"Come on let's see what you
Look like."

He said while taking off his mask,
'Damm his cute.."
Purpled though to himself.

"Well I feel like I want
To beat the shit out
Of you."

Tommy told the Mafia,
"Aww how cute!"
Purpled reply.
"Well how about we get to
Know each other!"
"How about we no-"
"Ah! Great I'm PurpledUFO Bedwars!
And yours?"
"Uhm its tommyInnitwastakenDTM"
"Wow that's a long name"
"Heh your so cute!"


"Well that wasn't that
Bad was it?"
"It was horrible."
"I'm going to leave now."
"Well wait I didn't give
You my number yet!"
"Please no-"
"Here you go!"

(I'm tired:D》

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