'Part 2'

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《No one's pov:》

When Tommy want back
To his house,
He saw his brother
Waiting on him.

"Oh my god Tommy
Your alive!"
His brother told
His younger brother.

"Yeah I am."
He response.

"But how?
You know that PurpledUFO
Is the hardest
Person to kill and has
Killed all the assassins that
Tried to kill him?"
Dream asked.

"Yeah yeah I know he just
Kept flirting with
Tommy Tried to
Tell Dream what happened
When he yelled.


"Dream shut that
Mouth of yours!"
His dad yelped.

"Look what you did..!"
Dream whisper yells
He yelled back.


《No one's Pov》

Tommy look at his
Phone and saw the paper
Purpled gave to
Him, it had his
Number so he just
Went and did whatever.


(This usually is the part where
Half of the movie goes
To so I'm just going to try and
Make it short :])


TommyInnit- Hello?

PurpledUFO- Who are you.

TommyInnit- uhm it's me Tommy?

PurpledUFO- oh you actually took my number I thought you would just ignore me.

TommyInnit- Well I was going to do that but then I felt bored

PurpledUFO- Well what do you want to do?

TommyInnit- i know a nice cafe in London.

PurpledUFO- are you british or sum shit?

TommyInnit- yeah? Are you American?

PurpledUFO- uhm yeah

TommyInnit- your lucky I can't kill you if I could you Would've died.

PurpledUFO- whatever I'll just get a flight to London be great full for what I did.

TommyInnit- yeah yeah whatever.


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