'part 4'

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{No one's POV:}

Tommy and purpled were walking to there class everyone looked scared and just talk about what just happened, Tommy and purpled just act scared so they fit in with everybody else, everyone was dismissed from the school and everyone from the school will have 2 days off.

Tommy and purpled were relieved that they didn't need to stay in high school for so long, they just Went back home and told Dream about what happened and give Dream Tommy's phone so that Dream could show the guy that wanted him dead so Tommy could get the money, it was done my Tommy and he wanted the money, Tommy and purpled were just in there room on there phone when tommy started talking about a new game.

"Hey purp come look!"

Tommy told purpled, purpled them walked next to Tommy to see what he wanted to show him.

"There a new game called minecraft wanna play it?"

"Sure why not I have nothing else to do."

And with that they went to Tommy's PC and downloaded minecraft, when it was done downloading Tommy and purpled Started playing it, it was quite fun they build a house and got a dog and named it Dogchamp.

They were having a lot of fun until they needed to sleep, they don't usually speep at night because they were bored and had nothing else to do, but they still played minecraft till 5AM when they decided to go to sleep because they were tired.

The next day Tommy and purpled woke up next to each other they didn't sleep that much so Tommy and purpled went and slept on the same bed.

"AH What the fuck!"

Tommy yelp as he woke up and saw purpled sleeping next to Him.


Purpled asked tired as fuck.

"We were sleeping...TOGETHER!?"


There face was full off blush, they just sat down on the bed next to each other they were getting closer when Dream barged in the room.

"WHATS UP FU- purpled get the fuck away from my brother."

Hope you liked this short story I was just lazy and I'm gonna work on {Lover Boys} now I am tired and sick almost 1AM Probably the most not latest night's I would sleep at 1am? Damm now that is just not enough I sound just sleep at 4 but I hope you like this I'm just gonna leave now bye <3

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