part 6

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{This is after they got there money from the person who wanted them to kill Hannah.}

Purpled, he was out and he was a bit hungry so he called Tommy.

"Hey Tom's?"

Purpled asked the younger boy via phone.

"Yeah? Do you need anything?"

Tommy replied.

"Yeah..can you come you my base where we first met?"

Purpled told.

"Uh yeah why?"

Tommy asked

"Can you get me food please?"

Purpled reply, he heard Tommy sigh and started talking again.

"Fine, make sure you tell your 'bodyguards' that I'm coming because they don't know who I am."

Tommy told Purpled.

"Sorry Tom's I can't do that I'm really busy but I'll wait for you at the door if I'm done with my work!!"

Tommy let out a sigh and hung up the call.

Tommy was now getting Purpled food which was pizza because Purpled loves pizza, (I don't know if this is true or not) Tommy started to walk to purpleds base, he looked around to find the base.

He saw the 2 bodyguards at the door and let out a sigh and started walking to the bodyguards.

"Uhm hello may I come in?"

Tommy asked politely, but then heard laughter coming from the bodyguards.

"Why would we let anyone inside?"

Bodyguard number 1 said. (Lmao bodyguard number 1-)

"Sorry but the Mafia asked me to get him food so give this to him please."

Tommy told the bodyguards but they just laughed again.

"Like we'd do that, the food could be poisoned!"

Bodyguard number 2 said, Tommy was a bit mad that Purpled didn't tell the bodyguards that he was coming but Mafias are really busy people and Tommy was also a assassin a d he is also really busy, and he doesn't really blame Purpled for not doing that.

"Look I'll stay here til the Mafia comes out and get his foo-"

Tommy told by was cut off shortly because of the door opening, it was Purpled.


Purpled yelled as he ran towards Tommy and hugged him, Tommy was happy to see Purpled.

"Here's your food bitch."

Tommy replied to Purpled, Purpled took the food out of Tommys hand and smiled.

"Thanks babe!"

Purpled told Tommy, Tommy blushed at the nickname.

"Stop using that nickname please.."

"Why? I thought you liked it? :("

"I- ugh! Fuck you..."

"Awe I love you to!"

And with that there conversation ended.

(My head hurts lmao, people with glasses does your grand hurt a lot when you wear them for the first time?)

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