'Part 3'

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《Part 3》

TommyInnit's Pov:》

When I woke up I saw that
I was on my bed,
I went and walk down stairs
To get sum food
When I heard sum people

"Look I know you love
Your brother and
You want to keep him safe,
But I also love him
And his my friend now
And he likes having me with him
Every now and then."

"...well I've known him
Since he was 2 years old,
And I love him More
Then my life,
He is the most important
Person I could ever dream
So if you hurt him..
Just a bit...
I am going to end you."

"I- y-yeah sure-"


《No one's pov:》

Tommy was listening to
This he was just
Hungry and he just wanted

Tommy started Walking
Back up stairs because he
Didn't want to be
Seen by his brother and father.

When tommy was back in
His room He went to
The mini fridge next to his
He got a coke and went back
To his bed where he drink his


《Outside with tommy and purpled》

"Hey purp what do you
Want to do?"
Tommy asked The man
Next to him.

"Hmm..how about
The arcade?"
Purpled reply.

"Hell yeah!"


"We're here!"
Tommy was excited
To go to the arcade again,
He hasn't been there in

When they walked in
They saw neon lights
And games as usual.

They went and walked to
One of the games.

"Wanna play this one?"
Purpled asked tommy,
Tommy nodded his
Head and they starting
Playing the game.


(After they were done)

"Pew...purp I'm tired!!"

Tommy told the
Older boy,
Purpled laughed at
The younger As
He looked at him.

"Fine we'll go home."

Purpled told the boy next
To him and grabbed
The boys Hand and starting
Walking to the car,
But Tommy wouldn't move
Because- well- TO LAZY OF COURSE.

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