part 7

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Tommy and Purpled were walking to Tommy's house, they were bored and they wanted to do sumthing fun but they didn't really want to kill people because they do that everyday.

They were walking on the sidewalk talking about stuff when they heard a car pull up next to them, it looked like a really fancy car??? And there were 3 people inside it, and Tommy knew all of them.

"Tubbo, ranboo Eryn?!"

Tommy yelled confused as fuck how his old friends knew where he was.

"Tommy!! It's been so long how are you big man?"

The guy with fake demon horns, brown hair and red eyes said.

"I- I'm doing good! I miss you all so much!"

Tommy replied, Tommy was shocked that he got to see his old friends again it has been so long since he's seen them.

"Who are they?"

Purpled asked, purpled was also confused and didn't know what the fuck was happening and just wanted to go home with Tommy but nahhh I think Purpled here should know Eryn, tubbo and ranboo!! ^-^

"Uhm they're my old friends! The one with the fake demon horns is Eryn the one with the mask is ranboo and the last one is tubbo!"

Tommy told Purpled.

"Tubbo, ranboo, Eryn this is purpeld, Purpled this is ranboo, tubbo and Eryn!"

Tommy introduce Purpled to his old friends and introduce his old friends to Purpled, Eryn was the first to talk.

"Oh nice to meet you purpled!"

Eryn said while waving his hand to him.

"It's nice to meet you to Eryn."

Purpled said.

{Sorry this took so long my lazy ass can't do this but go look at my other story on my other acc @Childinnit__ in PurpledInnit Ig :D}

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