Chapter 8: First day of Middle/Elementry School

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TIME SKIP THE GIRLS(AKA THE TWINS AND Ali are in 6th grade right now and Thomas and Warrior start 5th, Tara is 6 now and in 1st and the triplets are 5 years old and in kindergarten. Ashley is 4 years old. Myra is 3. And Charles is 1?)
"Get your butts up. We are all gonna be late for the first day of school now move." Stiles says
"I'm up tho mamma" Claudia says dressed for the day
"I didn't mean you I ment Sleeping Beuaty over there!" Stiles says gesturing to Talia who was sprawled out on her bed half her body hanging off of it in a starfish position.
Claudia laughs
"Just like your father." Stiles says sighing
Derek walks by to say Thomas isn't up yet.
"Well wake him up would ya! I have to get Sleeping Beuty up so go deal with are son." Stiles says sighing walking over to Talia
Derek walks into Thomas's room to see another figure in the bed with him. Derek sighs

"Wake up you two. Warrior head back to your house I'll call your parents there probably worried sick." Derek says shaking his head
Derek phones ring
"Specking of the devil". He says and answers
"Please tell me my child is there." Liam  pleads panicked
"She is. I guess she came over here since she couldn't sleep. Guess walkies aren't doing it for them anymore." Derek says sighing
"I know we agreed it would be okay for her to visit whenever she felt sad but that was in the daytime when I knew where she was." Liam says
"We are giving her some slack her friend is dying." Derek tries to whispers but that catchs Warrior's attention
"She isn't going  to die if I hear one more person say that I will lose my shit. I'm awake I have my backpack and Thomas has cloths for me I'll see you at breakfast. I can handle Thomas get out of his room so I can change. " Warrior yells not mad at her dad but Derek.
"Language!" Liam yells
"Sorry daddy." Warrior states and glares at Derek till he leaves the room. He hears Warrior wake up Thomas and Thomas give them an outfit.

Derek kisses Stiles head then walks to there room.

Now with Stiles trying to get Talia up
"TALIA wake up!" Stiles shoots
"I'm up." Talia says getting out of her starfish position and curls into a ball on the bed.
"No you are gonna be late for school please get up everyone else is already moving." Stiles whines
"Ugh fine just because I'm up doesn't mean I'm happy about it." Talia says
"I know and that's fine." Stiles says walking out of the room as Derek walks out of Thomas's and kisses Stiles head. Stiles goes downstairs and start getting waffle and granola bars for everyone. Erica walks into the kitchen aswell.
"My babies have grown up." She says sadly
"Not completly yet. Yours just starting school mine are halfway through." Stiles says sighing
"Does it get easier?" Erica asked
"No but you gotta be happy for them. You gotta take it in stride. Can't imagine what Liam and Theo are feeling. It being harder on them since they didn't know if she would even live to see her first day of school." Stiles says
"Yeah Warrior is here right? Liam called me saying that Warrior was missing?" Erica questions
"Yeah she was asleep in Thomas's bed she burrowing his cloths for today. At this rate most of Warrior's cloths are Thomas's I wonder were most his cloths went I know now. Thankfully they both have a similar style. I started by some for sure Warrior sized cloths aswell." Stiles says laughing
"Yeah." Erica says smiling
Then they here all the kids rush downstairs. Claudia grabs a waffle, Alison grabs a waffle, Talia grabs a cereal bar and falls asleep on the table, the triplets grab a waffle, Warrior grabs a cereal bar same with Thomas, and Tara grabs a waffle.

After breackfeast first day of school photos are taken and everyone else splits up. Derek was gonna drive them to school. Their school is k through 8th school however the middle school is a separate building. Erica was gonna drive Tara and the triplets to school since she had more room.

Talia's Pov
Yay it's time to go back to hell I mean school. Three and a half months isn't long enough off a brake. But hey I get to see my friends again plus no homework today because it's the first day. I felt the car stop and my sister say goodbye to mom so I knew that was my cue that we are here.
"Bye Momma love you." I say and get out of the car slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I look at Alison on the right of me and Claudia to the left and we nod already head and walk into the school. We always get made fun off since we have an werid family according to those people. So what I have two dad doesn't matter they love me and they love who they want to. We walk into the library which is where we go before the bell rings and spot some of are friends Tyler and Catalina and walk over to the table and sit down with them.
"So how was brake did you guys enjoy it?" I asked
"Yes I did got to play video games for almost three months uninterrupted and sleep." Tyler says
We laugh
"What about you Cat?" I asked
"It was good. Swim took up alot of time but other then that it was good." Catalina says
"What about you guys?" Tyler asked
"Well Talia slept for most of it. We went swimming and went to some camps but that was it." Claudia says
"Well I did that stuff aswell got to stay in France for almost the whole summer since dad was needed down there." Alison says
"I still can't belive you can switch between both places, still maintain friends, and your perfect grades." Cat says
"It's not easy especilly since it's a diffrent language sometimes." Alison says
"I bet." Cat says

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