Chapter 13: The Fosters

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(AKA THE TWINS AND Ali are in 7th grade right now and Thomas and Warrior start 6th, Tara is 7 now and in 2nd and the triplets are 6 years old and in first grade. Ashley is 5 years old kindergarten. Myra is 4. And Charles is 2. Katana 5 months?) Disclaimer as previously stated I know little bit about the foster system and I know it's diffrent in diffrent states. If I get anything wrong please tell me. I have had friends in the foster system they all had a diffeent experience and that's how I know some of this. I also did some research.

So everyone has started school but now we're gonna focus on Mason and Corey with them adopting kids. They foster when they can but they did want to adopt although despite this being so far into the future it was still hard to adopt as a gay couple. They were planning to adopt siblings so they won't have to be separated. But they kinda had an advantage with Theo working at the Youth center and helping out at the foster home when he can. He saw a really sweet sibling trio but sowmthing seemed off with them but well get there. Theo meet a great sibling trio and he decided to tell Mason and Corey about it.

"At the center today a sibling group came in from Flordia. The oldest is 15, the youngest is 10, and  the middle child is 12. They got transfered here because Flordia was trying to keep them together so you might be able to foster them?" Theo says
"That's awesome what are their names?" Mason asked
"The oldest his name is Noah, the middle one her name is Carley same age as the twins, and the youngest is Lia she is the same age as Warrior and Thomas." Theo says
"So they are looking for a home to stay in right could you talk to your boss tommrow?" Corey asked
"Yeah that was the plan the thing is something is off with the three I thought they smelt supernatural but I'm not sure I'll let you know if I find anything out but if they are this might be the best place for them." Theo says
"Yeah keep us updated." Mason says

The next day at the center
Someone made Lia mad and her eyes flashed yellow. Definitely supernatural and a wolf it looks like luckily the kid who made her mad didn't relise but Noah did and quickly took his sister away from there. Earlier that day Theo told his boss that Mason and Corey would love to foster the sibling trio so the boss sent someone out to Mason and Coreys house to see if it was suitable for the trio and they got approved to foster them for a little bit.  Theo walked over to the siblings and decided to tell them and talk about the supernatural with them.

"I saw your eyes flash yellow earlier." Theo says
Noah pushed his sister behind him as his eyes glowed yellow and he growled at him
"Okay I could've started this off better but I'm not here to hurt you guys I am on of you guys more or less." Theo says flashing his eyes at them
"What are you?" Noah asked
"I'm a chimera I was turned to be this way in a lab I'm half werewolf and coyote thats why I said more or less like you guys. What are you guys?" Theo asked
"Born wolfs." Noah said
"I have information about the couple going to foster you guys. They are my best friends and they are the God parents to both of my kids. They also know about the supernatural they are apart of the pack I'm in. Well they're apart of both packs I'll explain more later. They like to foster siblings after one of them got separated from their sibling in foster care(Corey head cannon I came up with) so you guys will have a safe place for this upcoming full moon. Which might be best because Lia doesn't seem to have full control of her powers." Theo says
"Hey I do too have control." Lia shouts
"Okay my bad. Another thing is though about the place you will be staying at is the fact that you will be living either me in a pack house. Next to the other pack house." Theo says
"What do you mean by that?" Noah asked confussed
"Well the Hale Pack is the original pack as a natural born werewolf I feel like you have heard of that name?" Theo questioned
"My parents mentioned it once or twich." Noah says
"Well the Hale pack is the main pack I am apart of it along with my boyfriend, kids, and Mason and Corey your foster parents as off now. However with the fact we have Alpha Derek Hale but we also have a true alpha Scott McCall who turned my boyfriend who is in the secondary pack we are called the puppy pack even if we are tied into the Hale pack it's gets confussing after awhile. But the puppy pack consists of Me, Liam my boyfriend he is a wolf, Mason who is a human, and Corey who is also a chimera but he turns invisible like a chameleon worst person to play hide or seek with. So the Hale pack lives in one house and we live in the house next door as the puppy pack. Which as off now who live there is me, Liam, my two daughters who are werewolf, Mason, and Corey. The Hale house has to many people I don't feel like naming off however there is a book that explains everything." Theo says
"That's alot to take in but everyone tho is all supernatural besides 2 people?" Noah questions
"Well we have four or five we have a hunter on are side..." Theo quietly states
"A hunter those are bad they killed my parents." Noah states
"He isn't bad his family was bad super bad but he is a good guy. He even got all the other hunters to stay down they only go after the creatures that attack us. Well most some don't agree with it but he gets then to agree. We have an emmisery. A nurse who is human. A pack luna that is human and his dad is also human but that's it." Theo says
"Do the hunters live with you?" Noah questioned
"No they don't live with us whenever he isn't in France he stays in his house here." Theo says
Noah looks hesitant but then the lady who owns the youth center comes over to them and tells them it's time to go visit the foster home.

So the kids go with the social worker and Theo drives in his truck back to the Puppy Pack House. Mason and Corey are waiting for them to outside the door to the house.
"Hello Mr. And Mr. Hewitt." Says the social worker
"Hello Mrs. Parker lovely to see you again." Corey sweetly says
"As with you two both. Anyway as you probably heard from Theo this was the sibling group I was talking about that's Noah, Lia, and Carly." Mrs. Parker states pointing to each of them
"Nice to meet you three I'm Mason and this is my husband Corey." Mason replies
Noah says hi
"Okay well I need to talk to one of the foster parents about safety and the rules you know how it goes." She says looking at the kids
They nod
"Okay well Corey will show you around the house and I'll talk with Mrs. Parker." Mason says
The kids agree and Corey walks the kids into the house. Warrior, Tara, and Liam were all sitting on the couch ease dropping.

"Well this is living room that's Theo's boyfriend Liam and his two kids Warrior is the older one Tara is the littler one." Corey says
They all wave hi.
"I know her." Warrior says looking at Lia
Liam looks at her
"She was the new kid that Thomas had to show around. She was really nice and we invited her to eat lunch together." Warrior states
"Well that's sweet of you. It's nice to meet you three Theo talked alot about you." Liam says
"Talked alot about you guys too." Noah replies
"Oh that's nice to hear." Liam says
"Well here is the living room and if we walk this way we have the kitchen we can have a talk about what foods you like and dislike after the tour of the house. And if your ever hungry you can take whatever you want from the fridge and everywhere else. Now there's a bathroom right here and now to the upstairs I'll show you guys your room." Corey says walking up the stairs

"So on the left is Theo and Liam's room. To the right of that is Warrior's room then Tara's room then beside that is the guest bedroom. No on the right the first door from the stairs is my room then besides my room is your Lia." Corey says
The room has white walls with a door with a connected bathroom to the room besides her. There is a double twin bed with light blue bedsheets and two night tables beside the bed. To the right of the bed is a six draw dresser by a nice little walk in closet and there is a desk by the bathroom door.
"So in the bathrooms their is extra shampoos, conditioner, body washs, lotions, hair brushs, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and mouth wash. I don't know what you guys like so tommrow we can go shopping for the bathroom products you like. We usually just keep this stalked up incase of emergency placements." Corey says motioning to a hanging container of diffrent things.

All the bedrooms were the same set up as Lia's they were gonna go shopping the next day for stuff to make the room homeir for them and diffrent things. So next to Lia's room is Carly's and then Noah has his own bathroom that will be shared with a guest whenever they come over. After the social worker left Mason, Corey, and the kids just talked alot about their likes and dislikes. And learned a bit about them.

The end for this chapter I'm sorry it seems bad I just I have had alot going on right now. My anxitey been bad I have a job now and school starting up for me soon and alot of big changes are happening in my life right now so these might not be that subpare. But it will get better. I hope you all have a good day/afternoon/night whatever  it is for you. Stay safe out there.

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