Chapter 19- A Good Heart

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Dear (Yn),

Today was our last day in the city of Vardaros. I really think that we helped make a difference in this town! It was hard work, but it was so rewarding. Of course, I don't think we would've been able to do it without the help of Captain Quaid and his deputy, Vex. I think you two would be friends! You'd really like her; she's strong and not afraid to speak her mind. Gosh! It makes me miss you even more!

But in other news, we hosted a Goodwill Festival for the people of Vardaros yesterday! I tried to hold some of the same activities we do in Corona, but I guess a city of thugs has a different idea of fun...who knew? Cassandra had a lot of game ideas, and luckily, they were a huge success! Well...except for the gopher grab. That was a disaster. If the whole ordeal taught me anything, it's that I should never leave Eugene to do the painting on a mission.

How have you been? I hope that things have been going well with Varian. I think that you'll find a way to make things right. You always seem to work things out.




The late spring air blows a sweet, flowery, scent through the open window. Puffy white clouds dotted the crystal blue sky, making it look like a painting Rapunzel had done. I had hoped that the sound of birds chirping and the fresh air would help put me at ease, but I had come to accept that nothing could calm me down for what was about to happen.

I'm pacing back and forth in the study when I hear a knock on the door. I quickly straighten my posture. "Come in," I say.

The doors open and Pete and Stan walk in, Varian in between them. The chains around Varian's wrists fill the quiet room with the echoes of clanging. The sound instantly brings me back to the time I was the one in the chains, being held captive as Varian's prisoner. I quickly try to suppress the memory. It's okay...he can't do anything to you. I reassure myself.

Stan and Pete walk Varian to a chair seated at the desk and sit him down.

"Let us know if he gives you any trouble, your highness," Stan says with a nod.

"Thanks." I weakly say.

As Pete and Stan leave the room, I turn to Varian. He doesn't say anything as I slowly approach him.


Varian's blue eyes meet my own. "Hey."

I try to think of something to say. "Have you been eating?"

Varian raises an eyebrow. "Who are you, my mom?"

"Look, I'm just worried about you. Which is a lot more than anyone in this kingdom feels about you at the moment." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

Varian looks genuinely surprised. "You're worried about me? After everything I did to you? You should hate me."

"I don't hate you! I won't say that I approve of everything you did, and I'm certainly upset that you tried to hurt people, but I don't hate you." I sigh and sit in the seat across from Varian. "Look, after everything we've been through, I know that deep down you never wanted to hurt anyone. Think about the countless hours you've spent trying to help others: trying to bring hot water to your village, helping Rapunzel with her hair, even just being my friend...deep down you have a good heart."

"How do you know that I haven't changed for the worse?" Varian asks, still looking at me confused.

"Because you saved me."

Varian blushes and quickly looks away. "Why are you telling me this?"

"I know that there's still good in you. We can't change the past, but we can still change the future for the better. I don't want to lose my best friend, and deep down, I know that you don't want that either." I take a deep breath and hold my hand out for Varian to shake. "So what do you say? Do you want to try and start again?"

I hold my breath, not sure I wanted to know the answer.

Varian looks at my hand and then up at me. He slowly extends his arm out and shakes my hand. "I-I want to try."

I smile at his words, and Varian gives me a nervous grin in return. I could tell that both of us were still unsure about this. Could we really do this? Can I even trust Varian? Maybe this was a mistake...


I'm snapped from my thoughts by Varian's nervous and quiet voice.

"T-Thank you...for not giving up on me."

I'm silent for a moment. I could hear the genuine gratitude in his voice. "That's what friends are for." I softly say.


As I snuggle under the covers of my bed I also burrow myself deeper and deeper into the story I was reading. With only the light of a candle illuminating my room, it gave off a cozy atmosphere.

I look up from my book when I hear a knock on the door. My mom slowly pokes her head in and smiles at me. "Hey, sweetie."

I set my book to the side as mom enters my room and sits on the edge of my bed. "Hi, mom."

"How did things go with Varian? You seemed to be in a better mood at dinner."

"I still see the good in him. I'm hoping that I can try and bring him back on the right track just by being a friend to him." I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I know that you guys still don't trust him, but I think that if we're ever going to help him-"

Mom holds her hand up. "(Yn), I admire that you try to see the good in people, but are you sure that Varian can be redeemed?" Mom looks straight into my eyes. "He committed acts of treason. That isn't something to be taken lightly."

"I know it isn't, but that's why I think we should help him. I'm the princess of Corona. I must help my subjects live fulfilling and content lives. Varian is just a boy, he shouldn't have to spend his life in prison because of one mistake he made at a time when his emotions got the better of him. He only wanted to free his father, and you and dad weren't ever going to help him. It's time for me to mend the wounds." I firmly say.

Mom places her hand over my own. "But you still don't know if you can trust him."

I sigh. "I don't know if I can trust you or dad either. Dad lied to Rapunzel and me about the rocks. He can't just keep life-altering secrets like that from his daughters."

Mom looks like she's about to object, but I can tell from the look in her eyes that she knows I have a point. "I can't say that I agree with this idea or yours, but I can't deny that you have the right to make your own choices. All that I ask is that you be safe."

I nod. "I can do that."

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