wedding pt 2

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"Do you Bradford Baasch, take Daisy Woods as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest, dressed in all white, with a black tall hat, and his belly was awfully big.

Brad nods, looking at me with admiration in his eyes "I do."

The priest nods, smiling and looks and me "And do you Daisy Woods, take Bradford Baash as your lawfully wedded husband; through sickness and health?"

I look around, men and women are seated in the white benches in the garden where the ceremony was being held, they all had serious facial expressions, but some women were smiling and some were in tears of joy, drying their tears with their silk handkerchiefs.

Was I really about to do this? Was I really about to let Brad own me as his wife? Was I really about to let myself get into this, not knowing how to get out of it?

Could I say refuse and run? I almost chuckle, where would I run to in four inch heels and soldiers everywhere? If I did refuse, Brad would kill me for embarrassing him and then embarrassing me by forcing me into a marriage, which he was already doing.

I spot Meri, near the drink table, her face showing a smile, but under is worry and fear of what I'll reply with. She plays with her brown hair, which is in a back hairstyles and she wears a straight black dress, that ends to her lower knees. She looks very pretty.

I take a deep breath and look at Brad, who might I add, looked very stunning today. He wore a pure black suit, with a creamed shirt under and a black tie. He wore black suede pants and black shoes. His hair, which was now more blonde than ever, since we were standing in the bright sun, was pushed back, he also had a freshly shaven face. His eyes sparkled on this warm spring day. They were begging for my answer.

I gulp and answer "Y-yes, I do."

Brad smiles, showing me his white teeth

"Then you may kiss the bride." The priest smiles at Brad

Brad grabs my waist and slowly put his hand on my pink cheeks

"I promise to love you with everything I've got."

And with that, he kisses me. The kiss is more than just a kiss. It was so deep and slow, his tongue swirling in different circles on my own, I carefully put my right hand on his chest, where his heart is, I could feel his heavy heartbeat. He pulls away and kisses my cheek as the crowd roars with cheers and applause.

We both step down the three stairs, Brad's hand tightly secured with mine

His soldiers salute to him and smile at me, saying their congratulations and praises.

Women, who I have never before come up to me and kiss my cheek and compliment my dress and makeup. They hold my arm and drag me to where most of the women talk, in the right corner of the large garden

"So?! How is it, marrying one of the most successful men in the world?!" A woman with brown hair and dark eyes asks me, smiling

"And the handsomest, I might add." A blonde woman chuckles

I smile, but on the inside I'm rolling my eyes deeply "It's grand, really. I couldn't be happier." I lie

Meri took me through what I was supposed to say at the wedding and what to do:

*napkin on your lap, if you desire to eat anything

*act happier than you have in your entire life, fake it if you have to

*no slouching, sit up straight

*fingers need to be securely tight around your drinking glass, be sure not to spill a drop

*smile, wide, and show your teeth

*dance with Brad, even if you don't wish to

*kiss Brad, even if you don't wish to

*look at Brad, even if you don't wish to

*associate with Brad's companions and workers

The blonde one nods and sips her tea, so properly, that I want to snatch her cup and spill it on the floor

"Are you two planning on having a child soon?" A redhead, dressed in a skimpy black lace dress asks

I almost choke on my tongue "U-uh no, I don't think so."

The redhead looks at the others and smiles "But Daisy, you are aware of what happens a couple months after the wedding?"

"I am aware, yes. But I do have a say, and if I don't desire to have a child with Brad right away, I wont."

The red head nods and looks down, I almost smile

"So, who's your husband?" I ask the blonde, drinking her tea

She points to a solider in uniform, he had a black beard and slick black hair. He looked about thirty five, his broad shoulders made me insecure and uncomfortable.

"He's a very strong man," She sucks in her breath for effect "And in bed."

All five women giggle, placing their hands over their red lips

A man with little gold champagne glasses comes over and I swiftly take one off the tray and take a gulp

"You are from New York City, yes?" A woman with brown, curly hair asks me

I nod "Yes, I am."

"I've always wanted to travel." She sighs

"Why don't you?" I take another sip of my drink

She laughs "Thomas and I have five children, I'm always busy."

"You could hire a nanny." I suggest

She shakes her head "Even if I could, Thomas would never allow it."

I laugh "It doesn't matter what your husband thinks, if you want to travel you should travel."

All the women look at each other, shocked looks in their eyes, and they all put their heads down

I feel someone snake their arm around my waist

"There's someone I want you to meet." I hear Brad whisper in my ear

I nod and walk away with him, looking back to see the women all looking at me with the same shocked look in their eyes

Brad shows me to an older woman, who had brown hair with grey streaks

"Darling, this is my mother."

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