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Your P.O.V

"-besides then we can get a look at all their new players and have an even greater chance of beating them in the boys versus girls game."

I don't think I'll ever truly know why Ellie always wants to practice with the boys, but she'll never let me forget it. Some practices are run by the coaches and some more unfortunate practices are run by the captains, Ellie loves to bother me at these particular practices. It wasn't necessarily hurtful to practice with the boys, but her reasoning was bad. When Pheonix Drop combined with Neopolitan High the softball team gained two girls, this was a small amount compared to the baseball team who I know for a fact gained eleven. Garroth was quite annoyed with this as most of them were underclassmen and according to Garroth 'have a mad case of egotism'.

"Garroth said none of the players from Neopolitan are very good. Most of them are on the junior varsity team." I said

"Ugh Garroth. What does Garroth know?" Ellie slumped her shoulders and over exaggerated her words. I glared over at her.

"I'd say quite a bit considering he's the captain." I laughed.

"Does that Nickel kid play baseball?" Ellie asked. She perked up quickly as she stood up straight and looked over at me with questioning eyes.

"How would I know?" I glared down at her,
although my boyfriend is the baseball captain and that might be information that I have.

"I don't know you talk to him more than I do." Ellie shrugged.

"What? How do I talk to him more than you do?" I laughed.

"You sit next to each other in math. Must be hard to notice the other people in class when you're sitting next to someone who looks like that." Ellie said, she turned away from me and forward towards the dugout that we were now approaching.

"It is not." I stated.

I definitely didn't know Ellie was in that class.

"He knew your name too." Ellie said.

"Yeah we have a few classes together. History, Math, and...P.E. I think. I don't know I didn't really talk to him in P.E."  I shrugged.

"Garroth must be jealous." Ellie stated, I wanted to laugh but she sounded totally and completely serious.

"What does Garroth have to be jealous for?" I asked. I looked down at Ellie as she swung the dugout gate open until it hit the fence wall.

"Nickel's like totally hot." Ellie said as she set her bag down and began grabbing her cleats to put on.

"Yeah, and Garroth's way hotter." I said

"Than who?" Skylar asked. She was sitting on the sand outside of the dugout slamming her feet into her shoes.

"Who's hotter Garroth or Nickel." Ellie asked.

Skylar looked as though she was debating the matter in her head before she answered simply.


Every girl in school, without an exception, had at one point in their life had a crush on either Garroth or Laurance. It was pretty much a matter that divided the school in half, but now everyone was talking about Nickel.

"Disgusting, Laurance is even worse than Garroth." Ellie stated.

Other than Ellie, who was both anti-Garroth and anti-Laurance.



I was slowly maneuvering my softball bag to lay down by my feet without my bat hitting the side of Garroth's car, which he would scold me for.

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