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Your P.O.V

"Do you think I'd be a good cheerleader?" I asked.

Garroth narrowed his eyes at me.

"Why? Do you want to try out?" He asked

"No, I just wondered." I said as I sat down next to him at the lunch table.

"You just- I don't think you'd really like cheer." He said. It was a valid thought. I know nothing about cheer or dance or stunts, or any of the things Cadenza excels at.

"I don't think so either." I said.

"Then why were you wondering?" Garroth asked, smirking at me a bit. He would not be smirking at my answer.

"Um, someone told me, I seem like the cheerleader type." I said.

"Who would tell you that?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Uh, Nickel." I said.

"Why were you talking to him?" Garroth asked, he didn't sound angry but he didn't look happy. I already knew this would be his reaction given his new found hatred for Nickel.

"He sits next to me in history." I said.

"You sit next to him in history." Garroth narrowed his eyes at me somehow harder.

"No, he sits next to me. I choose my seat first and he chose to sit by me, that just isn't my fault." I said.

"Why don't you tell me these things?" Garroth asked moving his hands above the table so he could swing them around in a desperate motion.

"I just told you. And you know why I don't like telling you these things, because you think it's a big deal and it's not." I said.

"You're getting hit on." Garroth said, now widening his eyes at me.

"What?" I laughed.

"You don't tell someone they'd be a good cheerleader if your not trying to see them in a skirt." Garroth stated, crossing his arms.

"I think you'd be a good cheerleader." I stated, and waited only a second before I laughed at my own words.

"What?" Garroth asked loudly, concern laced in his voice.

"I don't control what Nickel says to me Garroth." I said, still trying not to laugh.

"I know."

"Then don't worry about it." I said.

"What are you two arguing about?"

I turned to look at Cadenza.

"We're not arguing." Garroth said immediately.

"Good, now go ask Blaze to sit with us." Cadenza said. She motioned backwards to the table Blaze had sat alone at for the past few days. Laurance and Garroth had both refused to go go talk to him like the stubborn children they are. I was half tempted to go do it myself but Cadenza said it would mean more coming from Garroth or Laurance. It made sense considering they were the only ones who had actually spoken to Blaze before.

I watched as Garroth paused for a moment to look past Cadenza and towards the table. He stared in the direction a moment before standing up suddenly.

"Ok." He said almost inaudible. I stared at him as he walked around our table and toward Blaze's.

"Did he just, listen to me?" Cadenza asked, clearly shocked.

"For some reason." I said.

I continued to stare at Garroth as he walked towards Blazes table. Blaze noticed quickly and watched as Garroth walked towards him. Although, instead of having a quick conversation with Blaze like I expected, Garroth pulled out the chair across from him and sat down. Blaze didn't seem to mind, but he did have to take out his earbuds to see what Garroth was about to say, whatever it was.

"What's he doing?" Cadenza asked as she finally took her seat.

"I have no idea." I said.

"What were you arguing about?" Cadenza asked, completely ignoring what Garroth had just said.

"We weren't arguing, really. Garroth was getting pissy with me that I sit next to Nickel in history." I said.

Cadenza smirked.

"Yummy." She said, which was horrifying, "But I can see why that would make him pissy."

"Why?" I asked, purely to see what she was thinking.

Cadenza turned to look back at Garroth as if checking he was still there.

"Oh come on Y/N." She whispered, leaning across the table towards me. "Garroth's got like, Gene PTSD. And Nickel is just like Gene, coming after his popularity, but Nickel is like ten times hotter."

"He has been kinda, off his rocker, lately hasn't he?" I said.

"You think. You're the only piece missing." Cadenza said.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Gene was like, obsessed with you. That's what drove Garroth nuts. He'd go insane if Nickel was into you." Cadenza said.

"That," I sighed, "is exactly what he was just getting annoyed with me for. Nickel talks to me all the time. He told me today I seem like the cheerleader type."

Cadenzas face turned to cringe.

"So that's why he's sitting by Blaze right now." Cadenza said.

I looked past her one more time and towards Garroth.

"You think so." I stared over at Garroth who was listening intently to whatever Blaze was saying.

"Absolutely, look at him." Cadenza said, even though she hadn't turned to look at him once.

"Yeah, he's insane." I sighed.

"I think it's you." Cadenza said.

"I'm insane?"

"No, you drove him insane. He never used to be so uptight." She said, "No offense to you."

There was offense taken.


"Does Garroth act insane at home?" I asked

"What do you mean?" Vylad asked, he continued to type on his computer and narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know. Cadenza and I think he's been acting weird, do you?" I asked.

"He spends all his time with you, I don't even see him." Vylad said.

"Is that because he spends all his time with me or because you spend all your time with Cadenza?" I smirked at him. I had never brought Cadenza up while talking to Vylad before. Cadenza had the mentality that if she ignored it it didn't exist, so she never spoke about Vylad to any of us. But they're practically attached at the hip.

Vylad stared at me with a blank face.

"Garroth seems normal to me. What would be wrong with him?" Vylad asked

"He's kind of obsessed with Nickel." I said.

"That is normal. Gene, Nickel, it doesn't matter, he constantly feels like he's in a battle to win you over." Vylad said.

I stayed silent for a moment, wondering if those were Garroth's words or just something Vylad had assumed.

"He doesn't need to win me over." I said.

Vylad shrugged and turned his attention back to his computer once again.

"Don't tell him I said that." Vylad said.

"Don't tell him I asked." I said


Top Dog (Garroth X Reader) [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now