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Your P.O.V

"Pitch slower!" I yelled, standing in a slouched position so that he knew I wouldn't swing if he threw the ball at me.

"That's not the point." Garroth said quietly but somehow I was still able to hear him from the pitchers mound.

"I'm not gonna hit it." I said.

I hadn't hit the past ten balls he'd thrown so the next would not be any different. However I was also blaming the fact that I was wearing Garroth's helmet, which is too big for me and has no mask, so I was silently scared of hitting a ball that would just smack me in the face.

"Yes you will. Stand up, quit being so dramatic." He said. An ironic statement coming from the drama queen himself.

I fixed my posture and slowly stood in position like I was ready to hit. Garroth stared at me for a moment as if he didn't believe I'd actually swing before he readied himself to throw it.

Due to previous experience I decided the only way to hit of if Garroth is to swing as fast as possible as soon as he throws it. So even though this hadn't worked in the past I tried again. I watched silently in disbelief as I swung at nothing and it took seconds later for the ball to pass by me.


"You told me to pitch slower." He laughed like it was hysterical.

"Exactly. Pitch slower, don't throw a change up at me asshole." I stated, limply letting the top of my bat hit the ground.

"You're not even trying. You could of hit that if you were paying attention." He said, and gave me a disappointed look like a mother would.

"I don't wanna do this anymore." I whined and dropped my bat to take a few steps closer to him. "You're better than me, I can't hit off you, and you're fully clothed."

Garroth placed his hand on the back of his head.

"What'd you just say about my clothes?" He asked after a moment.

I sat down in the sand with a thump.

"I'm giving up." I said quietly.

"No you're not." Garroth stated. Even though I didn't look over at him I could hear the crunch of his tennis shoes on the sand coming towards me.

He sat down next to me with such a plop that a gust of dust shot up around his heavy legs. Neither of us wore long pants so it was guaranteed that we would both be covered in sand now.

"Why are you giving up?" He asked

"Cause I'm bad." I said.

"Or," He raised his eyebrows at me, "maybe I'm just really really good."

"I know you are." I said.

Garroth recoiled slightly.

"I'm just kidding." Garroth said, "You know I'm just kidding."

"But you are." I said.

Garroth shrugged uncomfortably.

"But I'll- I'll  practice with you. If you want. And you know it's okay if you can't hit off me cause you pitch faster than any girl I've ever met. You can pitch to me. Do you want to pitch to me?" He asked.

"No. You can hit a home run off me every time." I glared at him.

"Why's it matter what I can do? You don't have to play me in a game ever again." He laughed.

"I know. I just wanna be as good as you." I stared at him, remembering his disinterest in the fact that he had just been beat by the girls in our game last year. Compared to him it seemed like I was the one being dramatic.

I watched as Garroth attempted to repress his facial expression.

"Is this about the game? You're upset I won?" He asked.

"I'm not upset you won." I said honestly, "I'm upset I've gotten so bad."

"You haven't gotten bad." Garroth said surprised.

"You got two home runs off me- and won by five." I stated, giving him a glare.

Garroth shrugged and scooted closer to me in the sand until our sides were touching.

"I'm just really really good." He said for the second time, this time he sounded less sarcastic and more like he believed what he was saying.

I stared at him and watched as he leaned towards me to touch his lips to mine. I let him do so without moving towards him. His lips met mine lightly and stayed there for a long time.

I pulled myself only millimeters away for a moment.

"I know." I said.

He leaned towards me again to reconnect our lips, this time reaching around me until he found his hand underneath my leg and used it to pull me towards him. He was the one to move his head away from mine this time but he kept his grip on me so that I faced him and we were close. He was operantly disregarding the sand we were sitting in as well as the public field we sat on.

"This why you've been so pissy to me lately. You're just mad I won." He said.

I backed away from him as far as I could in his grip and glared at him.

"I have not been pissy to you." I stated.

Garroth laughed.

"Yes you have. I thought it was about Blaze, but are you just mad about the game?" He asked.

"I am not mad." I said, sounding very mad, "I wasn't even worried about the game until my coach told me I need to practice with you. And I'm not worried about Blaze, you are. You're like obsessed with Nickel."

Garroth let go of me and we instantly became less close. He rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

"Oh my god, this again."

I glared at him and shoved his chest.

"Don't let go of me like you're pissed." I stated.

"Why do you keep saying I'm obsessed with Nickel?" He asked.

"Because you are. Everything was fine until Nickel showed up and now you're worried about it. It's the same thing as Gene." I said.

"Oh so you've been making out with Nickel behind my back?" Garroth raised his eyebrows at me.

I looked at him disgusted.

"Don't even say that."

"Then don't say it's the same as Gene." Garroth retorted.

"It's not the same." I said.

"Well you-"

I reached out and grabbed onto Garroth's face, not letting him speak.

"No more. No more arguing about this, okay. We are done arguing about other people." I said, still holding my fingers onto Garroth's lips.

He stared at me a moment before he nodded and I let go of his face.

We sat in silence for only a second.

"I can just tell he's into you." Garroth said.

"Garroth." I glared at him.

"But I like you more." He said.


"That wasn't about him, it was about me. I was just letting you know, I like you more."


"Than he does."

Top Dog (Garroth X Reader) [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now