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Your P.O.V

I had never been in Vylad's room before, not really. His door was open sometimes and it was easy to see in, but what kind of stalker would I be if I spent time staring into my boyfriends brothers room.

In some ways, Vylad's room was nearly identical to Garroth's. They were near eachother, so the size was identical, but it was more than that. The room was spotless, just as Garroth's always is. I had always just thought Garroth was the type of person to keep a tidy room, but now I wondered if their parents were strict about this sort of thing. They both bad large beds in the center of their rooms, with plain colored sheets folded neatly over the bed.

However, Vylad's room was filled from floor to ceiling with everything imaginable. Posters on one wall whereas the other wall was filled with shelves that were all full. Legos and figurines were scattered everywhere as well as more books I've read in my lifetime.

Every once in a while, when I grew tired of working on our project, I'd glance around his room. Vylad's back was turned to me as he sat at his desk doing his own work on his computer. I sat on his bed cross cross applesauce, uncomfortably hunched over every time I needed to write.

Vylad's idea of supervision was simply rereading everything I wrote and glancing over at me a few times. In a way, it made me feel like he was satisfied with my work, which was a good feeling. He finally seemed content with me helping with class work, but across the hall his brother was anything but content.

Garroth walked into Vylad's room twice since I arrived. He never said anything, just walked in and stared for a moment before he walked away while leaving the door open. Vylad ignored him until eventually he would get annoyed by the noise coming from outside the room and get up to shut the door.

So I was not surprised when, for the third time, I heard his door creak open. I looked up at Garroth who did nothing but stare back at me, honey bun in hand.

"The heavens have a weird way of torturing me." Garroth said before taking a bite.

I reached down and picked up my poster to present to him.

"You like my poster?" I asked raising it up and giving him a proud smile.

"No." Garroth said flatly.

Garroth saying no somehow concerned Vylad because for the first time in a while he looked back at me and at the poster. He studied me for a moment.

"I like your poster Y/N." Vylad said.

Garroth turned towards his brother and stared at him wide eyed.

Vylad glared back at his brother and raised his hands slightly in a 'wtf' motion.

"It's our poster Garroth, I'm allowed to like it." Vylad stated.

"Mm mi mi mmmi mi." Garroth raised the pitch of his voice and mumbled at his brother.

"Get out of here your distracting." Vylad said.

"Good." Garroth stated.

Vylad gawked at his brother in silence before speaking.

"Mom!" He screamed, surprising me slightly, "Get Garroth out of my room!"

Garroth gave his brother a glare.

"Knock it off you gremlin." Garroth said. He reached over and placed his hand on his brothers head, digging his fingers into his hair and pulling him by the scalp to make his chair roll.

Vylad pushed back at his brother hands and mumbled to himself as he began slapping Garroth in the hand and then kicking him in the shins as he got close enough. I sat in silence and watched the biggest confrontation I had ever seen between then two of them.

For a second I thought I might have to be the one to awkwardly tell them to stop, but Zianna appeared in the doorway behind her old west son. I watched as she stared before raising her hand and smacking Garroth in the back of the bed. Garroth pulled away from Vylad instantly and rotated his body to look at his mother.

"Ow." He stated bluntly.

"Leave them alone." Zianna said.

"I wasn't doing anything!" Garroth retorted.

"Go to your room." Zianna said, snapping her fingers at him.

Garroth slouched before turning around fully and walking around his mother and to his room, leaving the door open for Zianna to shut.

"My god." Vylad muttered, "You're dating that."

"Yeah." I stated, staring at his now closed door.

"Don't you ever get tired of him?" Vylad asked, he had turned himself towards his desk again and was already starting to type again.

I shrugged.

"Maybe. Not really."

"He never gets tired of you. All he talks about."


"Hey do you know how to do number eleven?"

I turned my head to look back at Nickel, my peace of silently doing my math homework having been interrupted. I looked back at my paper and my eyes raced to where I had done number 11.

"Um yeah, it's the same as nine. I just squared one side, and it the same as this equation." I said looking from my paper and then back to him again. He stared down at my work for such a long time I questioned if I should try and explain better.

"But this-" He said, "this isn't the same as this. One x is squared and one isn't."

He reached over to my desk and used his finger to motion across my paper. I stared down at my own work, realizing I had accidentally been using a formula that didn't exist.

"Oh yeah, your right sorry. I don't know." I stated, shaking my head and then starting to erase my work.

Without ever returning his hand to his own desk, he reached and grabbed onto my hand. Almost as if he were attempting to teach me to hold a pencil, but he was halting my ability to write all together.

I turned my head to him startled. He responded immediately by letting go.

"Sorry." Nickel said, "It's just that you don't need to erase everything. Just this line." He pointed down at my work. "And then you can square this from there."

"Thanks." I said quietly. With my now free hand I followed what he had said to do. "Why'd you ask me if you already knew how to do it?"

"Oh- I just saw that you did it wrong. Wanted to let you know." He said.

I refused to look back up at him but I could feel his gaze on me.

"You could have just said 'hey y/n I think your wrong on that one.'" I stated.

"Yeah sorry. I guess I just didn't want you to think I was being a smart ass." Nickel laughed slightly and finally removed his hand from my desk and placed it on his.

Top Dog (Garroth X Reader) [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now