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Things that morning had started relatively normal, as they usually do

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Things that morning had started relatively normal, as they usually do.

Sirius Black, current Lord of the House of Black, woke up next to his husband, had an elf make them breakfast, and got dressed for the day as he always did. 

The love of his life, Remus Lupin was up a few minutes later, preparing lesson plans for the coming year at Hogwarts.

Sirius had grown a lot in the years since he had graduated from Hogwarts. Faced with the fact that his younger brother had nearly died during the war and his older sister was nowhere to be seen, he'd had to mature and take care of what family he had left.

Sirius knew he had made plenty of mistakes during his school years, especially involving his siblings, and he would give anything to start over.

But that simply wasn't possible, and he had accepted this fact a long time again. The best he could do was apologize to everyone he had wronged (which he had done) and change his ways for the better.

When he and Remus sat down in the dining room, there was a flash of light and a letter floated from the ceiling.

The two shared a look before Sirius picked the piece of parchment up and unfolded it.


The noise of the Great Hall was as loud as it usually was, all the different houses holding their own conversations.

Seated at the Gryffindor table was the Potter family's firstborn, Harry Potter, and his two best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The three had been friends since their first year at Hogwarts, and even though they were only a year away from graduating their friendship was still strong.

Harry was poking at his food more than eating it, a thoughtful look on his face.

"What's wrong with you today, mate? You haven't even touched any of your tearacle tarts." Ron asked, looking at Harry's plate of food. He hadn't eaten anything during their breakfast, and it looked like he was skipping lunch too.

"I was thinking," Harry replied. He pushed his plate of food in Ron's direction and ignored Hermione's scolding about proper diets. "My parents have been acting weird lately."

"Weird how?"

"They've been arguing more, ignoring each other. Mom keeps screaming about someone named Adhara," Harry said, placing his chin in the palm of his hand.

"You don't think your dad's cheating, do you?"

"Ronald!" Hermione scolded, smacking his hand. "You don't say things like that!"

"What! That's the only reason I could come up with!"

Harry shook his head, tuning out the noise of his two best friends arguing again and returning to his own thoughts.

Ron was right, though. He couldn't think of any other reason for his parents to be arguing like they were.

The doors to the great hall slammed open and interrupted his internal monologue, prompting him to look up at what had caused the noise. Standing in the doorway was his pseudo-uncle and godfather, Sirius Black. Next to him was his younger brother, Regulus Black.

He didn't look very happy. In fact, he looked murderous, crumpling a piece of parchment in his palm and glaring at the teachers' table. Remus rushed in after him as Sirius made his way forward, trying to calm him down some.

It had little effect, especially with Regulus there being just as angry.

"What's wrong with them?" Ron asked between mouthfuls of food.

"I'm not sure..." Harry said quietly, watching his uncles storm towards the teachers in a rage.

"You think this is some sort of sick joke? Do you? I should kill you right here!" 

"What is the meaning of this?" Dumbledore asked, standing from his chair.

In response, Sirius threw the crumpled parchment in the old man's direction. Behind them, more confused groups of people entered the great hall. Most of the students had stopped eating and talking and watched the spectacle, all wondering what was happening.

Dumbledore picked the paper up, unfolding it and reading it to himself.

Harry noticed his father coming through the crowd of people that had entered the hall. Holding his own piece of paper with a distraught look on his face. His mother followed behind him, looking less than happy with the situation. 

Dumbledore looked genuinely confused. "I assure you, I have no idea why any of you were called here. Please, remain calm." He looked back at the paper Sirius had handed him, reading it again. "It says... there will be five movies containing the truth of what happened to Adhara Black-"

The crowd began whispering to one another, some wondering if this were a cruel prank.

Adhara Black hadn't been seen for nearly two decades. Why would someone have information now?

"And where she has been these last few years."

As soon as he had finished speaking there was another flash of light like the one that had brought the notes. A screen and a projector had appeared, replacing the teachers' table and there were five movies next to it, as promised.

Remus placed a hand on his husband's shoulder, leading him to sit down on an empty couch and getting him to calm down before the movies start.

Food was removed from the tables of the students and was changed to something more comfortable. Couches and cushioned chairs next to coffee tables with various snacks and drinks. Everyone began to get comfortable in their new seats, but there was still an air of uncertainty in the room.

A muggle-born student Harry didn't know the name of went up and put the first movie into the projector. It lit up, and the first movie of five began.

 It lit up, and the first movie of five began

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