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Rain beats the roof as Eric and Bella walk into class together

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Rain beats the roof as Eric and Bella walk into class together.

"Prom committee is a chick thing but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway, and they need a guy to help choose the music, so I need your playlist."

More than a few girls looked less than impressed.

"A chick thing?" Lavender scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Bella hangs her coat up on the rack

"Hey, listen, I was wondering did you have a date to..."

Bella is about to respond when Mike comes up to them, shaking his wet hat off over her head.

"What's up Arizona? Huh? How you liking the rain? Better get used to it."

Bella laughs quietly at his actions, before turning and noticing Edward is back in his seat.

"Yeah, Mike, hey, you're real cute man."

She takes a deep breath. He's looking directly at her.

"I don't like his face," Ginny says.

Cedric Diggory looks confused.

"What's wrong with my face?"

"Nothing, it's his face I don't like."

"We have the same face."

"His is more unsettling, especially how he's looking at her. Like a predator watching its next meal."

A throat clears behind the three, and Adhara smiles at them, soft and sweet.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't block the doorway."

"R-right! My bad-"

"Absolutely down bad."

"She has them wrapped around her finger."

Narcissa smiles, knowing Adhara had always been good at getting men and women to do as she pleased.

Mike and Eric hurry to move, and Bella mumbles an apology.

She walks to her seat silently, not saying a word to him as she sits down and puts her bag next to her.


She stops, stunned. She hadn't expected him to say something first.

"I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. My name is Edward Cullen. You're Bella."

"This dude bipolar?"

"Uhm, yes." Bella nods awkwardly.

Edward glances behind him, where a few seats away Adhara sits with Angela. She makes eye contact with him and narrows her eyes, as if warning him. Bella hasn't noticed the interaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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