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Adhara is sitting in the Cullen's house, straight proper as she watches the family plan what to do next

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Adhara is sitting in the Cullen's house, straight proper as she watches the family plan what to do next.

"And what if he can't handle it, what then Carlile? We'd all be exposed!" Rosalie says angrily to her adopted father.

"What are they murderers or something?" Ron asks. Hermione smacks his arm and ignores his yelp.

"I doubt it," Harry said.

It looks to be morning, but you can't really tell with the rain and clouds covering the sun.

"Calm down, Rosalie," Esme says gently.

"We will be fine," He speaks firmly. Refusing to listen to the clan's worries. "If anything happens, Adhara can handle it."

Adhara scoffs, looking like she'd rather die. A complete change from the sweet-looking teenager they saw earlier.

"Absolutely not, I will not be getting involved in your family's drama. I only came to let you know what was happening." She goes back to checking her nails. "I don't trust her, and I don't like her. Furthermore, I'm not just here to clean up your messes."

"That's more like how I remember her," Narcissa whispers with a nostalgic smile to her husband.

"She's a good actress, I'll give her that." A pureblood Slytherin girl says, sounding impressed.

"I don't trust her either." Rosalie crosses her arms over her chest. "That girl is gonna cause us plenty of problems, I don't need Alice's powers to figure that out." Emmett hugs his wife from behind, trying to calm her down some. It seems to work.

"So they've got powers? Are the witches and wizards too?"

"I don't think so, otherwise Carlisle wouldn't have commented on Adhara being the one to fix their problems."

Carlisle had always favored Edward, his first "son" and it was very obvious in moments like these.


"My magic is not a free for all to use as you please to get you out of your shitty situations," The dark-haired girl says. "Eddie found his blood singer, I say kill her and get it over with."

"Kill her?"

"They know about magic? Are they muggles?"

"Maybe they're magical creatures."

"What's a blood singer?"

"If not she's exposed our race to at least seven people, who knows how many more!"

"Quiet down!" an Auror yelled at the whispering crowd. "Nothing can be done until the movies are over, and we have all the facts."

"We can't do that and you know it." Carlisle sighs in disappointment.

Adhara shrugs without a care.

"Alice, Jasper? What're your opinions?"

"She's very... difficult to be around." The blonde says hesitantly.

"I think she'll become an important part of our family, in the very near future." Alice smiles as she says this, ignoring Rosalie's annoyed groaning and Adharas eye roll.

"And the Volturi?" The blonde man asks her. "Do they have to get involved if Edward doesn't do something about her?"

Dumbledore sighed and shook his head, finally understanding what had really happened to her. His only question was how had she survived?

"Who's the Volturi?" Ron asked. He didn't get an answer.

"Not that I can see."

"She's not even his mate. That I could understand, but the only reason he's interested is because he can't read her mind. Trust me, Eddie boy, there's not much interesting stuff going on up there."

A few people laugh, knowing from the thoughts they've been shown already that it's true.

Edward glares at her but doesn't move from where he's standing.

"Give her a chance Adhara," Alice says cheerfully. "I don't see her leaving our futures any time soon."

"Fine, whatever." Adhara stands from the couch and walks to the front door. "But I want you to know if she finds out about me, she won't be the only one paying the price." With a simple wave goodbye, she leaves the house.

"Edward," Carlisle says seriously. "If Bella finds out about us, leave Adhara out of it. Do you understand?"

Edward reluctantly nods and walks off.

As she steps out they get a full view of the modern home and the forest surrounding it, far away from any other people in Forks.

Getting in the same sports car she drove to school in, Adhara pulls away from the house and down the road.

For some reason, the new girl made her antsy and Adhara knew nothing good would come of keeping her around.

For some reason, the new girl made her antsy and Adhara knew nothing good would come of keeping her around

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