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Bella walks into Biology with Mike Newton

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Bella walks into Biology with Mike Newton. Mike points her to the teacher and goes to take his seat.

She notices Edward there as well, sitting by himself.

She passes in front of a fan at the front of the classroom, the air blowing her hair in random directions. Edward takes a deep breath and abruptly stiffens. He covers his mouth and nose with his hand, and Bella notices. She looks away, embarrassed and confused by his reaction.

"I don't like him very much so far." Ginny Weasley said with a glare at the screen. Even if he was good-looking, his attitude was terrible. There was no reason to react like that to a girl he'd just met.

"Welcome, Ms.Swan. Follow along as best you can until you get caught up." Mr.Molina says, gesturing to the only empty seat: the one next to Edward.

As Bella approaches, she's taken aback by the look on his face. He looks repulsed, furious even. But the oddest part is that his eyes are coal-black, and not the gold she remembers them being at lunch.

"What is his problem?" A Gryffindor student says.

Most of the Slytherins notice the change and note yet another weird detail to look into later. A few Ravenclaw write notes down as they watch, figuring it may be important later.

When she sits down, Edward stays as far as he can away from her.

He stiffly pushes one of the containers in her direction, exposing the Cullen crest on his wrist before moving away again. Bella frowned and sniffed her hair discretely.

"Poor girl, why is he reacting like that?"

As her teacher continues going through the lesson, Edward stares at Bella and looks as if he will throw up at any moment. The second the bell rings, he's grabbing his books and rushing out the door.

Bella enters the school office and nearly turns around to leave when she sees Edward there, talking to one of the administrators. He's asking about switching classes.

"There must be something open in sixth period? Physics? Biochem?"

"No, every class is full. I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology. I'm sorry." The administrator notices Bella and gestures for her to wait a minute.

Edward straightens, as if he had sensed her. He glares at her with piercing, hate-filled eyes. She backs up against the wall.

"I'll just... endure it." He strides out the door.

Adhara steps into the office after, rolling her eyes as Edwards leaves. She waves and smiles politely at the teacher at the desk as she drops a stack of papers off. She pretends not to notice Bella's staring before the brown-haired girl is rushing out of the office to her truck.

James Potter sighs quietly to himself. He risked a glance at his former best friends, both teary and still holding one another for emotional support. He understood... seeing the love of his life before his eyes after believing she was dead for years hurt.

The movie cuts to the next scene, this time outside of a diner. Inside, Bella and Charlie sit together to eat dinner. Several lodgers at the diner's counter offer her welcoming smiles, but Bella shrinks away from the attention.

The waitress, Cora, places down their meals.

"I just can't get over how grown-up you are," She says to Bella.

"Hey, Bella. You remember me? I was Santa one year." An older man says standing next to Cora.

"Yeah, Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four," Charlie says for his daughter.

A few parents frowned sympathetically, looking at their own children. 

"I feel bad," Regulus said. "It's obvious he cares about her, but she doesn't even call him dad."

"Wish our parents had loved us like that," Sirius said with a scoff.

"I bet I made an impression though, didn't I?" Waylon asks.

"You always do," Charlie responds sarcastically. Bella laughs quietly but doesn't say anything.

"Let the girl eat her burger, Waylon." The waitress shoos the older man away and turns to Bella. "As soon as you're done I will bring you your favorite. Berry cobbler, remember? Your dad still has it, every Thursday."

Bella doesn't remember, but she nods anyway. "Thank you, that'd be great."

Left alone now, Bella and Charlie continue eating together. They bump hands awkwardly when reaching for the ketchup, and Charlie passes it to Bella instead. It's silent as they eat. Laughter from a nearby family's table only emphasizes their discomfort.

"They're both so awkward it's almost painful to watch," Fred Weasley said. George nodded in silent agreement.

 George nodded in silent agreement

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