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A forest is shown draped in moss-covered trees that twist upwards towards the vast sky, reaching for the rare sunlight

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A forest is shown draped in moss-covered trees that twist upwards towards the vast sky, reaching for the rare sunlight. The forest is quiet until a voice is heard.

"I'd never given much thought to how I would die..."

The unknown voice causes a lot of confusion in the audience, and Sirius Black shifts impatiently in his seat.

Despite not knowing who was talking, her words cause some whispers in the audience, some wondering who would be thinking about their death so young.

Neither bird nor insect makes a noise, as a predator is near.

Suddenly a twig snaps, breaking the silence of the dark forest.

The trees whip past at a startling speed as the creature moves, chasing its prey. Up ahead, a glimpse of the animal is seen: a deer, running for its life from an unknown predator.

There is a bright white light as the deer jumps, trying desperately to outrun the predator that only seems to be gaining on it. Its silhouette is seen against the light before it's knocked out of the frame and the bright white remains.

Some of the younger students jump as the animal is knocked from the frame, and feel sympathy for the poor deer.

"But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go..."

Even if he didn't say anything, Sirius agreed.

Bella Swan is shown, standing in front of the sun and holding a potted cactus.

"So I can't resent the decision that brought me here to die.."

The older students and adults frown, wondering to themselves why such a young muggle girl was going to die.

The background comes into focus, and Bella is standing at the end of a cul de sac on the desert's edge. The sun is blazing behind her, and she walks toward a blonde woman.

"I would miss Pheonix. I'd miss the heat. I would miss my loving, erratic, hair-brained mother."

Bella's mother is shown standing with her, giving her a hug and kissing her on the cheek.

"And her new husband."

"You guys, come on! I love you both. We got a plane to catch!"

"But they wanna go on the road. So I'm gonna spend some time with my dad. And this will be a good thing, I think."

"So her mother's just leaving her?"

The car pulls away from the house. Music plays in the background as a plane is shown taking off. The desert scenery changes to forests and mountains as Forks is shown, and a police car is driving across a bridge and into town.

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