It's Dad Not Sir

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All we did that night was to take an innocent shower with kisses here and there but that is as far as it went. We then went to bed in our underwear, it was hot and there was no point in me hiding my body from him anymore as he had already seen it all, it was still a bit awkward but he promised that it would get better with time. We woke up Wednesday morning, took a shower together to save water *wink* then went to get dressed. I had brought a pair of black boyfriend jeans and a white cropped top, but I decided against the cropped top and raided Smith closet once again. I found him in there looking for something to wear, I asked him for a black t-shirt.

Bradley: I will need to go shopping soon because I keep losing clothes whenever you come around.

Me: Shut up and just give me a t-shirt, acting like you dont want me wearing your clothes.

Bradley: You know I love it when you wear your mans clothes, but we should go shopping for some clothes that you will keep here for when you sleepover or would you like us to wait until we move out?

Me: Move out? Of where?

Bradley: Come on babe, we are getting married in a few weeks so obviously we will be moving out.

Me: Yeah I get that I have to move in here with you guys right?

Bradley: Hell No, I will not live here with my wife in the same house as my parents. We will need our privacy.

Me: But we have our privacy here.

Bradley: There is no such, I want to be able to make love to my wife on the kitchen counter, the couch and everywhere around the house, so we cant live here.

I blushed a little because of that making love part, I may not be ready for it to happen but that does not mean that I cannot be excited about it.

Bradley: We should actually start looking for a place that is within reasonable distance from campus and also best suits our needs.

Me: Okay, you do the looking and I will just move in.

Bradley: Nope, it doesnt work like that. We will both do the looking, we will decide on it together.

Me: But I am too lazy to do that.

Bradley: Sulking wont help my Starr, we will do it together. Lets go have breakfast before your mother in law comes in here and drags us to the dining room.

We walked hand in hand to the dining room, dressed in black jeans, black t-shirts and black adidas slides.

Blake: Are you guys mourning or something?

Me: Yep, mourning the death of our haters.

Bradley laughed and gave me a high five.

Bradley: I wouldnt have thought of that but I guess youre right babe.

Me: Good morning everyone.

Them: Morning lovebirds.

We then had breakfast in between some cheerful banter, then we left the house at 9h30. We both had English at 10h30, we parked on campus just after 10. We took our bags, phones and the food we had bought the previous day. We locked the car then went to the nearest bin to dispose off the food, we had completely forgotten about it and we were not about to try eating it after it spent the night in the car. We arrived at the lecture venue 5 minutes before it started, so we sat there browsing through property24 looking for houses. I was just passing time, I cant afford to buy a house so my heart wasnt into that, I voiced this out but he just said I shouldnt worry about it.

Bradley: Dont worry your gorgeous little self about that, we will make our dads pay, punishment for deciding to get you married even before you had your first boyfriend.

Thats a smart move I have to say, but I am not sure I want a house just yet.

Me: Okay but how about we get an apartment first. We already skipping the dating stages of our relationship, lets not skip the first stages of living alone either.

Bradley: Okay, thats fair. We will continue this conversation after class.

The lecturer walked in and greeted us, then went straight to the business of the day. A while later we are in the car about to call the dads.

Me: Okay you will call your father in law, and I will call my father in law.

I dialed Andres number and it rang a few times before he answered, I got super nervous. I put the phone on speaker then spoke to him.

Me: Mr Smith, uhm youre speaking to Naledi.

Andre: Yes Ledi I know its you, and I told you to call me Andre or dad. Is everything okay? What has that blue eyed idiot done now?

Me: Everything is okay, and he hasnt done anything wrong, I was just hoping to maybe set up a meeting with you this afternoon if possible.

Andre: Why do you sound so formal, what is the meeting about?

Me: I cannot tell you right now but I really need to meet with you, if not today please let me know when, as soon as possible though.

Andre: Okay, we can meet Friday morning, because I am busy this afternoon and I will be in Port Shepstone tomorrow, weekend away with Steph from Friday afternoon so yeah.

Me: Okay, thank you, see you on Friday morning then, at Offices, Bye.

I said then quickly hanging up before he got a chance to protest. Bradley then called my dad and put it on speaker as well.

Dad: Smith Junior.

Bradley: Hi Mr Ngcobo, how are you?

Dad: I am well thanks and yourself?

Bradley: I am well thanks, uhm sir

Dad: Its dad son, dad.

Bradley: Uhm dad, I was wondering if you are free Friday morning for a meeting.

Dad: It depends on what the meeting is about, if it is work related then sure I am free, if not, you can see me after hours son.

Brad: Well in that case it is work related, I will come to your offices, see you bright and early Friday morning dad, bye.

He also hung up quickly and we then laughed at how we both approached this.

Shortly after the calls we went to our classes only to find that they had been cancelled by the SRC, apparently they were going to start a strike, I dont know why. We decide to leave, we drove out and headed towards North Beach, we werent dressed for it but we wouldnt let that stop us. We parked and tried walking on the sand which was a complete fail because the sand was extremely hot so we opted to grab lunch at Joe Cools, where we ordered some food and drinks, we chilled, chatted and ate. Around 16h30, we settled the bill and went back to the car, he drove me home, he was going to come in and greet my mom but when he noticed that dads car was outside, he got out of the car, opened my door the gave me my bag, hugged me and landed a kiss on my forehead then went back to his car and drove out quickly.

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