Chapter 2

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Turned down. It wasn't a first, others had when I had first asked them out, but I always managed to get them out on a date in a couple days. Kadence, was an exception. She'd had known me more than any other girl I'd ever known which would make her harder to subdue. For once, I could actually challenge my skills. I knew that she, especially she, could put up a fight. But when Kadence Monroe had glanced back when I closed the door and our eyes met, I'd definitely fallen for her, but it was weird, most girls I'd dated, I didn't feel any connection. They had a crush on me so I was just doing them a favor. Something nice. Kadence would probably say something that was the complete opposite. Kammerron Rose. Her name was was on the top of my tongue. It brought wondrous thoughts to my mind. Tropical vacations, snorkeling, Hawaii. Kammeron Rose sounded like a name from a tropical place like Hawaii, but that was Kona, Kadence's best friend. Nova had liquid dark chocolate brown eyes and her hair , silky, long, and curled, was a mixture of milk chocolate, golden brown, and mostly caramel and in a high ponytail. Kona, her friend, looked a complete stereotype of a Hawaiian girl-long curled black brown hair, dark dark brown eyes, and cocoa colored skin. I find this ironic because Kona was only half Hawaiian. Kadence had turned me down cold. Boy, this was going to be a real challenge. Kadence was practically a final for my skills. I knew I had to step up my game if I was going to win her over. Even if she was the kind of girl who was obsessed with books, grades, libraries, and school, I felt some kind of weird pull toward her. Maybe it was jealousy. Maybe it wasn't. Still, I knew what was happening, I was falling for Kadence Rose Monroe. I was in love with her. The only problem was she didn't trust me. She knew my ways, knew how avoid them. She was smart I'll admit, but I still have some tricks up my sleeve.

I spotted Briar, Kadence's somewhat step in mother since her father, a homicide detective who was never home, watering the flowerbeds. Kadence had a younger brother, Austin. Quickly, I walked over. She smiled when she saw me.

"Hi, Ashton, is there anything you need?" She asked cheerfully. I put my hands in my pockets and looked up into one of the windows, in which I could see Kadence leaning against, reading a book.

"Well, no, but I'm on the lacrosse team for my school. I know that Kadence swims at the pool which is right next to the field which I practice at. I could drive her to her practices. I mean it's the least I can do for you ever since you helped cook for my family when my mother was in the hospital," I offered.

"Thank you, Ashton, that'll be great, unless it's out of your way," Briar smiled.

"It's not," I assured her. Briar smiled and nodded. "Do you need some help with the weeding? I can-"

"Ashton, dear, I think I can handle this, please, you're already driving Kadence to practice. You don't have to do most of job," She cut me off and I nodded. I heard a door close. Kadence appeared, walking down the steps. She had on a light blue summer dress, white sandals, a brown leather bag that hung from her right shoulder with sunscreen and a bunch of towels in it. In her other hand, was a bright blue bogie board.

"Hey, Briar? Kona and I are gonna go-" she froze when she saw me. I smiled and waved my hand. She cautiously walked down the last step, eyeing me.

"Go on," Briar nodded. Kadence cleared her throat. Her eyes never left mine. Mine never left hers.

"Kona and I are gonna paddle out," she sounded nervous and uncomfortable. Briar nodded. Kadence's still hadn't left mine. They held a challenging sort of glint in them.

"Oh, Kadence, from now on, Ashton's going to pick you up from school and drive you to swim practice. Briar informed her. Kadence made a choking sound in her throat. Her eyes widened and went back and forth between Briar and me.

"What?! Excuse me?" She stepped back.

"Well, since Ashton's lacrosse practice is on the field right next to where you have your swim practice at, he thought it would be a good idea," Briar explained. Kadence turned to face me. Her expression went from anger to being shocked and then to a lot of different things. I was surprised I hadn't run back inside screaming because she eventually looked like she wanted to torture me and then after that murder me.

"That' I take the bus with Kona," she whimpered. For a second I thought she was going to break down crying and Briar was going to get angry at her.

"Kadence, it's just easier for me and besides it's not out of Ashton's way," Briar pointed out. Kadence opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it. Briar was definitely not someone to get into a fight with. Kadence had learn that in third grade the hard way. She knew that started an argument here and about this was not the time nor the place. Besides, who was going to turn it down. It was easier for Briar, like she had said. Nova was silent. She gave me a death glare and then briskly walked off. I could tell she was angry, but now I was now one step closer to winning her over even if she really hated me right now. Our block was separated from the beach by only one block. It was a short walk. It was hot out today. Smiling, I took off my sweatshirt to reveal a grey tank top.

"I think actually might go and join her," I grinned and retreated back to house to change. On my way out, I stuffed my house keys into my pocket, praying that I would loose them in the ocean and my surf board. Kadence Monroe, here I come.

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