Chapter 7

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I remembered everything from that night. Every little detail. Every curl in the hair to the velvety feeling of the chairs.
I rang the doorbell. A woman with long blonde hair that was curled to perfection and dark blue eyes answered it. I took out the crumbled piece of paper that was in my pocket in which I had written Ashely Grylie's, my mother, address.
"Ashley Grylie?" I asked. The woman squinted her eyes as if trying to see something that was too far away.
"Are you...Kammerron Rose," She asked, her eyes widening.
"Most people call me Kadence," I smiled.
"Come in! Come in!" She grinned. So far so good. Everybody was seated at a dinner table. Three kids and a guy. "This is Mellie, Brady, and Leslie," she pointed to the kids. Mellie and Brady must have been twins, because Leslie looked older, thirteen. Mellie and Brady both looked eleven. "And this is my husband, Bruno," She pointed to the guy. Mellie and Leslie just narrowed their eyes at me. Then, they glanced at each other and raised an eyebrow. Brady just shrugged. Bruno gave his wife a look like Seriously? Timidly and silently, I sat down in my seat. Ashley set the food on the table. Steak, mashed potatoes, and grilled asparagus. Yum! I started to reach for my knife and fork, when Ashley cleared her throat. All eyes where on me as I made my hands retreat and my eyes focused on my feet.
"Sorry, Nieva, we say grace before we eat," Ashley informed in a matter-of-factly tone.
"As if she had the common sense to know that," I heard Mellie snicker in Leslie's ear. Both girls giggled.
"Or the knowledge of proper manners!" Leslie sneered into Mellie's ear. They giggled again. After grace we dug in. The food was great. Then, Bruno went back into the kitchen to get the dessert. Coconut Cream Pie. The worst part, my mother knew that I didn't like coconut and I had told her that in my letter that I had written to her. Hell, I had underlined the whole sentenced three or four times and wrote it in red! I also knew she didn't like coconut. My dad had told me multiple times and guess what she did. She grabbed the biggest slice stating that it was her favorite dessert.
"What's wrong? Are you allergic?" Bruno asked in a sort of taunting kind of tone.
"No, I just have never like coconut. I'm really sorry," I informed him shaking my head. He frowned.
"Shame," he muttered and went back to eating his food.
"I'm gonna go get a breath of fresh air," I informed them trying to stop myself from crying. On my way out to the backyard I grabbed my phone and my bag. As soon as I had closed the door behind me, I leaned back against the wall, and let myself slid down it. The sting of it scrapping my back didn't bother me. Once I was one the ground, I curled into a small ball, clutching my knees to my chest, and just let it all come out. Sobbing. Why? Why? What did I do to deserve this? My mother's family hated me? How many signs had gotten? To many to count. They didn't want me around. After a couple minutes of crying I tried to grab control of myself and stop the crying, but my voice was still proof. I found my phone and dialed Ashton's number. Pick up! Pick up! Please! I thought desperately. Then just as I thought it would go to voicemail-
"Kadence?" His voice made me smile.
"Hey, Ash? Are you still here?" I asked.
"Hey, Ashton, I have to go. My mom just texted me. Bye," I heard someone else's voice from the phone. It sounded like Kona.
"Yeah. I'm still here. We can talk about what happened in the car," Ashton replied in a calm voice. I sniffled.
"Thanks," My voice cracked. I made my way around the house without going through it. Once, I got past it, I found Ashton's car and slipped into the passenger seat.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Ashton asked.
"They don't care about me! They don't want me there," I sobbed into his shoulder. He put my arms around me and just let me pour out all her feelings.
"What kind of parent wouldn't love Kadence? She was perfect. Straight A's. Swim team. Kind hearted. Polite. She didn't deserve any of this!" I heard him murmur.
"Thanks, but I'm not perfect. My mother abandoned Austin and I for some reason that I don't know of. I'm also ADHD," I forced a smile. He shook his head. He turned on the car and drove me back home. My dad and Briar were waiting for me. I tried to cover up he tears, but I had a feeling I had done a bad job when Briar gave me a concerned look when I stepped out of the car. My room faced Ashton's and there was a tree in the middle. I threw on my school sweatshirt, neon blue with white hearts pajama pants, and short cream colored Uggs, or as I like to call pajamas. I heard my door open. Ashton smiled at me. I climbed out of the window and into the tree.
"Thanks," I smiled at him.
"Thanks for being there when I need someone even if I did drench your shirt,"
"Hey, totally worth it. Those people were jerks. They don't know how amazing you are. You are everything a family could want. I mean straight A's, swim team,"
"Are you just saying that to earn some trust points?"
"No, I'm was just saying that because it's the truth,"
"I'm still flawed,"
"Everyone has a flaw, Kadence. Doesn't matter how perfect you are-you still have a flaw. It makes you human. Makes you you. It makes you different,"
"This kind of nice,"
"Just hanging out in the tree. You dating anybody new?"
"No, but if I was, would you be jealous?"
"Jealous of you? Please, Vacara! Maybe if you were Dylan O'brien!"
"Yeah, but I'm hotter than Dylan O'Brien,"
"In your dreams, Vacara!"
"You know it's the truth, Monroe!"

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